Friday, November 08, 2013

Alec Baldwin Testifies In Stalker Trial Next Week

Next week will be put up or shut up time for Alec Baldwin. He has always claimed that his long time stalker Genevieve Sabourin was introduced to him by a mutual friend and that they met twice purely on a professional basis. I am still trying to wrap my head around why he would meet with her for professional reasons considering she was always a minor actress and had no other involvement with movies. It has been my expressed opinion here since day one of all this that Alec and Genevieve had sex on both occasions and that she started stalking Alec after the sex. She probably thought it meant something and he didn't.

The interesting thing here is that Alec told his story to a police officer so if he now testifies that he had sex with Genevieve then he is admitting he lied to the police which is a crime. I think he never thought it would get this far and there would be a restraining order and the woman would be out of his life. Alec also told Hilaria he never had sex with Genevieve. I am anxious to hear what he has to say on the stand and also what "business" he had with the former actress.


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