Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blind Item #7

This former A list mostly movie actress is using pregnancy as her sobriety coach. After her most recent pregnancy she used more and harder than she ever has and that is saying something. She was desperate to get pregnant so she could get clean.


  1. She was my guess too

  2. Hope it isnt Drew. I really wish her well!

  3. What has she been doing besides pot?

    Also, pregnancy to get clean is as stupid as pregnancy to save a relationship.

  4. Sad. At least she cleans up while pregnant. I hope.

  5. Count, haven't you seen Reefer Madness? *clutching pearls* Pot is dangerous!

  6. Wow, Count J. That last statement was both profound and intelligent. Who knew?

    This blind is so sad. I wish her well, whoever she is.

  7. This BUMS. ME. OUT.

    It's interesting too that she's been able to disguise the use if this is her, because she always looks great in photographs - well dressed, refreshed, happy, and at a normal weight. If it's only pot that's totally okay with me. If it's anything more serious, I'm going to be very upset.

    I'm really trying to make this not her.

  8. @Tara
    I hate to break it out to you but Drew has been doing heavy drugs for a VERY long time. I believe she reported doing coke at the age of 13. She will always be an addict and struggle with addiction.

    Also a lot of drug addicts look great and at a healthy weight.

  9. I know someone for whom this actually worked. She's been sober for four years now and is a fantastic mother. Wouldn't recommend it as a rule, though (see Count's comment).

    I thought Drew had her act together. Bummer, because I really like her.

  10. My first thought was also Drew. But then who else is pregnant right now?

  11. Megan Fox is also pregs right now...but she doesn't scream "hardcore druggie". Then again, either does Drew.

  12. I always thought it interesting that given her past Drew came out with her own wine label/brand.

  13. Sounds like Drew, which is sad. Will she stay clean in between pregnancies to care for the children?

  14. This is Drew, I think. I remember she was talking about her winery business and her love of drinking wine on Ellen when her baby was a few months old.

  15. Replies
    1. Oops, not an actress...duh. I don't think it is Drew, though.

  16. I think it's Megan fox.

  17. Isn't Drew still A List? She may drink and smoke pot but I just don't see her doing the hard stuff anymore. Megan Fox seems more likely. BAG isn't a clean living kind of guy.

  18. Isn't Drew still A List? She may drink and smoke pot but I just don't see her doing the hard stuff anymore. Megan Fox seems more likely. BAG isn't a clean living kind of guy.

  19. I knew Drew was into heavy drugs at a very young age but I thought she had given those up a long time ago & kept to pot & alcohol now.

    Guess I was wrong.

  20. Drew is still Alist. Not her.
    Detox is totally healthy for a fetus. Geezz, these people are so ignorant and seld obsessed.

  21. I don't think it's Drew at all. She's been off the hard stuff for a loooooong time.

  22. if you have the willpower to stay clean while pregnant, don't you have the willpower to stay clean for your kids? I don't get it.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Maybe St. Angie Jo.

  25. Ok, I'll be the first to say that as a man, I'll never understand the experience that is pregnancy.
    However - I have to ask, if you were heavily using and stop when you find out you're pregnant, wouldn't there be a window where you were pregnant, didn't know it, and were using?
    Because even as clueless as I am, I know that it takes time for ya'll to be able to tell you're pregnant.

    I pity the poor child.

    1. If you're heavily using, I can't see how there wouldn't be an overlap, @Merlin D. Bear. I was one of the weird ones who knew I was preggers early, 2-3 weeks, but, that's still several weeks. The way this is written it sounds like Drew, but I thought it was a weed and occasional wine thing for her, nothing harder....
