Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Amber Portwood Is Out Of Jail

As I told you last month Amber Portwood was getting out of jail early and yesterday was her first day of freedom in 16 months. After being sentenced to five years in jail the former Teen Mom star was released early but is subject to parole and random drug tests. She says the first thing she wants to do is get joint custody of her daughter and the second thing she probably wants to do is have MTV give her a big check. As I told you last month MTV had previously given up on Teen Mom because they didn't think anything was left to say that was interesting. Since then Amber has gone to jail and Farrah has made a sex tape and turned into an escort. Yeah, MTV wants all over this.

I think her ability to get a nice pay day from MTV is nice but she really needs to remember that MTV and that pressure is what caused her to use and was her trigger and caused her to go into a downward spiral and Indiana is not California and you can't stay out of jail forever like you can here and if she screws up she will go to jail again. There is no celebrity magic in Indiana. I think one special to give her some cash and then she should fade away into the sunset.


  1. All those items about sexual abuse and NOW you want to talk about triggers?

  2. I actually really feel for these Teen Mom participants. You're starting with children--yes, teenagers are still children in many ways cognitively. On top of that, they are very likely troubled/ unstable to begin with, and teen pregnancy is a huge symptom of that. Then you pile on sudden fame and wealth, and of course most of these girls are going to implode. SMH.

  3. She's a screwed up kid who should get a job at a Cracker Barrel to get some cash and stay out of trouble and the headlines.

    She didn't have much of a chance to begin with and MTV didn't do her any favors. Enough already. If they want to be really nice they can give her a check, but no show, and say have a nice life.

  4. I dont blame MTV for their problems. They were troubled anyway, and actually,if they were smart, they would have used to money to get educated and organize their lives. But some of them are slightly batshit, so didnt happen. At some point, they have to take responsibility for their lives and choices.

    1. Aunt Licky yes these kids SHOULD but they don't why? I sweat I think MTV looks for the most damaged kids knowing it makes better tv (remember they can't give them booze like other shows). They feed into their already troubled lives not giving a green goddamn as to what they leave in their wake. It's despicable and borderline predatory.

  5. Looks like they fed her pretty good in prison.

    1. Aren't you the one who just gained 17 pounds?


  6. I really hope she gets her life straight. She'll need to stay away from her baby daddy though because he is a major trigger for her.

  7. MTV throws fuel on a fire for ratings and profit, making celebrities (and I use that term lightly) out of people who are already troubled (for the most part). Yeah, I blame 'em.

  8. She just got out and she has meth face already. :(

  9. Do people use the term "meth face" without seeing a person with it? That is not meth face, my friend. Give the kid a break.

  10. I agree,no methface. She looks clear and happy. Not miserable and picked at. Shes not the same as the other celebutards,imo. I think shell surprise us all. I hope she has a good life,and finds happiness.

  11. I would rather watch Teen Mom than the Kardashians any day of the week. That said, they should not give any of these moms more attention. Leave them alone to raise their poor kids in peace.

  12. Did she get any education during those 16 months??? Doubt it. She's trash. That poor kid doesn't have a chance.

  13. Amber's biggest thing seems to be that she lacks humility. Real, true humility - the sort of thing that would give you or me just enough shame and second thoughts to straighten up and get it together. The guy who prosecuted her was a close friend of mine in school, and his father created the drug court system in Anderson. There is probably no one who could go to jail faster on a drug charge than Amber. As for her having a quiet future...I don't think it's likely, unfortunately. Even when the cameras weren't around, she was pegged as a diva (throwing fits, demanding things) by many people and establishments. I don't think it'll be long before she gets restless and the shit gets stirred. Whether you hear about it on a national level will be the only difference.



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