Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Alec Baldwin Cries - Accused Of Perjury

Alec Baldwin testified in his stalker trial yesterday. Somehow the guy managed to wrestle up some tears as he talked about how Genevieve Sabourin has caused so much damage in his life. Let me tell you what caused all the damage in Alec Baldwin's life. Having sex with his now wife Hilaria at the same time he was having sex with Genevieve. He told Genevieve he was single. They had sex multiple times. He told and has continued to tell Hilaria that he never had anything more than dinner with Genevieve.

So, what do you do when you are in court and asked the question? You bring out the tears and deny it because what is really going to happen to Alec Baldwin if he is busted in the lie? Do you think he will go to jail? Not a chance. He MIGHT get some kind of fine or community service. That is if the prosecutors decided to even take on the case. It will always be a situation where there is no proof either way because there are no photos or recordings or texts which show they slept together.

So, Alec lies. His friend, Scarface producer Martin Bregman told the NY Daily News that Alec was having sex with Genevieve and Hilaria at the same time. Genevieve started to get crazy and Alec had to tell Hilaria something. So, it was him being Mr. Nice Guy and helping out a friend and went to dinner with her twice. No sex though.

I am really happy Genevieve saw this thing through and didn't take the no jail plea deal so Alec would get himself deeper into a hole. A hole. Hah. Sounds like a-hole which is what Alec is when it comes right down to it. Like his acting, but don't like him.


  1. I was waiting for this post! This story is just too funny.

  2. a remake of Fatal Attraction! ZZZzzz

  3. Dun dun DUN!! Next, on Scorned, Love Kills : Alec, watch out for the lamp!

    1. I love that show!

    2. It's great, innnit? Every once in awhile I'll watch a bunch of episodes in a row and be thinking "How come these are all about cheating? Nobody keeps it in their pants, ever? " and then I'll see the title again.

  4. Ha! Baldwin is an ass.

  5. This guy loves to make a fool of himself.

    1. @Lotta- Baldwin or Enty?

      And just because it's been awhile: Hiillllarrrrrrrrrrrriiiaaaa!!!

    2. @ethorne- Burn! But this enty must be female.


  6. this has really turned out to be a fiasco

    does anyone love themselves as much as Alec does?

    she may very well be a stalker, but he is an ass

  7. Alec was crying because he was in emotional pain and the rest of you should just stop saying mean things about him. You be strong Alec.

  8. All of the Baldwins are strange.

  9. The issue here is NOT whether he slept with her. The issue is her stalking, which based on actual evidence- emails, her actions, - indicates she is. She's nuts. Her defense is that he slept with her and she needs closure. Huh? So if you had a random hook up 5 years ago, would you now seek out the guy/gal to bombard with messages and show up at his house? No, you move on. I cant believe the judge even allows this "defense"! Whether or not they slept together, I think she will get convicted of stalking. She even acts daffy in court. None of this negates fact that all involved are probably lying- its sex, after all,-and none of this negates the fact that Baldwin is a jackass, but THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE.

  10. And yes,7-11, that sketch artist should have his pencils revoked or at least sharpened, lol

  11. auntliddy is right. you should be able to have sex with someone and not be stalked and harrassed for years after. is he an asshole? no doubt. but she's a grown woman and all this bullshit is illegal. men lie. is she just now finding this out??

  12. He is so talented as an actor but sounds like a narcissist in real life -- run Hilaria run.

  13. I, for one, know that this trial is about stalking. But we were ALL waiting for Alec to lie on the stand about the sex. You just KNEW he was going to have to lie to keep up with the lie he told his wife.
    YES, I believe the lady is a stalker, technically. BUT what we are watching for is Alec to lie. and he didn't disappoint.

  14. Added: and I love Alec Baldwin, the actor. Alec, the man, on the other hand...

    1. I find I have this attitude more & more with celebrities.

  15. This is what happens when you bump uglies with a certifiable bunny boiler.

  16. She got 30 days in jail for disrupting the proceedings

  17. 1. Yes, this is about a stalker. Not about cheating so this line of defense should not matter.

    2. Do you really think Hilaria (or whatever her name is would leave Alec if he lied about sleeping with the woman?)

    3. He is a jackass. But he's a funny jackass.

  18. They can never prove he is lying. There will be no perjury charge. Anything he told his friend is hearsay, and he lacks personal knowledge to testify as to what did or did not happen between Alec and Genevieve unless he was there. This is a he said/she said and she is not going to win.

  19. I agree with you Carlaw, and Hilaria won't leave her meal ticket but she can make life miserable for Baldwin for lying to her if she doesn't already know the truth. And well that is nice kharma since I never liked the way Baldwin acted in his divorce with Basinger. Basinger may have been the devil incarnate but that doesn't excuse his immaturity. Never forget that tape of him yelling at his daughter.

