Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is now a B+ list Academy Award winner should watch out for her husband. She thinks he is perfect and loving and faithful but two of the women who are set to work for him are sleeping with him. The two women know about each other and the wife. They think it is normal behavior for a man in his position. The guy could have sex with a million women and his wife won't divorce him because she never wants to get divorced. Maybe if she found out she would change her mind.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Must be married to producer/director.

  3. I was going to say Michelle Pfeiffer, but she's only been nominated, right?

  4. Maybe someone who has never been divorced before?

  5. Frances McDormand is married to a Coen brother

  6. Julia Roberts? I think shes an academy winner not sure though.

  7. Yes. Julia is an academy award winner. Who can forget her Mr. Stick man speech?

    1. Thanks, Jason! :) I have to confess to a.d.d. when it comes to warching award shows. I am curious about the speech now tho so I may youtube later.

  8. @Kristin, I was thinking Frances McDormand too, but was she ever A+ list?

    Sissy Spacek?

  9. For once, no one can guess Ben Affleck

  10. I second the Michelle P guess. A man in his position to me means producer.

  11. Damn I'd hate this to be Frances, love her and Coen Bros movies. But agree, she's not A+ altho she probably should be.

  12. I was thinking Portman. They're moving to Paris because he's the new dance director at the Paris Opera

  13. Michelle and Kelly have been married forever - I don't know why but this makes me doubt it's her. Also I don't see why she wouldn't divorce him, she's no push over. But admittedly, I've had a girl crush on her since the beginning so am probably blind.

  14. Michelle P doesn't have an oscar, otherwise she would fit.

  15. Has Natalie Portman dropped to B+? I could see him sleeping with his dancers.

  16. Except for the perfect and loving and faithful part I thought this was GOOP. Hers doesn't work that way but almost everything else fits.

  17. I think this is Julia Roberts. She's a former A+ list actress, has an academy award and is now B+ list.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Danny Moder is in no power position...hes.either unemployed or still a cameraman...portman a great guess

  18. I like the Portman guess. If he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you.

  19. Portman sounds right, her husband is in a power position, has assistants and lots of dancers.

    I wish it was Julia though, just so someone would cheat on her like she's cheated on so many others.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Julia is A+++ You may not like her, but she could get a film of her reading a phone green-lighted. She's also divorced from Lyle Lovett.

  22. Rachel Weitz and Daniel Craig. He may be dumb, but he's got several more Bond movies down the road and surely has employees. She doesn't want to get divorced because everyone would laugh at her leaving Aronofsky.

  23. Or Jennifer Connolly and Paul Bettany. He is directing her in Shelter.

  24. Anyone have any idea what the last sentence is getting at? it seems to be completely inconsistent with the next to last sentence.

  25. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Nicole Kidman, because if she got divorced she'd be as much of a failure as Tommy Girl. Plus she is always spouting off about her perfect marriage. And there are probably a million women who would want to sleep with Keith Urban and another million women who already have.

  26. 'change her mind' Jennifer Connolly won for Beautiful Mind.

  27. I dont see Urban as sexual, not with that unhip hairdo and beads. not happening. dont know who it is.

  28. "The guy could have sex with a million women and his wife won't divorce him because she never wants to get divorced. Maybe if she found out she would change her mind."

    Um, what? She wouldn't care if she knew, but if she knew, she might care?

  29. Portman-Ballet Guy. The "set to work for him" implies an upcoming job with people under him. He'll be taking on the Paris ballet directorship in the spring I think. Portman being a former A+ is a bit of a stretch, but the current B+ fits and she as an AA.

  30. Can we please keep in mind that Danny Moder is a CAMERAMAN, for god sakes? Nobody's lining up to bang the cameraman to further their career.

  31. Portman is no way less than A-list currently. Jennifer Connolly was A+ at one point and is B+ now. She wouldn't want to get divorced because she's had problems with emotional stability in the past.

  32. Who is James Cameron married to these days?

  33. Cameron is married to an actress from Titanic. I can't remember her name but that's a good guess.

  34. Jim Toth, is an agent it's Reese. There were pics the other day of them having lunch with the cast of a new movie they are doing. He is all their agents.

  35. Can't be James Cameron. His wife's only semi-big role was Titanic.She's C-. And he's been married about 17 times and cheats, so why would she be surprised?

  36. I like the Reese guess. Her husband is an agent. Every girl trying to break into the business would kill to have him rep them.

  37. halle wont get divorced to save face. would rather look the other way, like eric benet

  38. Annette Benning.

  39. Jennifer Connolly is a great guess. I buy it, PB could definitely get massive amounts of strange, and she always has seemed somewhat disconnected to life, in general.

  40. Salma Hayek - AA winner for Frieda, married to that rich French guy. The French think that rich & powerful men having mistresses is normal.
