Saturday, November 02, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former A list tweener is going to be in an RIP post soon if he doesn't get his act together. For the second time in  a week he overdosed and is throwing together some crazy drug and booze combinations. His girlfriend is enabling because she loves going out with him and being seen and doesn't want the party to stop. The tweener refuses to get help and says he doesn't have a problem.


  1. Please let it be Bieber.

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Jonas. he had a pick recently with his gf

  3. Mr. Jonas, chasing dragon. That *always* ends well.

  4. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Joe Jonas and his fame chasing girlfriend Blanda

  5. Joe jonas in DM looking haggard

  6. Joe Jonas & his skanky girlfriend Blanda LeggoMyEggo whatever her name is.

  7. should be labled easy easy

  8. Lil Wayne considered a tweener? Didn't he start out in his teens?

  9. The Jonas boys are a train wreck, and Joe is headed for the end of the line.

  10. Jonas or Efron or Bieber?

    the 2 last times when Enty wrote that a celebrity could die soon (Demi and CZJ),they are better just after

  11. What about Macaulay Culkin? I don't know if he has a gf right now, but he def has drug problems that he's denying. And they don't come much more "former A list tweener" than Macaulay.

  12. This has to be Joe Jonas.

  13. I'm not discounting the Jonas guesses, but Blind Gossip has been saying for awhile that Joe knows he has a serious problem and wants to go to rehab, but it's the rest of the family that was pushing for the now cancelled tour inspite of his wishes to clean up. The dude seems seriously surrounded by snakes (family, business, girlfriend).

    1. Tigercat I've been hearing that a lot too, here and on other sites. DM has pics of him today and he just looks like an exhausted child being dragged around the mall by his parents while his gf poses for pics for all the paps.I feel bad for the guy, an addict wanting to get better is a great thing and all of these people are basically playing Russian Roulette with his life.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      I caught the lame E! "reality" show one time and couldn't believe what an arse the father was - he's clearly motivated by $$$$$$$ more than anything else in life ... to have one of his sons go to rehab would be an admission that they're not as holy as he'd like everyone to believe.

    3. Forever I saw some of the show too and I was surprised at what a hard ass Nick was. The part I saw was when he got pissed that Kevin and Danielle wanted to have kids and the reason he was angry was because they didn't consult him before making the decision. From seeing that, I can picture Nick and the dad stonewalling anything Joe has to say about his sobriety.

      Feel free to publicly shame me for encouraging such bad television. I hate myself for it every day *throws self dramatically across love seat*

    4. Anonymous11:33 PM

      @ JSierra - I do recall that now that you mention it. I've always thought Nick was a bit odd (well, they're all odd but he's perhaps the strangest) - but that show just cemented that he's a bit of a nasty too.

  14. FYI
    This facebook page,, is not run by "Enty". Never has been.

  15. I could maybe get it if she was hot but she's so fugly.

  16. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It's Effron for sure - was spotted at Disneyland a few days ago with the girlfriend too ... Disneyland is normally the place they head to for 're-programming' ...

  17. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Disney Land : a Mecca for plusshies & taking acid. That'd be a trip.

  18. Plz don't be efron that's all I gotta say

  19. Joe Jonas or Zac Efron. Sad.

  20. I don't think it's Joe, also because of the reports of his awareness of the problem. I don't think he is being reckless, just prey to his addiction.

    I liked the Culkin guess, but it says "the tweener". Is it a tweener or a former tweener? Tweener who was formerly A list?

  21. Bieber doesn't have a public girlfriend right now,does he? Joe Jonas was who I thought of.

  22. Malcaulay Culkin is also possible

  23. Joe Jonas doesn't look wrecked in those recent photos. Not to me. Maybe I have a higher threshold for "wrecked."

  24. We've all seen Baby Beiber's new girlfriends:

  25. What about Will Smith's doucheface son? He is with one of the Kardashian-girls. PMK must have handed her the enabling handbook.

  26. I've been trying to tell ppl about Joe for over a year now. Bland Eggswhater is driving this train as hard as she can in the ditch, has him separated and fighting w his family, as evidenced by the recent Jonas Bro split on the brink of the comeback tour. This shit is 911, somebody has GOT to get thru to him. Soon. Very soon.
