Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Your Turn

How many states have you been to? For people who are outside the country and have not been to the States, how many countries have you been to?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Only 4 I haven't gotten out much but I have been to 4 different countries as well.

  3. 24, but really 21 (drove through Georgia and didn't leave the airports in Arizona and Massachusetts).

  4. 12 states. 2 countries.

  5. 22 and 2 other countries.

  6. Karen, you weren't missing anything in Massachusetts

    19 for me.

  7. Veintiuno y Tres.

  8. 30, plus the District of Columbia. But as for foreign countries, only Mexico. I was surprised when I counted - I've been more places than I realized!

  9. Oh, and five countries not including the U.S. Four, if Canada doesn't count. Eh?

  10. Replies
    1. Congrats on the new gig! have fun in Dallas.

  11. Been to all but the NW corner of the mainland. Sorry, New England. Hear you're beautiful this time of the year!

  12. I heart travelling so 23 countries and 4 US states off the top of my head (I'm British)

  13. 12 states, and Canada. I'm not particularly well traveled!

  14. @Lisa - we ARE beautiful this time of year! We're getting past peak foliage here in New Hampshire, but it's still gorgeous.

  15. 29 states (not including ones where I never left the airport), three foreign countries.

  16. 15 states, 7 countries but I like home the best.

  17. 13 states
    8 provinces
    6 countries including Canada & US

  18. 23 States (counting my home state), 1 foreign country, and 2 US Virgin Islands

  19. Crud, make that 24 states. I forgot WV

  20. 9 countries
    6 US states

    I'm European

  21. Reusable bags.

  22. 22 + Jamaica & Mexico
    Lived in: Miss., Ala., LA, FL, Conn, & Mass.
    Been to: ME, NH, NY, VT., CO., TX, GA., SC, NC, PA., DE., DC, AK, TN, OK, & VA.
    (& no, I'm not on the lam!)

  23. Outside of US I've only been to Canada and Mexico. We drove from SoCal to Washington DC one summer so I saw a lot of beautiful scenery throughout many states. I've been to New York and New Jersey too. Even tho I'm left coast I've never been to Oregon or Washingon.

  24. 23 countries ( not including ones I slept through)

  25. Lots of states. Lived in US & now Canada. Mexico, Philippines (dad in Navy, age 2-4), France, Germany, Switzerland (dad is Swiss born and raised til 17). Alabama, Virginia, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, DC, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, California, Texas, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Mexico, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and I am sure the minute I push the Publish button I will remember the rest of it. But for drug addled pea brained before-my-second-cup-of-coffee pain wracked and all, I am impressed how many I was able to remember.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 17 states
    5 provinces
    14 countries

    But I haven't gone anywhere in a few years. I need a vacation!!!

  29. Visited 39 states + DC (not including airports only), had sex in 13, lived in 8. Visited Mexico, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, Italy, Greece, had sex in all of them. Probably ate ice cream in every state & country too.

    1. Who IS THAT in your avi @Mr. T? My phone screen is too small to make it out but it is um, hilarious? Icky? Weird? All of the above? You??????

  30. Indiana! My hobbit hubby's Mennonite spawning ground. Wonder where else my brain will resurface once I click out.

    This is why I have historically done so badly on tests. My mind plays hide and seek with the factoids, of which I retain zillions but only access at random. ADD-ALWAYS an adventure.

  31. I've only been to about 10 counties (from UK) and 2 states, but I've been to several countries many times and been to the other side of the world. Mmm, travelling.

  32. European - been to 15 countries, some of which visited 10-20 times. So I was surprised when I started counting it wasn't more. I do travel several times a year. Also lived abroad in 4 foreign countries (9 times in total). Next weekend trip is UK, where I've lived twice and visited about 10 times.

  33. 49 states and 4 countries (not counting America)

  34. 14 states & 11 countries (not including US)

  35. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Wow I honestly cannot understand how so many people have no desire to travel outside their own country. It blows my mind that people are satisfied just puttering about their own state and their own country and never seeing the worldI have been to about 25 countries and about 25 states and even that feels like not nearly enough

  36. I'm a poor European (a PIGS) with an airport far from where I live, therefore I travel very little.
    13 countries members of the UN (including mine) all in Europe.

  37. 32 countries not including anywhere I never made it out of the airport.

  38. All lower 48 and D.C.
    Three Canadian Provinces.
    Four other countries.

  39. Having been both an Army brat and a Marines wife I traveled extensively in my life lol and then also moved around a couple of times after that. I have also traveled a couple of places so I have been to 38 states and 2 countries.

  40. 7 different countries. 6 in Europe. I went to New York to get engaged.
    I'm Irish and I've been all over this place and Northern Ireland too. It is so nice up there. Go up as often as I can.

  41. 29 states. Only time I was ever off US soil was British Virgin Islands, which doesn't really count.

  42. 50 states, 8 provinces and 27 countries. I LIVE to travel.

    1. V - I feel like you have awesome stories

  43. I've been to 4 Australian States. 4 US states. And 9 countries. I tend to revisit places I've already been. I'm a minor Francophile.

  44. Jessie, yah...I've gotten myself into some memorable situations ;)

  45. 18 and the DC and 3 other countries

  46. 31 states, 16 countries, I hold triple citizenship.

  47. v just have to mention i have an internet crush on you.. first you mention neko case and now i find you're a rabid traveler like myself!! :)

    40 states
    31 countries
    (smoked pot/hash in most of them, haha)

  48. La pendeja, thanks! I like your travel style...I have a feeling we would make great partners in crime ;)

  49. 9 states (4 of which I was only in the airports) and 11 countries.

  50. I've been to eight states, if you include sitting in the Seattle airport as "being to" Washington state. The US is the only foreign country I've ever visited, sadly. And DH hates to travel! That's okay, I've got no problem leaving him at home. :D

  51. I've been to 33 countries so far.

  52. 20 countries, lived in China for 7 years, then Paris, now London.

  53. 19 countries, 21 if you count short little layovers.

    I have no idea how many states. I've driven cross-country three times. Up and down both coasts. I've lived in Oregon, Florida, Mass, Rhode Island, Maryland, and DC.

  54. 17 states. 12 countries. Lived in 2 countries & 5 states.

  55. 17 states. 12 countries. Lived in 2 countries & 5 states.

  56. I spent a year in Iowa as an exchange student in 1981 and was astonished that some people had never left the state (even though Omaha was equidistant to Des Moines). Actually I was horrified to be more accurate - at such a lack of curiosity about other people and cultures. Weird.

  57. 23states. no countries YET!!!!!

  58. 34 states, two U.S. territories, three Canadian provinces. Eight countries, not counting the day I sat in the Auckland, NZ, airport on the air-side of customs/immigration or the day I sat in Shannon, Ireland; same deal.

    For most of the 1990s and early 2000s, I was platinum on American Airlines.

  59. 42 states
    23 countries

  60. I've been to every state save Alaska and Hawaii. My dad was a long-distance truckdriver and I used to go with him some summers so I could visit my grandparents in California. He always made sure to stop if there was something interesting or touristy en route. Kind of love him for that.



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