Friday, November 08, 2013

Ashlee Simpson Intervention

The family and friends of Ashlee Simpson has been planning an intervention for the former singer and reality star because she has been getting progressively worse over the past year and shows no signs of wanting to get help for substance abuse problems despite the need for it. Apparently Ashlee entered rehab for a few hours earlier this year and went through the check in process before leaving shortly after saying she wasn't ready. Since that time things have not got better and she is partying almost every night.

Apparently she is talking a lot about recording a new album but can't find the time and she is also spending less time with her son than she used to and before this gets even worse the family is trying to set up an intervention to get her some help. Apparently her new boyfriend has not been included in the discussions and some family members think he is making things worse than they already were.


  1. looks like coke bloat.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Geez, fuckin double chinned coke bloat!

  2. SOMEone searched for the most unflattering picture they could find. Also, it is totally okay if she doesn't record another album, but she is gonna regret the not spending time with her kiddo.

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I think this is her latest photo, actually.

  4. Holy crap she looks like Pete Doherty.

  5. Photo looks like Britney on a really bad day.

  6. How does she not have time to record an album? With all that she has going on in her life, she has time to sit on a lump of coal until it turns into a diamond.

    1. Jason, that made me haha out loud.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Me too!

  7. Holy babyshambles ....(lol amber)

  8. Apparently she is epic in the sex department. Her now being a fat cow kind of takes away from that though. Still ...

  9. LOOK AT THE OTHER PICS FROM THAT NIGHT, she looks fine. Harry Knuckles, you're the fucking cow, bitch.

  10. Wow, Harry. You sure got the President of Smashlee's fan club in a tizzy!

  11. Shame she spent all that money on a new beak and she wrecking it with blow.

    If they want an economical rehab for her, I have an opening in my Basement Chains Rehabilitation Facility.

  12. Even bloated and messed up, she looks like a derivative and secondary thing. I see Kelly Osburne, myself, but there's a lot of Boy George and some Doherty yes and a smidge of Britney. And some circus freak seasoning. God, imagine being *the* dumb Simpson.

  13. @Barton - I'd like to toss a little Mud Man from Scooby Doo into the mix, as well.

    @Count - sounds like fun, can I join in?

  14. good lord she is a hot mess there

    very unflattering pic

    wasn't aware of the legendary sex thing though-those Simpson girls must be hot stuff. John Mayer sure thought so of her sis.

  15. Jason, lol. Not that I would want that diamond. Yeah she needs help, and not based on that pic alone. Maybe boyfriend so in love with her he doesnt see anything wrong? Anyway, good luck to her.

  16. Is anyone else just glad that Ent used a correct photo this time?

  17. No worries Harry, APPARENTLY she likes creeps who drive mini-vans, so you still APPARENTLY have a chance.

    1. Well then Bacon, I'll keep my fingers crossed. And maybe in the meantime how's about you and me?

  18. I didn't read the headline at first. I thought it was Britney.

  19. I can't stand her , but she does have an epic nose job.

    Unless rehab can miraculously change her personality, she's a list cause anyways.

  20. So they're saying Evan Ross (Diana Ross' son) is the cause of her current downward spiral? Her career was on its way down right after the SNL snafu even with the occasional acting gigs.

  21. @Amber: Sure, what are you addicted to? If there is mental illness also, you may be sent home after a week, as I'm not equipped to deal with all of them. I'll send you the entry packet, but you will have to be videotaped signing the release.

    Silk Road has been broken up by the FBI, so it may take me a little while to come up with the LSD, but I'll start charging the shock collar in the meantime.

  22. @Count - Oh, I have to be addicted to something? Crap. I just thought the chains part sounded cool.

  23. Very sad. Hopefully she will get in rehab and pull throigh this.

  24. Amber, I've got some chains in my mini van.

  25. @Harry - Thanks for the offer but I'm not a size 14, so you won't be able to use me for your skin suit afterall. ;(

  26. Ok Amber, not a problem. I'm used to rejection. But I don't get the size 14 and skin suit references. Could you explain?

  27. She probably meant to say that she isn't 14.

  28. @Harry - Buffalo Bill, Silence of the Lambs

  29. Amber, still not getting it, unless you're thinking that I'm going to literally skin you and wear your hide. Is that it?

  30. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Every time I watch Boardwalk Empire, I get sad knowing Luciano was boinking her. But then I listen to his snarly voice and get all excited about him again. Love it!

  31. Zinggggggggg!!! @Amber and Bacon LMAO

  32. Well we knew this was coming. And no her current b/f isn't to blame, it's her. She needs to go to college and learn something besides fame whoring.

  33. @Amber: If you don't have an addiction to deal with, then we offer a week long fun package, as the full 30 days wouldn't be necessary. It is much more economical for you, and ensures quick turn over for me. I only have 3 lolly columns in the basement to chain women to, so it is a chore to turn a profit. Since you aren't an addict, and presumably not mental, you will get the lolly column nearest the washer and dryer, because you should be able to handle operating such appliances.

    I just have to change up the itinerary, and find something to take the place of the beatings while reaching for cocaine, during your hallucinogenic experience. Sounds simple, but that is 6 hours a day I'll have to fill.

    You will still need to fill out the forms in the entry packet and be video taped signing the release. Since you aren't an addict though, you will be free to leave at any time. You will have the key to the lock on your ankle cuff dangling from a necklace. Although slave contracts should be binding, I have seen courts throw them out many times.
