Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blind Item #2

This forever A list diva interacted as little as possible with this current A list celebrity/singer/diva in training who wanted to hang out with the superstar. The superstar told her to come back in a few years when she had not been copying someone and when she was off the drugs and off the shock. I'm guessing shock meant shock value.  Would make sense.


  1. Streisand and Gaga at Glamour awards

  2. Someone with Miley?

  3. Was it Riri who "shocked" herself on stage?

  4. I think Kristin got it. Does sound like gaga because of the copying someone (Madonna) comment. Both miley and gaga would work for the shock comment.

  5. Madonna has no room to tell anyone to "get off the shock" or to criticize anyone for copying.

  6. Pretty sure this is Miley and someone

  7. Ilike the babs and gaga guess. Which, btw, about that pic of babs yesterday? Ouch! All of a sudden she shrank and looks 100 years old!

    1. That was a bad picture of both of them. Barbra needs to stop the Botox.

  8. well it was good advice regardless of who

    sounds like a smart superstar

  9. I'm thinking Gaga. She was at the Glamour Woman of the Year party.

  10. Babs and Gaga is a good guess. I just saw Gaga on "Extra" or something last night going on and on about what a legend Streisand is.

  11. I don't see GAga as "CURRENT" superstar/singer whatever. She is on the downslide, no?

  12. Gaga is a diva in training?

  13. Someone and Miley.

    Gaga might fit the copying, drugs and shock, but she also has sincere talent to keep her going. She writes her own stuff, plays the piano and can actually sing. I'm not a big fan, but I'll give credit where it's due.

    Miley, on the other hand, pretty much only has her voice (yes, I think she can actually sing and yes, I agree she sounds like a smoker, but so was (is?) Adele). Plus, "current" makes it sound like this person is very much enjoying a "for the moment" level of A-listness. Gaga has been enjoying superstardom since 2008. Yes, I'm ignoring Miley's "Hannah Montana" years b/c I don't care what tweens are in to.

  14. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Sounds like a conversation I had with my mum. She did rock hot pants.

  15. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The problem with this being Streisand is that she is much more than a DIVA - with Oscars and Grammies and is A+ if not A+++

  16. Cher and Miley Cyrus?

    I can see Cher saying it too. Love Cher.

  17. I was thinking Cher and somebody.

  18. Cher ripped Miley after the MTV awards puplically. But this sounds like her. I don't think Babs would even know who Riri, Gaga, Miley are. I think this is Cher to Miley or Gaga. The language sounds more Cher. Or Stevie. Or Patti LaBelle.

  19. (p.s.Stevie said something just like this minus the shock, when she was told a few years ago that Blohan wanted to play her in a bio. Stevie said something to the effect of yeah right. Get your sh*t together and sober up and then maybe you could possibly audition. Goddess tells it like it is. Love her ....)

  20. "I don't think Babs would even know who Riri, Gaga, Miley are."

    Streisand and Gaga were both honored at the Glamour Awards the other night, and they might have been photographed together? As such, I think it's pretty timely and I think it's them.
