Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blind Item #2

The B-/C+ still good looking long time favorite of every woman who watched primetime television for about a decade set the record for most women slept with during a run of a show. The fact he was married to an actress he met on the hugely popular show probably contributed to his divorce although it did take a couple of years after. Anyway, our actor has since remarried but is trying to set a new record on a new project he is filming away from home.


  1. The fact he was married contributed to his divorce? Well I guess you can't have one without the other! No clue who this is

  2. Rob Estes and Josie Bissett??

    1. Melrose Place was on for a long time

    2. I second this guess.

  3. Tom Selleck. Met his second wife on Magnum PI.

  4. I thought Tom Selleck, but wasn't sure about the wife thing.

  5. If I'm reading the blind correctly, he met his 1st wife on the show but eventually divorced her, due to the cheating with women on the show. Tom Selleck married his 1st wife in 1971, 10 years before Magnum P.I. started, so don't think it's him.

  6. I thought Tom Selleck, too, but I think he is still married to his second wife--the one he met while on Magnum PI.

  7. No Tom Selleck's 2nd wife Jilly
    was in Cats on Broadway and he went backstage and introduced himself to her…she appeared on Magnum after they had been dating a while…

  8. Dammit, I think I'm wrong! But Wyle left ER after 10 years; there were rumours he was cheating on his wife (it appears the divorce hasn't been finalized) and that his mistress was pregnant.

    Or am I thoroughly confused?

  9. Noah Wylie met his first wife, Tracy, on set. She was a makeup artist.

    I think this is him.

    1. According to wiki he has only been married once.

  10. Josie Bissett is from Seattle and she and her husband (Estes) invested in a gym on the Eastside. For a while they moved back to Seattle and Josie got involved with a personal trainer at this gym. I think it was a revenge thing for all of Rob's cheating, but her affair was the final straw that ended the marriage.

  11. I need to change my name to therealLola.

    As an aside, I always think of TS's wife's name as Chili Mac.

    I know you wanted to know that.

  12. Mark Paul Gosselar!!!!

  13. I thought Tom Sellack was gay.

  14. Lola @ 12:41 & 1:21

    I'm sure it comes as a shock to you that you aren't 'real'.

    Thus if I may offer some advice:

    “Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.'

    'Does it hurt?' asked the Rabbit.

    'Sometimes,' said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. 'When you are Real you don't mind being hurt.'

    'Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,' he asked, 'or bit by bit?'

    'It doesn't happen all at once,' said the Skin Horse. 'You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.”

    ― Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit

  15. Was gonna say John Stamos but he is not currently married and didnt meet Rebecca Romijn on Full House :(

  16. Some people very well may have a bit too much time on their hands.

    Or need to learn what a sense of humor is.


  17. Couldn't agree with you more, OldLola.

  18. Like an arrow to the heart.

    I am injured by your superior insults.

    I'm likely fat, lonely and have a pet cat or 10 also.

  19. I really don't see you as a cat person, to be honest.

  20. I forgot ugly. That too.

  21. I wasn't aware that Tom Selleck has a rep as a horn, yes, but not a horn dog.

  22. @Lola

    I love chili mac..yum

  23. Anyone who names themself after a Kinks song is kewl like dat

    1. @sandy...i do enjoy pink champagne ;)

      (but I really am of the female persuasion and I own a couple of cats...and dogs...and a turtle)

  24. Tom Selleck has no interest in cheating on his wife with women.

  25. Didn't Josie Bissett end up leaving Rob for another woman? I thought I remembered those rumors.

  26. Tom Selleck is definitely gay.

  27. Josie and Rob don't fit. They did not meet on the set of Melrose Place. They were married before that.

  28. SAY IT AINT SO, my Lola! Please, please don't tell me you have cats. I am allergic. Crap, I'm going to have to drink this away.

    Only thing you could tell me that would be worse is you're married. I can't argue with a married broad. It would be in the back of my head all the time, "Is she still arguing with him? Am I just getting strung along here with no future? Am I going to waste what good years I have left arguing with her and then wind up and old spinster? Do I argue as good as he does? Does he use a bigger vocabulary when he argues?" I couldn't handle the anxiety of it all.

  29. I always thought Selleck was gay too.

  30. WAIT. STOP.

    Tom Selleck is gay? Where have I been that I have NEVER heard this one before, I mean never. Not here, not anywhere. That is weird.

    I can see it. Whatever.

    I thought of Rob Lowe, but he doesn't fit because he's not filming away from home right now. According to his twitter, he's been working on Parks and Rec lately, when he wasn't doing press for the Kennedy movie.


  31. Tom Selleck is not gay. He has intelligently addressed the issue over the years. Just one of those rumors started and perpetuated - once it is out there hard to fight it - especially since he is conservative and who doesn't like a in the closet gay republican story. While may be true in a lot of cases total fiction in his case.

  32. Barry Watson from "7th Heaven"? His first wife was an actress, he's divorced from his second wife and had a baby last year with Natasha Gregson Wagner.

    How about Jameson Parker from "Simon and Simon"? I've never seen that show, but he was apparently considered do-able and he fits the blind. But he's 65 now and the BI says he's on a new project.

    1. Yes, Jameson Parker was do-able. Quite do-able. Supremely do-able.

  33. @texas rose

    Do you know Tom personally? Do you know his friends? His past and present associations?

    Or are you just homophobic?

  34. Do you know him personally @Youdont#39? What a stupid thing to say on a gossip site. I think he said it best when he addressed the rumors - just because I say I'm not gay doesn't mean I'm anti-gay. What is wrong with you??? I suppose if I had made some rational statement about race relations then it would have been 'Or are you just racist.' That's all you got??

  35. John Schneider? Bo Duke had many ladies salivating...

  36. Well...I can't say I know him "personally," but I did run into Tom Selleck and his family in a restaurant in Studio City once. It was a Saturday afternoon, and he was dressed in jeans and flannel with a baseball cap. If a couple of my friends hadn't had their celebrity radars on, I totally would have missed him. They sat at the table next to us, and seemed like a typical Midwestern family out for pancakes.

    There was absolutely no pings on my gaydar or horndog-o-meter at all.

    I'd put money on saying he's a straight family man.

  37. Cheryl S - I heard the same thing about Josie & Rob.

    Don't know who this bond is about.

  38. Correction: Don't know who this "blind" is about.

  39. This doesn't quite fit, but where'd Duchovny meet Tea' and has has he married Skully?
