Friday, October 04, 2013

Your Turn

How old were you when you stopped trick or treating? Do you remember the last year you did?


  1. I was either 10 or 11. I don't really remember any specifics. Just a general feeling of "Oh man, this is my last time trick or treating".

  2. 2010 was the last time I went. In costume, with my kid.

    I probably didn't go from the time I was 12 until 18. At 18 I started going with friends basically to wander around drinking and getting high in costume. We only actually knocked at people's houses we knew. That must have gone on for 3yrs. So 21 last time trick or treating.

  3. 12 I had to stop because I could not decide between using plastic or paper. Also, the last time I went trick or treating, the old bitch down the street gave me a peanut butter bar with creamy innards instead of crunchy. :-p

  4. I guess when I got my class ring.

  5. Trick or treating stopped early at my house.
    About the age of 7, we were suddenly informed that we couldn't go anywhere other than the 3 other apartments in our building.
    Then, the next year, we were informed that we were going out to dinner and when we got back, we weren't answering the door.
    That became the new Halloween tradition.
    My mom saved a fortune by not buying costumes and candy.

  6. Follow up Your Turn:

    Do you use paper or plastic bags while trick or treating?

  7. @folly- I guess it depends on if I am wearing my class ring.

  8. When I got my class ring, I put it in one of my nipples, from which I hang my eco-friendly hemp bag.


    The last time I trick-or-treated, I was 38. It was a big apartment building in A2. :) Yes, they thought I was nuts. I very probably was at that point.

  9. I no longer need to go, I can just raid the kids' stash when they come home. It's for their own good, what kind of parent would let a child eat that much sugar? LOL

  10. 8 or 9, we moved into a house in the suburbs and my mom got tired of taking us...

  11. 8th grade was my last year

  12. Add on question..

    How many parents were sad, when the kids declared NO MORE!

    *raises hand*

  13. I've been 5'9" since I was 12. Someone yelled at me that year for being too old/big to trick-or-treat. Bitch. I never went again.

  14. That crap isn't customary here, thus Robin Thicke.

  15. who said I quit?????

  16. I pass out class rings for Halloween. Of course, the kids only get them if they're carrying reusable bags. Kids carrying plastic can fuck off.

    1. @pip, wow I can't imagine being that mean to kids who probably weren't even involved in the choice.

    2. @pip never mind; I missed the class rings joke...sorry. ;) sometimes I'm just too gullible!

  17. I quit at 11...I can't remember if it was due to peer pressure or my own convictions, but I remember feeling very definite about it. I argued w my daughter from age 11 that she was too old, but she didn't agree until she was 14.

  18. i really did read this as when did you stop "tricking"
    i gotta get my mind out the gutter

  19. We don't celebrate Hallowe'en.

  20. Does getting dressed up and taking my kids trick or treating still count?

  21. In my 30's. I always wore a mask to disguise my age. It was worth it for free candy!

  22. Some years I get more adults than kids trick or treating! I love seeing the little kids all dressed up and I love giving out candy. It's the good stuff too Snickers, Kit Kats, M&Ms. I have no idea when I stopped Trick or treating,

  23. This is such an interesting question to moi because all of these high school kids go trick or treating now in my town. It's been like this since I've been an adult living here, so since 1998. But high schoolers trick or treating is so WTF to me. I definitely stopped that shit in middle school, so by eighth grade. I feel like I was done by seventh or sixth, though. I don't remember.

    We've already been rocking out to the The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. My boy is WAY into it. He's going as Thomas. He's 2. I kinda can't wait. I wonder if I should dress up as Wonder Woman or Cher or something.... I dressed up as such a hoochie in college for booze, not candy!

  24. Sidenote: The Curb Your Enthusiasm when Larry David interrogates two teens about trick or treating is one of my favorite Halloween moments captured on the tellie.

  25. