Thursday, November 14, 2013

Andy Kaufman Is Not Alive

I swear I wrote the same headline a few months ago when organizers of the annual Andy Kaufman dinner were trying to sell tickets and the answer is still the same. He is not alive. I don't care about what his brother said or a woman who claimed to be Andy's 24 year old daughter because he is not alive. The reason this is all interesting is because I'm sure Andy would love to have pulled off the ultimate prank but he is deceased. Dead.

For those of you who think he may be alive and living in Connecticut as a stay at home dad and father let me ask you how many people with a face as well known as his could go unnoticed for three decades living with people and doing errands and meeting neighbors and putting kids through school and doing the kind of things any parent does when raising children. No kids ever came to the house and met dad? Did he just hide away in a den somewhere for two decades of home visits by friends? If you did that would you bring more attention to yourself? He never left the house for a grocery store run or went to one event for his kids? No soccer games or plays? No ballet recitals? How about then the kids were delivered? He didn't go to the hospital but just sent his mystery wife alone? He didn't meet her relatives when they got married?

I love conspiracy theories as much as the next person but they would have been much better off saying he was hiding somewhere awaiting his return and not given him the story they did because there are just too many people who would see him.


  1. I never thought he was alive.

  2. I wish he was alive. Great movie. CL was good in that one. She should do movies again.

  3. You need to shut your blasphemous mouth.
    Burger King

    Suck it, hater

  4. I saw Tupac at yoga the other day. But I can't say where, I respect his privacy.

    1. LMAO, thanks for that. I'll let my son know, he loves 'Pac.

  5. I'll be honest, I had to google this fellow. I do love a good conspiracy theory though.

  6. Come on!! Now some other little trick is on his schtick and now we have to hear about this crap forever if this story gets any traction. Please stop posting stories about this crap.

  7. @texas rose
    "Please stop posting stories about this crap"
    Yeah, let's hear instead six more stories about the Kardashians or the new publicity stunt by Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga.

    Andy Kaufman was a hugely original and talented comic who died 30 years ago. Once or twice in a decade, there's speculation he faked his own death, because he was very much into pranks, really thought at some point about faking his own death, and, when he was sick with cancer, may have established a plan to confuse people after his death, which is something his son or his partner Bob Zmuda may have executed to respect his will and his spirit.

    If you can't take this kind of stories, that hardly make a blimp in the news, instead of being fed up with celebutards or 9/11 conspiracy theories, there's definitely something wrong…

    1. Sorry Angela- now where did you get that kool aid?

  8. He should have stuck to hiding out with Tupac and Jim Morrison.

  9. Why not do a DNA test on the woman who claims to be his 24 year old daughter and be done with it?

  10. After hearing about 3 women being hidden for over 8+ years I have learned if you want to hide someone you definitely can. But I still don't believe he is alive.

  11. We know u love conspiracy theories. Half of your blinds prove that.

  12. Anonymous8:52 AM

    If you wanna hide you can! just go to live in Co Clare Ireland or in Scottland. nobody will give a damn if you look like mother teresa

  13. Dying was his best prank ever. I mean, the man fucking DIED and people are still like *looks from one side to the other* "But... maybe... for real? Really? No! Oh, Andy, you cut-up! You can come out now! Andy...?" Guys, he's gone. He didn't prank Death.

  14. It's not that hard to hide, dude had plenty of money to pull it off. I do think he's dead and even if he is still alive and all of the conspiracy theories are true Andy obviously wanted out of the limelight. Let him be.

  15. Does this also rule out alien abduction?

  16. Wait, so his people hold an annual dinner and sell tickets to people who think he'll show up. Now THAT'S messed up.

  17. I love that Andy's death or non-death is still being talked about after all this time. I think it's very possible to disappear if you really want to. Even with that, I still think he's dead. He was dead back then and he's still dead now.

    The daughter sure looks like him though.

    1. Schroedinger's Andy Kaufman!

  18. Its been revealed in the Smoking Gun that his brother set up this stunt and the woman is an actress

  19. duh he had plastic surgery.

  20. Andy is dead.

    Also, he DID have a daughter, who was born in 1969 but was given up for adoption and later reconnected with the Kaufman family, but he didn't have a son.

  21. The TM community would have found him by now. They can keep secrets pretty well, but they can't stop begging for dollars. Once he stopped paying them off, someone would have talked.

    If Steven Colbert's antics at the White House Press dinner didn't make him jealous and looking for a comeback, he's dead.

  22. LMFAO @BaconRanch!

  23. Here's a good conspiracy for ya: Secret Service accidently fired the shot of the fatal head wound of JFK. In an attempt to aim and fire at Lee Harvey Oswalt who had already gotten off 2 shots the SS Agent in the car behind the president stood up and has the car sped forward he fell back and accidently fired the shot that killed the president. The SS then went the great lengths covering that up, including taking everyones footage from that day. Excuse me if I'm late to the party on this. I just now saw this theory in one of this year's documentary lol!

  24. Good post Prada! Love it!!

  25. He cld be funny, but that performance art shit I hate. And he's not alive.

  26. The uninitiated don't understand -- it's an ongoing mystery that is a mind game. Kaufman folk enjoy it. I have no idea if he's alive or dead -- and neither do you, Enty -- and I don't particularly care. It amazes me the anger this elicits from people. It's just a game. Michael Kaufman and his family cooperate to honor Andy (or maybe Andy is calling the shots). Andy either designed the mystery before his death to give life to his belief that "anything is possible" or he's really alive.

    People grumping about "he's really dead!" are like the people who tell everyone "Santa is a myth!" at Christmas parties. Grow up and enjoy the game -- or ignore it.
