Monday, November 04, 2013

Blind Item #6

This A list mostly movie actor has been happily married for what seems like forever. It is really on the rocks now. Always faithful, our actor has been spotted with a woman half his age on the set of his new movie who has been with him 24/7. She watches him while he is working and then is in his arms the second his shot is over.


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM


    1. I like this Jackman/Alba guess. She may be ready to Cash it out on her own marriage. Of course, then she'll have to start hiring nannies...she's not changing those dirty diapers. Honest.

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Apparently he hasn't been happily married for a long time, eh?

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. so the guy is more 40 and the woman more 20
    no idea ! it's too vague

  5. "Never Cheats"

    *squint eyes*

  6. No idea.need more clues,too vague.

  7. Hanks you very much,
    Hanks a million.

  8. Bale. Set of Exodus.

  9. Is Pierce Brosnan considered A list? He seems like he's known for his fidelity and he's filming an indie film in LA with some young hotties. (Alba, Karlee Edldrige)

  10. It hurts me to make any of these guesses, but I am pulling them out of my “Noooooo!” bag because I don’t feel like IMDB-ing to find out who is filming right now:

    Jeff Bridges
    Colin Firth
    Alan Alda
    Anthony Hopkins
    Dustin Hoffman
    Kevin Kline
    Robert Redford
    Sam Elliott (not A-list)

    I live in the real world, so I seriously doubt that any of these guys have “always” been faithful. My guesses above are hardly ever papped, which means that they either: Had long-term side pieces on the DL for years, or they keep the philandering inside their social circle & only boink married friends who have just as much to lose or they simply don’t sniff the butts of every fame-whoring random that crosses their path, so they avoided the tabloids.

    After all that I’ve got nuthin’!

  11. God anyone but Jessica Alba. I'd like to think Brosnan and Jackman have more taste than that.

  12. Besides she has baggage, kids and a husband.

  13. From @CDAN Reader's list: CFirth has been married for a while, and is currently filming. While I don't like to think it...

  14. @bflogurl I think it's Hugh Jackman too, but Alba? Are they even doing a movie together? She's doing a movie with Pierce Brosnan…

    But uh I feel like this is Hugh Jackman, because the other blind seemed like him too. I think Enty got some Hugh scoop from somebody ~

  15. I have no idea why, but Dustin Hoffman is who I thought of first.

  16. Anonymous10:25 AM

    @omchill- YES!! I meant Brosnan/Alba but got called into the drs office and couldn't change it until now!!

  17. @FrenchGirl No way someone is hooking up with that mess of a beard! And he and his wife have been married since 2000, Hugh and his wife have been married since 1996…but idk

    @bflogurl Oh that makes more sense! But he and his wife have been together since 2001, maybe. Enty made it seem like this is a girl who isn't part of the cast, though. BUT Alba IS half his age (she's 32? he's 60ish..)

  18. What about Samuel L Jackson. He has been married since 1980, and he is filming at the moment.

  19. This is probably Brosnan, who's never had a whiff of infidelity about him through both marriages (1st wife died). He's also filming now and old enough to have a gf half his age. Disappointing if true. Someone on another site pointed out it was strange his wife didn't accompany him to his stepdaughter's recent memorial in the UK (she also died of cancer).

    This isn't Jackman because,[ahem] I don't think he'd be fooling around with girls; if Bale the girl would be a teen since he's not even 40, which is icky plus as noted here he takes his family on location everywhere.

  20. Please, nooooo…not Pierce Brosnan!!!!

  21. More proof that monogamy is the exception, not the norm.

  22. It is very vague but I'm going with Eric Bana as I have not heard anything about him.

  23. I hope it's not Firth... get back into the "Nooooooo!" bag, Colin guess!!

    do i remember correctly when I say there were rumors that Bale had cheated with AnnE and then proceeded to break her heart to go back to his wife as if nothing had happened?
    would that make him not eligible for this blind?
    does AnnE like boys?
    Oh, so many questions so little [tenuous] answers

  24. Brosnan and Alba...though I don't think he's A list.

  25. @L
    Bale never left his wife :there are some pics with Bale and his family together during and after TDKR filming (according to SHH's TDKR message boards,his wife often came on set)
    and Bale is with his family in Spain

    i was obsessed by Nolan's Batman movies (TDKR is weak compared to the 2 first)

  26. I reckon this is Will Smith. There is talk about a 23 year old woman being with him on set and there is a bit of a stir about that.



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