Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A+ list mostly movie actor has spent almost $50M in the past two years and is completely broke. He is so broke that he has signed away future earnings and has no income coming in despite his movies grossing well over $1B. He refuses to downsize or cutback though and thinks he can keep things going until he gets another big paycheck. He had his electricity turned off in his primary house because he didn't pay the bill. He has a monthly cell phone because he doesn't have good enough credit to get a regular one. He owes all the cell phone carriers thousands of dollars.


Cleodacat said...

Let's go for Chris Evans.

LottaColada said...


Cecilia00 said...

Hmmm...I would say Stallone but he has paycheck a coming in at the regular. Pitt, Clooney work all the time. Maybe Arnold??

Cecilia00 said...
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kday said...

Nic Cage

Kelly said...

That's f'n crazy! Hmmm, there aren't that many A+ actors out there?

VIPblonde said...

There are 17 movies that have grossed over a billion dollars. Johnny Depp is in 3 of them. Just saying

Sarah said...

Wow. And this is why I tell my kids, it's not how much you make, it's what you do with it!

Flora Goforth said...

Team Cage.

mynerva said...

He's probably spent most of his wealth on bracelets, necklaces, scarves and hats. Nothing on soap.

VIPblonde said...

@mynerva And an island. Remember when he bought an island?!

MISCH said...

Agree Nic

Anonymous said...

Nic Cage.. if someone doesn t copy his last ten years of life style. same old same old Nic

mynerva said...

I forgot about that! Yep, he's looking better and better for this one

VIPblonde said...

None of Nicolas Cage's movies have grossed over a billion dollars

Cleodacat said...

Nic Cage wishes he'd been in a 1B grossing movie.

cleo said...

John Travolta

Beth said...

It says his movies have grossed over $1B, not just one, so it could be anyone if their total career movie gross was >$1B.

But if Enty means one movie, Leo or JD seem like the best choices.

Beth said...

Leo and JD were both TV in the beginning too

Frazzled said...

Beth, I was just coming to say that. I read it as over $1B combined.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Nicolas Cage. $1B could mean movies added together have made over a billion, instead of individual films.

Stallone's wife Jennifer Flavin hawks skin care products on HSN and they move a LOT of that stuff. Some of the items are #1 products they sell, so no way he's flat broke.

Now! said...

To me, A+ means you can definitely open a movie big. Nic Cage could have done that 15 years ago, but now?

Even Cruise isn't A+ any more. All I can think of is Depp and Downey. Pitt and Clooney are too old and too arty to be A+.

Now! said...

Hmmm, what about Will Smith?

The Dude said...

Tom Cruise, why do you think Katie didn't try to get any money from him.

Now! said...

What's Christian Bale up to these days?

Unknown said...

Wouldn't Cage be listed at former A+? Don't know much about depps finances but he seems kind of private so this could be him. Cages difficulties are well documented and this would have already been reviewed if him. I'm going with depp- I wonder if Amber Heard knows - if they break up then we will know it is depp:)

Jessi said...

I'm on the Depp train for this. He's starting to go down the Marlon Brando path these past few years.

Angela said...

I like this because of $cientoligy crap sucking him dry, and he has a huge lifestyle + payments to Nicole supposedly of 10 mil a year.

FlirtyChick74 said...

LOL @ Mynerva

Topper Madison said...

There are only two A+ actors with multiple movies grossing over $1B--Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr.

Johnny gets my vote.

di butler said...

And a vineyard. Don't forget Johnny Depp's own grapery

Now! said...
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D Brown said...

I have mixed emotions about Cage. Yes, left to himself I think he could blow through $50MM in two years. Apparently he's done that in the past. However he has been working (nearly fulltime) for the IRS during the past two years. I tend to think they would keep him on a shorter leash. However they are preping a National Treasure 3 and that would be the anticipated major payday.

Now! said...

@Dude and @Angela, I also thought of Cruise because of the Scientology link, but Cruise is by all accounts a control freak. Can't imagine him letting his finances get so far out of control. Not paying his cell phone bill? Not Cruise.

