Monday, November 11, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former almost A list mostly movie actor who owed his good fortune to a now finished franchise was so desperate for drugs that he met his dealer at a play the actor was forced to sit through to get his drugs. The dealer wanted publicity for the play. He got it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I heard a rumor yesterday that there's a spec script going around for the backstory of one of the vampires that was based on a novella Meyers wrote. The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner.

    So the sparkling horror may not yet be over.

    (Edited to fix the wording)

  3. Daniel Radcliffe

  4. i found no Pattinson or Radchiffle going to a play recently

  5. Kellan been in the news more recently than Rpatz but neither has been heard about near a play.

  6. Is the dealer a producer of the play? Since he wanted publicity...

  7. I haven't found anything. Everyone I'm looking up is IN a stageplay.
    The Lord of the Rings crew crossed my mind.

  8. @msgirl that's what I was thinking.

  9. Shia Le whathisname from Transformers

  10. Not Zach Quinto, he's perfect.

  11. Edward Furlong? He and Culkin may be too far down by this point to attract any publicity.

  12. So Broadway is so desperate for backers now that they are getting drug dealers to back plays? Oh Kay!

  13. This almost sounds like a Seinfeld episode. Yeah I guess drug dealers are diversifying these days. Hmmm what am I gonna do with all this extra dough. I know BROADWAY!!

  14. Wheres VIP today? this blind does sound unbelievable.

  15. Radcliffe was seen at a play called The Scottsboro boys 4 days ago(there were several twitter sightings)

  16. Showbiz has laundered money for a looooong time.

  17. @NewbieNotDummy has it, this is meant to be Radciffe. It's also ridiculously fake, Scottsboro Boys is at the Young Vic in London, a highly reputable theater on the Cut run by the reputable playwright David Lan. Hardly a drug den or a place run by dealers.

    Not saying Harry Potter doesn't like to get his party on, but this is stretching.

    I think Enty's been getting more of his/her info from Twitter, this is one of several recent blinds linked to celeb sightings there. Maybe since everyone got hip to the (over)use of the DM for blinds they had to find new sources.

  18. I don't find it so unbelievable that dirty money could be financing some show business type ventures. Where does the money come from?
