Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list celebrity/singer is so high on life right now and she is going to come crashing down so hard. There is not a week that goes by that someone doesn't tell me about her significant other cheating and she totally believes everything he says and one of these days she is going to catch him and that sweet innocence of hers is going to be gone forever.


  1. it DEFINITELY aint Taylor Swift, she is one bitter young woman

  2. I thought Kelly Clarkson also.

  3. Maybe Katy? John will ruin her.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I thought Katy but how innocent can one be divorcing RUSSEL BRAND

  6. and please don't be Kelly

    just let her have some happiness

  7. I kinda doubt this is Kelly since she broke records getting pregnant so soon after married he wouldn't have time or energy to cheat on her. I have trouble finding innocent singers tho.

  8. jennifer lopez and casper smart

  9. what kind of innocence doe JLO have?????

    dumb when it comes to men but not innocent

  10. Jennifer Hudson. Her man travels with the WWE constantly, and there is some debauchery going on in their host hotels wherever they go.

  11. Katy Perry. You'd have to be pretty innocent to believe that John Mayer isn't cheating. Poor girl.

  12. Jennifer Hudsons mother, brother and nephew were all murdered---dont think she holds on to much "sweet innocence"

  13. Plus Jens hubby no longer works for WWE

  14. denial is a powerful thing, whoever it is and my money would be on Kelly C. they will turn a blind eye to it to keep the fantasy going in her personal life and media presence

    I think gossipingpen had a story on Kelly's then boyfriend now husband was hooking up with girls while he was touring with Kelly and she ignored it.

  15. I dig Kelly Clarkson and want her to be happy.

  16. The only singer I can think of that really is innocent (despite the movie role in Spring Breakers) as a private person is Selena Gomez.

    Could this be Hilary, or even Carrie?

  17. I think this might be Kelly because she just announced her pregnancy and sounds really REALLY happy about it. I hope for her sake this isn't her, but there are many rumours about her husband not being entirely faithful.

  18. Basil you might be surprised, Kelly may have been more interested in the baby than the husband in the first place

    biological clocks tick tick tick tick

  19. I'm thinking Kelly, since she has the most "sweet innocence" of all the people we've named. Before she announced her pregnancy she was on Leno gushing about how happy she is and how much they wanted to get pregnant and were trying "like rabbits". She went from happy and in love to engaged to married to pregnant very fast. So cheating would really destroy the beautiful little fairy tale she has going. Breaks my heart because I love her.

  20. I think Enty has listed Taylor Swift at A+ or maybe a few more ++s, and yet you're deluding yourself if you think she's bitter at this point. Girl hasn't experienced a real relationship yet, much less real betrayal (or, hell, even an attempt to get revenge on her in song, trashing her the way she trashes her men) and won't know what hit her when either of these things happen.

  21. Oh, I guess I should add the word is that Taylor actually is really bitten for the first time and in a serious relationship, so much so it's pretty much still under wraps (a definite first).

  22. Oh, Kelly, I hope you have an iron clad pre-nup. And shame on you Reba for setting this up in the first place.

  23. I thought JHud had already ditched New York's sloppy seconds?
    I feel inclined to go with Kelly because while she ins't marketing herself as this uber wholesome church queen, she does have a pretty good/clean reputation and doesn't seem to get down and dirty. Isn't her husband well known for being a grade A butthead though?

  24. That Ariana girl, she's young and has some boy bander bf, right?

  25. @Tina Mallett, If that is the case, then I hope you are right. Besides, Kelly is in the biz, so she is probably well aware that most celeb marriages are rarely 100% monogamous. I never watched AI, but I am kinda fond of Kelly and hate to see her depressed, though we might get a couple of good songs out of it.

  26. I think Katy Perry or Taylor Swift but who would Taylor be dating?

  27. I think Katy Perry or Taylor Swift but who would Taylor be dating?

  28. I really hope this isn't Katy because I think she has a good heart and has amazingly beautiful eyes.She deserves happiness. Travie was an addict Russel was an ex-heroine addict and not so ex-sex addict. John was rumored to like to get his dirty freak on, & was such a scuzz bag with his life after he started dating Aniston. His credibility nose dived. Katy herself has said she "has to figure out why she is attracted to such broken birds". Her entire album Prism is infused with her giddy love for JM. We all have heard how a leopard can't change its spots. I so hope its not her. Its old news but Selena & Beiber fit this as well.

  29. ha-ha, I meant heroin addict, but I guess he could be a "heroine" addict too.

  30. I'm going with Kelly. I do not believe Perry, Swift or Gomez are in the least bit innocent considering who they are currently dating or have dated/been married to in the past. Kelly seems to be the only one who would be crushed and I thought there were rumbles about her husband and fidelity issues prior to their marriage.

  31. Guess this is Katy, but Demi is back w puppet master, Wilmer, and then cute little Ariana G is dating Nathan Sykes, and he's in Europe while she's here...if this was 3-4 mos ago, it would be Miley and Liam.

  32. I'm running late with my reading, but hope some one can answer me: why is Kelly Clarkson so beloved? I don't know much about her, but it's kinda nice to see.

  33. @Sandy Otunga is still with WWE (he was used a few weeks ago on RAW to push the Big Show/McHelmsly angle). In fact, he was recently added to the opening of the show.

    He hasn't been on in a while other than that one appearance, but I've heard they are keeping him signed to groom him to become one of their legal team.

  34. My first thought was Lorde too, she is just 16 I think.

  35. @Meanie Rhysie I can only speak for myself, but I feel that Kelly isn't putting on a "front" or an "image". She seems pretty grounded, not too caught up in bad side of the biz, and comes across as genuine without even trying. She endured a lot of shots taken at her over the years with a sense of humour (her weight and is she or isn't she gay) and she has a nice voice. I'm not a major fan, but I like this girl and hope she has a good life and a long career.

  36. Katy is not a blind innocent. She knows John is a kinkster. Oh poor Kelly. Waited so long to find love.

  37. I think Clarkson it also well liked because many felt she should have achieved the same level of fame as Carrie Underwood and she comes across as genuine.

  38. Yep Kelly came across as genuine until she entered into this fake marriage, but still, she comes across as genuinely misguided now so I guess that still counts. ;)

  39. Clarkson has ten times the fame Carrie Underwood has.

  40. She has ten times the humanity as well. I have always considered Carrie to be robotic and that hasn't changed. Can't wait to see her suck the warmth out of Sound of Music! :/

  41. Late to the party here but I watched AI the year that Kelly won. She was a plain jane waitress who entered a singing competition. They made her over but her voice was so powerful it didn't need any work at all. I still remember her voice catching when she had to sing the song written especially for the winner, "A Moment Like This". She truly couldn't believe she had won and it was about to change her life. I wish her nothing but the best. Carrie Underwood, OTOH, just looks like a complete biatch.

  42. Yes, and I'll add that Kelly won't play the bullshit game. She has stayed herself and not given in to the pressures of the biz. I think people love Kelly for that too. She's pretty cool and she can sing her face off!

  43. Interview with Kelly in Parade today, she pretty much forsnt care what anyone thinks. Kidddinglly, she said everyone calls her fat anyway, so she cant wait to pregnant and fat for a teason, lol.not a fan of country, but she came across as nice woman, madly in love with new hubby. Carrie has said in interviews she knows she isnt warm or fuzzy. Mb she has aspergers? But she is aware of hiw she comes off, says cant do anything about it.

  44. I hope hope hope ita not kc! Katy perry ftw.

  45. I read where somebody described Katy Perry as a Zooey Deschanel sex toy designed by a 14 year old boy.