    But I think that all these celebrity males really need to think twice about who they have flings or one night stands with because between babies, STDS, bogus lawsuits, tabloid tell all and stalkers, it'll come back to bite you in the butt. You should be vetting even your randoms as if you worked for Secret Service IMO.

    If you are a celebrity male you are going to attract the wacko stalker types, and most of the time they are pretty easy to spot.

  20. But he may lose in the court of public opinion LOL though does he care either?

  21. Crying……..he's an ACTOR.
    Sure she's off kilter but he did lead her on so he's hardly blameless.
    Somehow theres a missing piece…

  22. Yes, she is a stalker. It's just hard not to schadenfreude at such pompous arrogant sexist loud-mouth know-it-all probably-cheating windbag like Alex Baldwin.

  23. uhm, lying under oath is a crime, so while stalking is an issue, whether he committed perjury is imho also a legitimate issue (even if this is just gossip). here's an idea--maybe this was all a set-up and she has a lewinsky waiting for him, some sort of blue dress, or sheet, or whatever, and she nails him for perjury. just a thought...

  24. if a guy doesnt want to be with you anymore, that doesnt mean you stalk him. Move the fuck out

  25. Anonymous10:15 AM

    No. This chick doesn't look crazy at all.

  26. @auntliddy What's funny is that everyone condemning Alec on here would raise a bitch fit if it had been a female complaining about being stalked and the defense used the "but they slept together before" line.

    Seriously,thank you for not having double standards.

  27. Bet he's sorry he pressed charges…

  28. She got 30 days in jail. She wouldn't shut up while he was testifying because she's French Canadian and couldn't understand the translation. WTH? Whether you love or hate him, I think he's right to try and get this woman out of his life.

  29. What a rude thoughtless little pig

  30. @Rowdy - IA with you to a point, but I wonder how much of it is being Alec Baldwin vs. say a nice single guy.bas for it being a woman, would we be as outraged if it was one of the top "hated" females? Madonna? Kardashian (adult) female?? Paris Hilton??

  31. Genevieve obviously didnt learm anything from Monica Lewinsky. Girl should have put her post sex panties in the deep freeze lol

  32. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I love Alec, but he needs to grow pair.

    She is the female version of him. LOL I love her moxy. Perhaps they should've gotten married. LOL

    There is nothing worse than a male who plays more than one woman at the same time without their knowledge. It is unecessary and immature.

    These types of males have no clue that if they tell us the truth let us decided if we like the arrangement or not, life will be much smoother. When we are lied to thats when she gets real. LOL

    Hell hath no fury...

    ((side eye))

  33. and even short of a lewinsky, juries do not like people who lie to them. all in all, i think her lawyer may be on to something.

  34. Anonymous2:59 PM

    all of her friends know that she was seeing Alec and he suddenly broke it off. and acted like nothing ever happened.
    no wonder she's pissed, but Alec is the biggest asshole.

  35. Yes perjury is a crime and I've seen enough trials to know people lie in all of them, civil, criminal, divorce, but only in very rare instances do they ever press a perjury charge. They should pursue it in the blatant examples but the court system can't keep up as it is, that is why the plea bargaining and wheeling and dealing on serious crimes.

  36. Right NYer the lying results in other consequences often like if you are the accuser and juries and judges perceive you are lying, the worst thing that can happen to you is that the accused gets off or with a lighter sentence than you think they deserve.

  37. Rowdy what you are missing is the celebrity element - that to me makes it a bit different and if a guy was stalking a female celebrity and she has had sex with him and lead him on, was a C-tease, same deal, if you are a celebrity you should know you are going to attract the wack jobs so you should know better. The rest of us normal folk as a rule are not used to this though you don't need to be famous to be stalked by a wackjob, male or female.

  38. It's fiasco that's stranger than fiction, and Alec's "friend" outed him as lying about sleeping with the broad. Yeah, she maybe a nutty stalker, but Alec lied under oath and probably cried under oath too.

  39. Crazy could have video of them having sex, but that is not a defense for the crime she is on trial for.

    ktmonster- Testifying on what the accused told you is not hearsay, it is a confession.

  40. You are an asshole. So what if Alex porked her pussy and gave her a facial? She is not entitled to stalk him or his wife, shit for brains.

  41. Anonymous5:58 AM

    My best friend used to work for a VERY influential woman in Manhattan and spoke to Alec on the phone a few times a month to schedule lunches, etc... He was always very polite to her and friendly. He never treated her like less of a person and was, from what she told me, always kind and respectful in their business phone conversations. She worked for this terribly mean woman about a decade ago, so perhaps Alec has changed. Who knows? I just like that he was always respectful to her and never treated her like she was less because she isn't a celebrity -- she was just a hard worker for an awful woman.



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