Thursday, November 07, 2013

Blind Item #3

This B list mostly television actress from a very hit television show tried to buy booze yesterday at the grocery store with other products. No big deal except she was already hammered so the store refused to sell it to her. They said she reeked of booze and could barely form a sentence. Apparently their worries did not try and keep her from driving though.


  1. Replies
    1. @Alice Yep! January is shopping in the DM

  2. I think January good guess

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Get it together January for the sake of your kid.

  4. I want to fuck January Jones, which apparently isn't difficult to get to do. I love white women!

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I'm sure this one was rotten by Kermit KnobJockey. Can the English get any fucking worse?

  6. Is Mad Men a "very hit television show"? It is critically acclaimed but I don't know if it technically qualifies as an overall hit (certainly a huge hit for AMC though). Torn on January. I'm liking Sophia more for this one.

  7. yes, 'mad men' is a very hit TV show.

  8. Rach baby! Where ya been? It's been dull around here without you?

    I don't want it to be Sofia so I'm going with JJ.

  9. If Mad Men isn't a hit show, what is?

  10. @rachy

    Yes, it can is and I will show you soon again my beautiful grammer. (wink, wink).

  11. I will rot a lot of things soon in order to get your attention.
