Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former A++ list politician visited a film set in NYC and spent 45 minutes in a trailer with his main squeeze actress friend. Well, not main squeeze. I mean the guy is married. No one even bat an eye that the two were spending time alone in her trailer. It was the second time he has visited the set but the first time the trailer was rocking.


  1. Replies
    1. Yup. I'm going w/ Billy Jeff and Gina Gershon.

  2. Oh, Bill!!!! You are going to have to behave while your wife runs for office!

  3. I thought Kate Hudson was Bill's side piece?

  4. I always know it's gonna be Bill when I see A++ politician...

  5. @Lotta, whoa there! There's PLENTY of Bill to go around! The man can't be tamed by just one woman! Nor two women, three women, four...you get the picture.

  6. Doubtful Hillary even gets the Dem nom. Last time she thought it was going to be a coronation, and the Dems threw her overboard for the first shiny new name they saw. Same thing will happen this time around.

  7. When the trailer is a'rockin', don't come a'knockin'!

    I have no shame, I'd do him. :)

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Isn't that just the BEST frigging' saying ever?

    2. There Is something about B.C. thats very alluring. was it the balanced budget? The incredible economy he oversaw? The great jobs? Oh crap, im not trying to brew a political shitstorm, its just hot to me that the country did so well under him.(Giggle)

  8. @Count, yep.

    Last time Bill was mentioned here, was "permanent A++++".

  9. Could the actress be Missi Pyle? She looks like she could easily be his type. ;) She's currently filming "Gone Girl." In addition, she became a vegan about a year ago and she's going to be in a baseball related tv show (bat an eye).

  10. Not my Gina!!! And Hillary was a tad bit butt hurt in the last election wasn't she? Seriously, it's still gonna be a while before America sees a woman president. Don't EVEN entertain the thought of a black woman. Both scare the bejesus outta people.

  11. Gershon is currently filming "Staten Island Summer". According to IMDB.

  12. Oh, Bill, you dirty dog.

  13. There are not enough +signs after the A for this to be Bubba. Maybe Giuliani (also a Chester)?

    1. That should be cheater. I don't believe Giuliani is a cheetah or a molester!

  14. I'd still do Clinton.

    Guiliani is a star fucker and probably permanent A....

  15. "Former" A++? I gotta go with Guiiliani.

    Clinton isn't a former anything. He's "permanent" A++ and definitely still a politician, even if he doesn't hold office.

  16. agree with NomNom

    Rudy is a horndog, and butt ugly I was in an elevator with him once when he worked in my building. Let me tell you that face can stop a clock. The wife has cray cray eyes and looks just happy to have the ring and prestige.

    1. I totally agree I worked in his building in 2004 for a few years. Many elevator trips.

    2. I totally agree I worked in his building in 2004 for a few years. Many elevator trips.

  17. I hope by "former" you mean former politician and not former A++. If this is Clinton, he is a permanent A++++.
    Wasn't he hooking up with Kim Cattrall too at one point?
    Billy C!

  18. What about weiner? He cant keep it holstered.

  19. What about weiner? He cant keep it holstered.

  20. Weiner isn't A list anything other than fuckwit

  21. Don't know if it's Clinton, but he has to be the single most overrated politician in the history of American Politics. And Hilary will not make it to the White House, she won't even get the nom. Way too polarizing. Not to mention gay. And an asshole.

    Gina Gershon is 51, and most likely gay. Still gorgeous in the face, but flabby tits. Pretty much done as a fuck buddy.

    1. And what about you? Lets see your flabby tits harry. Naked selfie time! Are you shy? Too old for a fuckbuddy?

  22. Polarizing... by having the nerve to be a woman and have honest opinions.

    Gay... even if it were true? BFD. Or at least it shouldn't be.

    Asshole... your opinion, formed probably because you believe bullet point #1. Whatevs.

  23. V- Guilani is a huge cheat, as he regularly dated during his marriage to Donna Hanover, and announced divorce BEFORE he told Donna, leaving her to fend with paps. Very uncool and devoid of class,

  24. auntliddy - precisely why I posted Giuliani as my guess. My spellcheck turned cheater into Chester, hence my secondary reply.

  25. Barbra Streisand wont be happy when she hears about Bill and Gina! Giuliani might be a horndog but everyone he fucks is extremely fug.

    1. There's no mention of beauty in the blind ;)

      I'm team Hillary and Gina!

  26. Bill would be least surprising to see on a movie set, since he's "cool". But I'm going to throw Newt under the bus. Maybe a political or historical movie? If George Clooney is a closet republican, The Monuments Men and Cate Blancett.

