Monday, November 11, 2013

Blind Item #6

This A list rap star had to be smuggled inside a florist van to visit his mistress/A list reality star. Well I guess she would be the one cheating so that would make him a mister? They have been ordered to not be seen together in public any longer because their romance is ruining the story line.


  1. Khloe and The Game but is he an A-list rapper?

  2. They're both cheating. He has kids, too. Idiots. I hope they actually like each other & it isn't just sex.

  3. It's getting to the point where I throw up a little in my mouth when I even hear the kartrashian name.

  4. I always wonder, with people named things like 'The Game' - what do their friends and family call them. Like, when Khloe wants him to pour her another glass of champagne, does she say 'Hey, Game, pour me another?' Or when she's mad at him, does she say 'Game, turn off that football game and pay attention to me!' Enquiring minds want to know.

  5. Easy one. Khloe ftw

  6. @Nutty - When an actress or actor guest stars on "NCIS: Los Angeles", LL Cool J comes up to them and says, "Hi. I'm Todd." (His real name). Of course LLCJ is truly the man and doesn't seem affected like the rest of those idiot rappers...

  7. So it's LLCT then? I thought his name was James?
    Anyhow, I saw him when I took a tour of the Paramount lot in LA and he is fine as fine can be. I was in a golf cart and saw him standing all alone. I waved, he waved. I turned around to look and waved again, he waved back, again. I looked one more time just for good measure and he smiled at me. ~swoon~
    I also had a conversation with Scott Baio! Who is still a total hottie too.

    Cool story, yes?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM


      LL Cool J=LAdies Love Cool James=James Todd Smith

  8. @Alabama I assume you're from there so let me clear something up for you. Just because someone has kids, doesn't not mean that they are cheating. He and his partner might not be together anymore. She may have passed, they may have not been together at all. For him to cheat, he either needs to be married or in a committed relationship with someone else. I know most people from your namesake state (that would be Alabama) marry their cousins, brothers or sisters or pet frogs so your thoughts on cheating may have 'evolved' (that was a joke since you don't believe in evolution) but the rest of us have a pretty clear cut thoughts on the issue. Good day and good road kill to you dear ma'am!

  9. Oh and @Alabama...when you state 'he has kids too...' what you're doing there is implying that the person you referenced before also has kids. Your sentence really reads 'They are both cheating. He has kids just like Khloe.' That's not factually correct is it? I think you should put down the moonshine and retake the 1st and 2nd grades.

  10. I see you're as charming as ever, Single Man. Why was that hate on Alabama necessary?

  11. @Sugar No hate. Just trying to enrich the lives of those who didn't recieve the same educational background as me. I know we hold Enty's feet to the flame everytime he put 'at' instead of 'by' or things related to that nature. No granted the points about retaking 1st and 2nd grade are a little heavy but it's Monday. I'll be nicer by hump day.

  12. @Sugar, cut Single some slack. It's not easy to be cheerful when your royalty checks are delayed because of Wednesday sales.

  13. The Game is not an A list rapper

  14. Nutty, yeah, I always think that! They seem to have names like bunch of pet hamsters!!

  15. Anonymous2:21 PM

    @Alabama he's single right now, so obviously not cheating.

  16. 7 - tooooo funny! Single Man was good but you win the thread with that!

  17. Anonymous5:13 PM

    he had a show on VH1 recently called "Marrying the Game" about him and his long suffering gf. so how single is he

  18. I love me some LL.
