Sunday, November 03, 2013

Blind Item #2

This foreign born B-/C+ list mostly television actress who has quietly had recurring roles on several big television hits is also the go to person for any one who wants scoop on the stars of the shows she is on. She speaks her mind and hates when stars get too diva like so she rats them out. It has caused her some problems because her runs on shows never last longer than about a year.


  1. So Im Assuming she told you this?

  2. This feels like biting the hand that feeds you.

  3. Is there any chance at all that enties could buy a comma?

    1. Nope, they spent all their cash on

  4. lmao Dragon. +10

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I'm thinking someone English ...

  6. She should keep quiet, stay longer, and get the really good stuff.

  7. Aussie Melissa George?

    She was on Greys Anatomy for a while, In Treatment (first season), and a year on Alias. She was also the gay nanny for a couple of episodes of Friends before disappearing.

    She's always been quite outspoken.

    1. I buy this as Melissa George! She is definitely out spoken and I've heard she cuts deep w her tongue. I love that in a gal.

  8. Except I don't sell stories, I just can't stand crap.

  9. "She speaks her mind" is one way of putting it. I'm sure the producers who keep firing her think of it more in terms of disloyalty negatively impacting the entire show, cast, and crew.

  10. @azure

    "She speaks her mind" = career kiss of death. If someone can't stand BS Hollywood is not the best place for them.

  11. I think it is great that people speak their mind, but remember what happened to Sean Young when she started speaking her mind? You don't want to end up there.

  12. Hollywood + Truth (spelling ones mind) = no career.

  13. Good for her. The public should know which stars are assholes (like the reveal yesterday about that snot Debra Messing). Whoever this is, I support her.

  14. the fact that she sells gossip might not necessarily be known... there are loads of people on a TV serie set.
    the reason she stays about a year on each TV hit might not necessarily have to do with her selling stories

  15. Probably not L. Speaking (or spelling) her mind is what most likely gets her ass fired.
    @Basil Sean Young doesn't get work cuz she's bat shit cray!

  16. Thank god for her! If it weren't for people like this actress, we would have no good gossip!!

  17. Easy! *But I am a Brit. It's gotta be Louise Lombard. Over the last 5yrs she has guested or re-occurred on The Meltalist, CSI, SGU Stargate Universe and NCIS. Always seems a little stern, I can imagine her speaking her mind.

  18. First thought was Nancy Travis but she's usually on the run of the show.

  19. Oh what about the Iranian/British (?) actress that COS punished for "embarrassing" Cruise? She's on a lot of stuff.

  20. Maybe producers hire her in guest roles knowing she will spill about diva-behavior of a cast member, thinking the gossip spill will result in star freaking out and dialing-back the behavior. Good tactic, I'd think, if you need the star for the popular show but don't need the attitude.

  21. Question along the same line: If you're a producer, manager or agent and deal with a talented person who is beginning to party too hard with the wrong people, is it best to reveal to a gossip site that the actor is getting out of hand in order to nip the trouble in the bud, or does this mainly alert the addict ghouls, dealers and hookers whose doorbell to ring and make things worse?

  22. Hard one to guess but anyone who nails it, the tip offs will be foreign and shortlived appearances on high rated shows.

  23. The comment section of this blog is literally the only place where I ever hear ANYTHING about Sean Young. Ever. Since she's clearly not at all relevant anymore, do we really have to keep bringing her up?

  24. @Anna interesting questions! It seems to me that the manager/agent types do all they can to keep things quiet publicly while supplying their star with whatever they want behind the scenes. Which isn't to say that maybe they haven't also picked up a few bucks for spilling a story here and there.

  25. Me...I'm outspoken. It's gotten me into more trouble. Whoever this person is, guaranteed she's a Sagittarius like me.

  26. Could enty mistake Embeth Davidtz for foreign born?



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