  27. Definitely Bill, he could only still be ++ as president

  28. @snapdragon: If you are that narrow minded where you think Hilary is polarizing because she is a woman, it really isn't worth explaining to you.

  29. I can totally believe Big Dawg getting together with Gina G, Kate H or any number or actresses; what I can't see is him banging them in their set trailers in broad daylight, with tons of people around knowing what's up. Isn't that what apartments and hotels are for? Gina G is single I'm sure she has a free room someplace.

  30. @Anna: Presidents have little to do with the economy, it is cyclical with bubbles and bursts. The next 2 years should continue the uptick, and the next pres will probably have the first 7 years of his/her tenure with the economy booming. Unless of course we catch the reach around from the Fed buying all the Treasury Notes.

    Another thing I'd like to mention, Clinton balanced the budget by raiding Social Security. Instead of cash Social Security has Treasury Notes. When the time comes they are needed, if no one is willing to purchase them, like no one is willing to now, which is why the Fed is buying them, then Social Security is fucked.

    It is like if you invested all your 401k into magic beans. Unless you find another sucker, you're fucked.

    1. This is probably among the smartest things I've read on this site...it's not saying much, but still...

    2. Thank you, Blake. I have my moments.

  31. Don't cry for Donna Hanover, she was cheating on him for years with a NYC cop.

  32. Aw. Classic Clampett. Bubba and little bubba will not be denied.
    (The blind says "former A++ list" which is accurate. Now he's just A+ and that even though he's no longer running for anything and just gets called in by actual politicians to sling bullshit on their behalf.)
    But Hillary! will be denied. Not because she's a woman but because she's just not a good politician. Smart and driven but nobody believes her bullshit, esp after Benghazi.

  33. Unless the Republicans can raise Mother Teresa from the dead, Hil is next. Just wait and see.

    I heard so many threats to leave the country when a black man was elected. If a woman gets in the White House, Mexico and Canada better get ready for an onslaught of Americans.

  34. Hilary is unelectable. Next to no Repubs will cross the aisle to vote for her and as displayed last time around, the Dems don't think much of her.

    The only shot she has would be if she got the Dem nom and the GOP goes Tea Party bible thumping kook, which could possibly grenade the GOP. I heard people last time around say Obama won because Romney wasn't conservative enough. If kooks like that take hold, GOP is done.

    If they get a moderate like Christie, they will walk away with the election easily. The economy is going to be on the upswing, and the advertisements are going to have Christie shaking Obama's hand after Sandy, showing he will cross party lines to do what is needed for the good of the people, and his tag line will be, "I rebuilt NJ, now I wanna rebuild America." Christie v Hillary, he will be talking about his balanced budgets and rebuilding effort, she will be dodging questions about Bengazi, who her hubby is bangin and her comments on foreign leaders from Wikileaks.

    Personally, I am most looking forward to the first GOP debate, cause I love seeing Christie eviscerate people, and the thumper kooks will be easy marks for him.

  35. Interesting thread. Christie doesn't have a chance. Long time since we've had a porky Pres. Don't think it will happen. Even wih well over half this country so fat Cuba could come over and kick our ass. I think it's Hilary's turn. Time will tell. Christie can't control himself without help. Bad to have his finger on the bomb.

    1. Equation: find Christie's victory speech from tonight on youtube. He basically declared for the 2016 race with his shots at DC and his talk of bringing people together, which will resonate w/ GOP hierarchy and potential voters after the government shudown fiasco.

      As for no self control, dude was a Federal Prosecutor, he knows when to push and when to pull back. He is much more calculated than you think. Just because he can cut a promo on someone doesn't mean he is Jesse Ventura.

  36. My first thought was Schwarzenegger.

  37. I'm going with Nicolas Sarkozy here.

    I think Bill would do his shit in private. He really wants Hilary to do well next time around I think and would not screw it all up for her.

  38. Chris Christie is not really a moderate. He's pro-life and against same-sex marriage. He's a conservative.

  39. I've never heard of Giuliani having an affair with an actress. That sounds more like Bill Clinton.

  40. @Carol: Christie signed the same sex marriage law in NJ. That will be used against him in the primaries and for him in the general election.

    He is only a conservative when compared to tree huggers. When compared to those in his own party, he is a moderate.

    Abortion is a distraction issue to rally the base and keep your eyes off actual important topics. Roe v Wade will never be over turned, so voting nationally based on that issue is throwing your vote away. You are better off concentrating on state elections if that is the issue you hang your hat on.



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