Count Jerkula said...

Mel Gibson or John Travolta.

It has to be someone so super rich that their overhead would sink them quickly if they didn't have work and didn't downsize.

Angela said...

You're right, but the cult nuts may be handling his finances too. Apparently they siphoned millions from Lisa Marie Pressley until she woke up.

Bravura said...

I could see Travolta. All those private massages and private settlements add up pretty quickly.

Kimstyle said...

I read this as a combined gross of $1B too...

Now! said...

And Travolta has his own 747 to take care of, too. But what has he starred in that grossed more than $1 Billion?

Bravura said...

Maybe Bolt? Hairspray? Savages? That's all I can think of. Does he do endorsements or anything?

Anonymous said...

Didn't RDJ earn 50 million for the Avengers? So if he spent 50 million, he'd probably still have plenty of money left over from previous earnings.

kpist said...

Can't be Gibson, last ranked as former A list and at time of divorce worth 900 million

auntliddy said...

I hope it is arnold. Hes so swarmy.

timebob said...

Not RDJ his wife is a successful movie producer and keeps him on a short leash she isn't going to let him piss away 50 mil on her watch.

Alexa Rose said...

I think it is Mel Gibson because he seems pretty crazy and doesn't he have a primary house on his property? He also had to pay a lot for his court battle with his Russian baby mama, as well as pay her a lot of money. Not to mention he has something like 8 kids with his first wife. He isn't getting the roles like he used to either.

shortyp333 said...

I don't think it is Mel...his settlement to his first ex in 2012 was $425 Million!

shortyp333 said...

...and his net worth in 2012 was over $800 million. Going thru $50M in 2 years probably wouldn't be a big deal...

Beth said...

I'm still on the Leo or Depp train since they were on TV and it's, "mostly movie actor." Ms/Mr Enty could be throwing us for a loop and mean commercials, which could be some obscure print or TV ads in Asia like Clooney or Pitt have done.

Smells like Cage, IRS could already have stake in future earnings. Wasn't there an item about him and his son blowing lots of $$ and fighting this year?

I still see Leo, peddling his bike around, looking like a scrub and wonder...

Beth said...

Nic Cage = check out his shopping habits in the last decade and earnings

Hegg said...

Very vague. I'll guess Spiderman/Andrew Garfield.

Unknown said...

Brad Pitt. Those two have a very expensive lifestyle and the Chateau renovations that just keep going on and on have probably sucked his bank account dry. What is it, 3 years now? Rumour has it that he's been royally scr*wed over by the various contractors and the bill has skyrocketed compared to the original estimates.

PugsterMom said...

Cage and Mel are not A+ anymore. Maybe B.

Kristin Wigs said...

Morgan Freeman has been taking any job that's thrown his way, lately. Allegedly needs the money. Bad.

D Brown said...

Morgan Freeman supposedly had an expensive divorce (National Enquirer claims $400MM but that seems way to high to me) in 2010. If he kept 50% then he wouldn't appear to be broke but he could be hustling to make up some of what he lost.

Massconfusion said...

I think Enty is saying 1B combined. Not just a single movie

Unknown said...

No mention of a family, they would have noticed the power being turned off in their house. So a single guy. Pitt, Smith, Hanks & Travolta ( not A+ anymore ) are out.

Clooney? Paying semi-famous women to pretend to date you and keep all of your secrets has to get expensive. Tom Cruise for that too. Who tosses money around like it's nothing. How many pictures of Leo do we see where he's on a yacht? Is Cage really still A+?

Unknown said...

Robin Williams. He has been talking about how broke he is after his last divorce.

She got EVERYTHING as there was a clause in their Prenup that he had to stay clean and not cheat. He screwed up multiple times on both counts, so she got it all. Also, he had to sign over a percentage of future earnings.

He's back on TV, but I don't see that show lasting. He lives in Marin County which is VERY expensive. People talk about Beverly Hills. Shopping aside, BH has nothing on Ross, Tiburon or Belvedere.


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