Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blind Item #8

Dear ___________ (dadager)

A little holiday present for you. That guy who wants to be your future son in law is spending thousands on Viagra every month to convince your daughter that he is straight. Maybe over the pumpkin pie you could talk to him about your turkey leg.



  1. How expensive is Viagra?
    THOUSANDS of dollars?
    There aren't even thousands of hours in a month.


  2. Bruce Jenner
    Kan-ye' hand me my blue pill B*&$#!!

  3. Tom Cruise -- Bella

  4. Tom Cruise wouldn't be considered a dadager.

  5. I know it's written about Simpson, but it reminded me. There was a article about actors who were never seen again for crazy reasons, and one was Thora Birch. They compiled all the shit her damager* pulled (telling actors how to do her in sex scenes, threatening people) -- seeing it all in one place was horrifying.

    * Damager: Dad-Manager, which I just coined. You're welcome.

    1. I've read a lot about Thoras dad. He sounds like he is completely obsessed with his own daughter.....very smarmy.

  6. I'm with bacon on this one. In what world does Viagra cost thousands of dollars a month? I can get them for free on a Doctor's script. It's handy if you want some extra cash as they sell like hot cakes on the club scene, girls love them too. But the best price you can get is a tenner a pill and the doc won't give you more than 15 in a month. I WISH they were as valuable as Enty thinks.

  7. PMK is momager not Bruce as dadager has to be Joe.

  8. Jess's guy never struck me as gay but you never know I guess.

  9. Darn it -- Tom Cruise isn't a dadager -- love that term.

  10. We shouldn't all assume hes talking about Jessica here he might be talking about Asslee and Evan Ross.

  11. One could make that much selling them to Rush Limbaugh... he got caught with a bottle of Viagra with someone else's name on it.

  12. @Renoblonde this is Ashlee and Diana Ross' son, Evan I think his name is. If they've been friends for years, I think she should have a clue about him bring gay. It also says a lot about him trying to marry her when she's at her worst. She needs rehab.

  13. I have heard that Cialis is better than Viagra.

  14. @Count. It depends on why you are taking them I suppose. They both do the same thing but Cialis works quicker and longer. Which is good if you are taking it for erectile dysfunction and still want to be capable the following morning. If you are taking it with MDMA for the 'sextacy' buzz then either will fit the bill. Don't do it with a hint of a dodgy ticker.

    Personally I'm getting a bit old for that shit now. Feels like a troupe of baboons are trying to punch their way out of my chest. Puts you off the vinegar stroke ;)

  15. Craig: the way I heard it, and tell me if this is wrong, was that Viagra keeps you rock hard even after you nut and that Cialis will let you go flaccid, but a slight breeze on your junk will have you spring to life in seconds.

  16. I could not really say Count. i've only used it in conjunction with stimulants and whilst it is definitely performance enhancing personally it's a rare thing that I'll be able to 'pop'. Go for hours if the lady chooses but climax is tough. On the other hand the following morning it's difficult not to, if you get my drift. Never been an issue though, I can get like that if I've had a few too many beers and nothing else. There is as much pleasure in giving the lady pleasure, right?
    My understanding of Cialis ( it's not so easy to get hold of in the UK ) is that it does not necessarily keep you erect for the whole period but that it will get you rising to the occasion very easily for 30-36 hours.

    Personally I'd find that a little inconvenient. Especially if the family are home for dinner ;)

  17. I had an experience like that once on Meth. 4-5 hours of trying that night (poor girl was completely worn out) and nothing, only to pop on like the 5th tug in the shower the next morning.

  18. Evan Ross has pinged on my gaydar for years.

  19. I like the Cialis commercials better, for whatever that's worth

  20. why does evan ross need a beard? Is he trying to get famous or something? Diana Ross' gay son would easily be crowned king by the gay community. Gay son of a gay icon! I don't get why he'd want to pretend to be straight.

  21. Gay son of a gay icon? Ist that Madonna's wet dream?

  22. I was actually going to go get the dictionary and look up "dadager"....LOL

  23. How would either Simpson female know if a guy is gay?!?!?!?!?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Craig you get Viagra for FREE with a script? My BIL has insurance and still pays $14 a pill!

  26. Bruce and Gayfish But is it really a secret?

  27. Remember how nick lachey said that the best part about not being with Jessica was not having to deal with joe try to grope him at thanksgiving dinner

  28. Anonymous7:20 AM

    You know a guy is gay if he only takes you from behind with a photo of Harry Styles stapled to the back of your noggin. Whilst listening to Robbie Williams.
