Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former B list mostly movie actor and now just general screwup who seemingly has a never ending supply of money says that the daughter everyone thinks is his isn't. He has said this repeatedly the past week or two. No one had ever heard him say it before. It could explain why he has not been spending much time with her at all the past year.


  1. Is Tom Cruise former B list?

  2. I thought Courtney and David adopted their children?

  3. I think she had IVF or something. She had several miscarriages before her daughter.

  4. And @Cleo I think your'e thinking of Monica and Chandler. :)

  5. Coco is absolutely an Arquette. Just look at her!

  6. Well that's sad....:( its not the kids fault. If he has a problem, talk to the mother. No need to humiliate a child. Selfish Selfish.

  7. I kinda thought Coco looked like her dad...

  8. Benico del Toro?

  9. I thought of Arquette. They did use IVF to conceive so theoretically, there could have been a sperm issue and donor sperm used. But still - how horrible! There is way more to being a parent than biology.

  10. Wonder why all the CC/ David Arquette dirt is coming out now. Agree this is David.

  11. Is there a normal Arquette out there?

  12. David Arquette called in to the Howard Stern Show in the last week or so and admitted he was drunk as shit.

    He kept talking about "the game" (not the movie starring Sean Penn) and was obviously off his rocker.

    He mumbled something to Howard about Coco being "his first child" and Howard later reflected about that phrase when David announced his girlfriend is pregnant.

    B list would be generous for David, in my opinion.

  13. She looks exactly like David.

  14. Anonymous3:45 PM

    youre still her dad jerk

  15. This is written as Arquette, but there's no denying CoCo is his kid, so why he'd say that is...bizarre, but not like his usual bizarre. As for Arquette, he gets his $$ from the Friends money that Courtney has flowing from the perpetual money fountain. I've heard that he guilted her so much over leaving him, and that he continually threatened suicide, that he's always assuaged her guilt by a blank check. Not that she owes him, just that is how it went down. I believe it.

  16. from what I understand, David's $ comes from their production company, and of course the Friends $

  17. But I don't think this is David Arquette, he always says on H Stern that he sees Coco all the time.
