Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blind Item #7

This B+ list mostly movie actress who is higher on the list than she probably deserves was tested for a very very serious STD this week because her husband never bothered to tell her about it before they got married. Since their marriage they have been having unprotected sex and she finally got around to asking him about all the meds he takes every day.


  1. Don't you need a blood test to get married? Huh?

  2. Replies
    1. Evan just had a baby. They test you for all that stuff when pregnant. Not her

  3. Not anymore. At least not in NV or NC where I was married.

  4. How the hell do you get married and not tell the other person you have HIV? Thems some serious charges and jail time, no?

  5. Jessica Biel. Justin got it from Britney.

  6. "...finally got around to asking him about all the meds he takes every day."

    This had to be a whirlwind romance, right? Would you date someone popping a dozen pills a day and not be like, "So... what's with the AZT?" Or at least Google it when he's not around?

  7. Scarlett or Zoe?

  8. I wonder if no clues on husband because he is not a celeb or if just designed to be impossible to guess.

  9. Zoe Saldana is an excellent guess---Enty always throws shade at her for marrying him!

  10. Sounds like Zoe, their romance and marriage happened fast so she probably didn't know him well or long enough to know about the meds. But B+ higher than she deserves, really? I think she's a good actress and having been in some of the biggest grossing movies makes that a fair ranking.

  11. "very very serious STD" suggests HIV or even full blown AIDS. This blind might be BS but if it isn't then it sounds like the guy knew full well that he is very sick with a transferable disease which has to mean this fuck is going to prison.

    1. Should be "transmittable" not "transferable" sometimes I don't talk good.

    2. If it was full blown AIDS, likely the husband would be showing some kind of symptoms and the actress should have known that there was a health issue. If the husband was being treated for HIV, medications now are so effective that he would not show any visible symptoms of the virus. It is also possible that the virus would not be transferred if the host was on meds and had an undetectable viral load.

    3. If it was full blown AIDS, likely the husband would be showing some kind of symptoms and the actress should have known that there was a health issue. If the husband was being treated for HIV, medications now are so effective that he would not show any visible symptoms of the virus. It is also possible that the virus would not be transferred if the host was on meds and had an undetectable viral load.

  12. JT and Biel do not have sex.

  13. Even if its a whirlwind romance, did she not scope out the medicine cabinet at some point? Hello!?! Always look for antipsychotics or valtrex!

  14. @dishy.. I got married in NYC 8 years ago and we didn't get blood tests..

  15. @NomNom83-That's exactly what I was thinking. "Hey honey, you ok? That's a mighty big CVS bag."

    I don't know if Ent is implying that he is HIV positive, but if he is, sooner or later wouldn't it be difficult to hide the illness? My mother died of full blown AIDS many years ago before treatment was as good as it is now. I am aware that you can live longer with HIV now, but I can't imagine how you could hide the meds, doctors visits, etc.

  16. They don't test any longer in New York either mind blowing isn't it…
    Brit got it way after Justin…I think during her meltdown,
    ATZ is not in the cocktail…that was the worst drug of all. And a person can go on and never get full blown aids …it's all the luck of the draw
    One of my friends keeps his med in a beautiful puzzle box..never in the medicine cabinet.
    I have many gay friends and none of them lie about their status, that is a crime.

  17. Testing isn't required here in Cali either, if you get a confidential marriage license (which means primarily that you attest that you are already living together as man and wife) I got one in 1990 with no test and no banns in the paper.

  18. Yeah. That's grounds for divorce right there. Then I'd press criminal charges.

  19. ZS got married in London though. I don't know about the testing there.

  20. I realize meds have come a long way, but you could still die an early death if there are any complications with your health. What a bastard. I'd be in jail. I'd murder his ass.

  21. They only used to test for syphilis and gonorrhea; they started offering AIDS tests, but it was opitional.

    I don't believe any state requires testing of any sort now.

  22. You guys are taking this too far, it's probably "just" herpes. I've never heard of AIDS being referred to as an STD.

  23. In the state of CA, you can get a "Confidential Marriage License" (which basically means you've already slept together) and bypass the traditional blood test.

  24. I still think the "Brit has HIV" was made up by her parents so no one would fuck her. They don't want her cutting anymore child support checks.

  25. Might be a good time to bring back blood tests now. Anything that slows down people from getting married on a whim is also a good idea if you ask me.

  26. Better yet Topper if you are the party who stands to lose money in a divorce situation, claim fraulent misrepresentation get the marriage annulled and any prenup agreements are void and the division of property is a whole new ball game I think though I am not sure how it works out in Cali

    Whether or not all people refer to HIV positive or AIDS as an STD the fact remains it is, though blood transfusion was another form of transmission though presumably that's is not the case today and I think sperm donors have to be vigorously screened god I hope so

    had a friend whose boyfriend was a hemophiliac, never told her about that, at the time that AIDS was just starting to be on everyone's radar and the issue of tainted blood supply was huge, it was in Canada anyway.

    Luckily she had been a smart girl and SHE always insisted on condoms.

    They broke up and a few YEARS later, he informed her he had contracted HIV from tainted blood supply and now felt he needed to disclose this.

    She got tested and was OK.

  27. could be Hep C no? I would consider that a very very serious STD….

  28. Cheryl, my sympathies to you on loss of your mom. Lousy way to go too. This guy is really playing with fire. Not disclosing hiv staus wld be deal breaker for, but hep just as serious. What a mess!

  29. Hep C is VERY serious and I am guessing it is this. Have to take liver meds for the rest of your life. If you have the chronic type, you will probably not look sick.
    Rose McGowan?

  30. Aclu fights tooth and nail against std and aids testing. I think its a health issue, not an indictnent of anyonne but people see it as violation of their rights. I say think of any potential children.

  31. Recently married, mostly movie actresses:
    Keira Knightley
    Christina Ricci
    Halle Berry
    I'm thinking that it's Ricci - she is forever B, maybe B+ if you stretch it.

  32. I never knew people had to take blood tests before marriage. I'm guessing it depends on the state you're in.

    It's very rare to get Hep C from sexual intercourse.

  33. I'm thinking this is Zoe Saldana. What a mess.

  34. I sincerely doubt this is HIV. If he were and was in meds, he'd be connected to ADAP funding so his state's dept of health would be aware of his status and he'd most like be case managed and his case manager would legally have a duty to warn so she'd know.

  35. Hep C Is very very serious ...... It's transmitted sexually and those meds aint no joke .... The husband has to be one of us regulars
