Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Blind Item #8

This B- list multiple Academy Award nominated actress gave up on ever finding a guy she wanted to be with who was also heterosexual and says that her homosexual husband was the best decision she ever made in her love life.


  1. I feel her pain. I've given up as I cannot seem to find a guy who enjoys being pegged yet also loves being called Daddy. Maybe I should just settle for a gay guy to gossip with....who would let me watch him and his boyfriend get it on.

    I must research this....

    1. I'm right there with you...keep me posted on your findings!

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM


  3. Anne Hathaway

    Might be the way to go.

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I was thinking AnnE as well but wouldn't she be more then B-? Her husband is gay though.

  5. Laura Linney or Frances McDormand? Does that Coen brother have any gay rumors circulating?

  6. Enty has called Anne A list many times.

  7. Hathaway is A list (i hope in a world when Ryan Reynolds is named A list)

  8. Anne hasn't been nommed multiply times. I think Laura and Frances have been. I can't think of anyone who fits better.

  9. What are we ranking Natalie Portman? Kiera Knightly?

  10. I would think she does not have any sort of "love life" with her gay husband. Where and with whom does she get her sexy on?
    Never mind, if it's Anne, I don't want to know.

  11. France's. Kid is adopted and she has been nominated 3 times and been married 30 years. Laura has been married twice has no kids.

  12. Glenn Close, lots of partners and marriages, the most recent being 2006?
    I don't like this blind - I'd it's ever revealed that means outing the spouse by default. And why is it our business anyway? There's a lot to be said for companionship.

  13. Anne has been nominated twice, and won one of those times. She was nominated for Lead Actress for "Rachel Getting Married", and Supporting Actress for Les Miserables, which she won. That said, I hope this isn't her. She's very young to have settled.

  14. I can't seem to find MR RIGHT either....but a good friend of mine has a big gay roommate who knows all the best gossip, gets the best pot, and does hair. Sounds good to me.

  15. Isn't AnnE kinda you to have given up on finding "Mr Straight"? But, she does fit the clues.

  16. I can see why people think its Anne, but she's not B- even in Enty's weird system. He just ranked her A list in a blind last week and in a reveal (supposed boob job) a couple months ago. Think someone who hasn't won an AA, maybe nommed in the last decade: Linney, Toni Collette, Emily Watson, Vera Farmiga? Glenn Close is higher than B-.

    McDormand is married to one of the Coens I think that would be mentioned if this was her. I think there have been prior blinds here about them being swingers.

  17. @Brenda, that option doesn't sound bad. And he won't be jealous if you go after the pool boy.

  18. If this is Frances then it follows her characters storyline in friends with money

  19. AnnE. She was, incredibly, nominated for that awful Rachel Gets Married or whatever the hell it was called - the one where she chewed the scenery even more thoroughly than usual.

    She is a B - she can't open a movie to save her life. The BSA Oscar means nothing (Marisa Tomei and Tatum O'Neal have them, too). Oh and her husband is totally gay.

  20. Laura Linney. 3 Oscar nominations but no wins.The B- list label fits. She has been divorced once and didn't marry again until like 9 years later, so it seems like it took her a while to finally find someone. Also, her husband gives me gay vibes.

  21. http://www.more.com/news/womens-issues/laura-linney-love

    "By the time she flew to Colorado to promote Kinsey at the 2004 Telluride Film Festival, accompanied by her mother, she was resigned to being self-sufficiently single. “I had given up,” she recalls."

    “I’m learning a lot from him about joie de vivre. I know really well how to work; the life part is harder for me, and he pushes me to live a bit. We laugh a lot.”

    "Her recent domestic bliss is welcome news to her friends. “I had been telling her for a long time, ‘You need to date out of your species,’ ” says Jeanne Tripplehorn"

  22. From another article:


    "...But her personal life during that period was unsettled and unsatisfying. Armistead Maupin, the openly gay author who wrote the books on which “Tales” was based, was her date for the Oscars when she was nominated for “You Can Count on Me” and served as a sob sister for her during the early 2000s, when he, too, was between relationships. He remembers riding beside Linney in the 2003 gay-pride parade in San Francisco, where she remains an icon, thanks to Mary Ann, whose dippy flight-attendant dress Linney put back on for the occasion.

    “We were smiling, waving,” Maupin recalls. But as they glided along, Linney broke into a sad, made-up song. “Under her breath,” he says, “Laura was singing: ‘We’re two lonely people in a car. We’re two lonely people wondering where our boyfriends are. We’re two lonely people in a car.’ ”

    *If* it's them, more power to her and her husband. They sound like wonderful people who deserve all the happpiness in the world.
