Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blind Item #8

The award for most meth use in a single three day weekend goes to this former Gossip Girl actress who was smoking when she made plans to meet her friend for dinner right after the bowl she was smoking and was still smoking yesterday afternoon when the friend came in person to check up on her.


  1. Raccoon eyes Taylor Monsen

  2. That is hot, but you really should be able to do enough meth on Friday to stay up all weekend w/o having to do more. Unless the effect is fleeting when smoking it, I don't know. I have only smoked weed and shrooms.

  3. Is it still called bowl even if it's not pot?

  4. @Count your troll tried to hit on me last night! Asked me if I wanted to Skype :(

  5. I just googled the broad to see what she looks like and them raccoon eyes pics are getting me going. All that eye make up mixing with tears and streaking down her cheeks during a depraved, tweeked out fuck fest would be about the hottest thing EVER.

  6. @Sandybrook: Yeah? Via email or in a comment section?

    I knew the troll was just a lonely, mental broad, hating on me for making her horny while she has no outlet for such feelings.

  7. Replies
    1. Definitely Momsen, and holy crap indeed, Amber! It looks like Kim Lardashian's contourer got ahold of her.

  8. Count, your troll is just plain MEAN. sad face.

  9. Whodathunkit. People have an appetite for dinner while on meth.

  10. @Amber.. scared of THAT!

  11. it could be that other one---the one that played Vanessa who always shows up on blinds

  12. How would one smoke shrooms?

    That's a new one on me...

  13. @Count in the comments in the pictures area the set with Kaley Cuoco totally out of the blue. I hadn't even posted there. Didn't confuse me as a female either called me bro.

  14. @Aemish: You never feel hungry, but if you sit down to eat, you can.

  15. @derek harvey - My thoughts exactly. Could be Jessica Szohr.

  16. Sad. So many people, so drugged up, yet still not causing as much harm to others like Lohan. Amazing!!!!!!!

  17. Shoulda got the Skype address, Sandy.

    Anyone think Fugazi Enty is shady enough to trade Fake Count's IP address for a decent blind item?

    If the stupid troll was pathetic enough to not realize the profile would give away they aren't me, they probably too stupid to use a proxy. I only mention this because it is too late to use a proxy now, as the IP is already logged numerous times.

    For 2 blind items, you think Fugazi Enty would make an Entern search the database for other screen names posting from said IP?

    Whattaya think I could get just for linking the Jenna Jameson story on porn boards, to bump the clicks?

    If you are reading, Fugazi Enty, my email is in my profile. You can initiate negotiations at your leisure.

  18. @Count - Awww...give Fake Count a break. It's probably just some miserable cat lady*.

    *Not all cat ladies are miserable. :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. count, if my memory is right, you are contradicting yourself regarding your recreational activities. not that i care so much, just weird given all the simulacra about.

  21. @NYer: what is my contradiction? I have used meth, but never smoked it. I would be left wanting without the adrenaline from the burn of snorting it.

  22. my mistake--i did not catch the smoked distinction.

  23. @NYer: I am glad that was just a misunderstanding. I am nothing w/o my credibility :)

  24. Signourney Weaver got a drug thing going on right now

  25. Signourney Weaver got a drug thing going on right now

  26. Can't be Momsen - she was on tour with her band.

  27. You'd have to get the IP from Blogger and not enty unles they were dumb enough to email him.

  28. @Robert: Really? That blows. Another reason WordPress and a stand alone site are better.

  29. i have emailed enty several times over the years. ask him nicely and he may give you my ip. what do you think you'll do with it? i sure am on your mind alot lately.

  30. @Fake Count: LOL! You so sad you gotta use my lines on me? LOL! You are such a good huckleberry.
