Friday, November 08, 2013

Blind Item #2

This HBO actress on a very hit show for the network was at a party that was very quiet and boring and she decided she wanted to liven things up so she went outside and came back in topless and walked around the room twice like that just to get a reaction from people. No one even noticed until she was in the middle of lap two.


  1. Must've been weak representation of hetero males at that soiree. I gotta believe my bewbdar would sound off like a klaxon.

  2. Lena Headey and Michelle Fairley were at a GoT expo in Brisbane. Though this sounds more like Lena, don't think she's supposed to get there til today (errr Australia's tomorrow?

    Catelyn Stark, flapping her mammories in Oz.

  3. This is totally Julia Louis-Dreyfus. What a minx.

  4. guess they weren't real and spectacular???

  5. Is it so much that no one noticed or that no one cared?

  6. @KT - Hahahaha! I LOVE that!

  7. I'll go with Lena Dunham for $1,000, Alex. And may I say, gross.

  8. @KT - You are my hero today. <3

  9. I don't care if they're amazing or gross, if bewbs are out, people will notice. If it took two laps, then the party really must have been *that* boring. I don't think this is a reflection on her, so much as the fellow party-goers. Although she might also be a wackadoo. But at least she's not contemplating the china pattern or ceiling tiles.

  10. Maybe everyone was high? Naked boobs - even mosquito bites are noticed by hetero men.. If people were high as a kite I could see this happening.

  11. I like the Lena Dunham guess... we are used to seeing her with her shirt off at this point, so it would take a round or two to notice something was off...

  12. FYI - just in time for FFF...the Hammaconda is FREE!

  13. Id notice Lena's tits because Id need to go outside and puke my guts out.

  14. I wouldn't notice Lena Dunham because I'd just assume a fat boy was walking around with no shirt on.

  15. Love me a Hammaconda sighting. Thanks @KSam!!

  16. Sounds like something Dunham would do and people probably noticed but were too embarrassed for her to look or say anything. Is Girls a 'very hit show' though??? I don't think so.

  17. Hamm = yumm.

    I love the "growers" can be sure of what you're getting before the reveal.

    And speaking of reveal, where's VIP with our FFF entries today? I wish we had one of Hamm :)

  18. Sweet Jesus KSam. Maybe it was a fake dong to get us talking? That seems to be hanging awfully low, even for the Hammaconda.

    I'm a hetero lady and even I would notice naked boobs the first second they walked through the door. This party must have been populated by either the dullest, or most oblivious people known to man. Or people who simply do not like boobs, which is no one. Everyone likes boobs.

  19. I sincerely hope all of you trashing Lena Dunham look like swimsuit models.

    1. Relax Lucas- most of us are snarky gossip site commenters that are not as attractive as most celebs- ok now?

    2. Speak for yourself @texas rose!!

      *flips hair*
      *sashays my 5'3" ass out*
      *drags my web-toed, club foot behind me*

      *checks on skin tag that has taken on frightening and irregular borders*
      *snarls at neighborhood children*

  20. Betty White, obviously.

  21. The directors wife thats on Boardwalk

  22. Kristin...That was absolutely hilarious!!!

  23. Mreep Mreep Mreep - Kristin mentioned her height!

    Maybe she didn't have a lot of boobs? Or maybe people were all like "oh GAWD, Julia's got her boobs out again, do NOT look, man, she knows she's like 60, right?? So obvious. Oh here she comes again, don'tlookdon'tlook - Oh hi, Julia - enjoying the party?"

  24. Very vague .....I'll go with Natalie Dormer.
