Thursday, November 07, 2013

Blind Item #6

This Academy Award nominee/winner B- list actress with the strange romance life and a recent television failure says that she was fine with her husband being with other women and she expected it of men in Hollywood. What she expected him to do though was protect himself which he didn't do and caused her to contract an STD. He swore it wouldn't happen again and that he would protect himself. Then she found out he got a woman pregnant. Bye bye husband.


  1. Minnie Driver? Her TV failure was not too recent, but I think her movie level qualifies.

  2. Minnie Driver is not married, and I don't think ever nominated.

  3. Can't be Minnie, not married

  4. Nominated yes (Best Supporting, Good Will Hunting), married no

    1. Wow. She was not good in that movie.

  5. Toni Collette fits since her show was cancelled and she was nominated (Sixth Sense) but she is still married unless she is getting a divorced?

  6. So, how does this convo go, anyway? "I will tolerate an STD, but no way in hell will I tolerate a child!!"

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      @meanierhysie: I think it's more that the child means he had lied in his promise to use protection? Also no one has to know about your STD but when there's a kid and a mother blabbing to the press about your husband being the dad, well that becomes a little sticky

  7. What does strange romance life mean if she's married?

  8. EVERYONE has HPV people, WEAR A CONDOM.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Condoms do not protect someone from HPV or herpes.

  10. Hope it isnt Christina Ricci.

  11. I don't either. Very common isn't the same as everyone.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      How do you know you don't? Often symptomless and most strains can't be tested for?

  12. Helena bonham carter?

    1. This is who I was thinking of, too. Burton/Bonham Carter are (were) perfect together in a strange sort of way. It's like they were an embodiment of his movies when you saw them out and about.

  13. "With the strange romance life?" WTF?

  14. Hey Sugar, I think what Murphy is getting at is the fact that something like 80-90 percent of the population will have an HPV infection at some point in their lifetime. Most times the infections clear up on their own. Only remaining in 5-10% of all cases. It's this 5-10% that will be higher risk for cancer. Approximately 1% of infections manifest as genital warts.

    There are actually 120 strains of HPV, of these about 17 are the sexually transmitted, cancer-causing kind.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Also most are symptomless and can't be tested for so you wouldn't know if you have one or not!

  15. V, I didn't assume that Murphy meant what you did but that is because they used all caps for 'everyone'. Either way it's good to have more info posted about it. Thx.

  16. Condoms can prevent herpes, it depends on where the sore is. Women can get internal sores that they never feel and a condom will most definitely protect against those as will one of those 'oral sex condoms' whatever they are calling them now. (Thank you college women's center safety and sexuality presentation).

  17. Amanda that is a fantastic guess!

  18. Dental dams

  19. HBC and Burton weren't married, I don't think. . .

  20. Thanks to V and FS for giving correct information (dayum V-are you a Dr or researcher? Very detailed).

    I know plenty of people with herpes and their partners do not have it because a) they were very careful and b) used extra protection to make sure they never infected them. Condoms do work.

  21. Helena and Burton were never married, she's higher than a B-.

    The only two names I can come up with are Vera Farmiga and Rachel Griffiths. Bates Motel is still on tv so eliminates the former, Griffiths show though was recently cancelled. I don't think she lives in Hwood or her husband is from here so not sure if they fit.

    1. HBC and Burton were married in 2001. I think the B- rating is accurate given that she is usually found in one kind of genre and she's always second or third fiddle to the likes of Johnny Depp or Daniel Radcliffe. She was in The King's Speech and loudly complained about it being a boy's club. Well it wasn't a Burton movie so I'm guessing hubby wasn't around to ensure she was kept in the manner she was accustomed to so reality hurt. B- fits, imo.

  22. I think strange romance life means that she dates unexpected people and that made me think of Laura Dern. Recent television failure Enlightened. Divorce in September 2013. She's dated a bunch of actors and it makes sense that she would expect infidelity with the length of her career and time socializing with famous people.

  23. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  24. Thanks Sherry. Not a doc, just lots of science, specifically microbiology and biochem :)

  25. Anna Paquin, won an AA when she was just a girl for The Piano, now on True Blood which has announced that next season is its last. "Strange romance life" as a self-professed bisexual married to costar Stephen Moyer who has been rumored to still be sleeping with his ex.

  26. Glenn Close, maybe?

  27. It's Mo'Nique. She has an open marriage with her husband and talked about it in a Barbara Walters interview before the Academy Awards. Her show was also canceled on B.E.T. She's not divorced yet but I'm sure it's impending.

  28. I've never understood the open marriage thing. Why get married? People always think they can handle it but the reality is not pleasant.

    I think Austyn Raines has it right.

  29. Not Dern. She and Ben have been separated forever.
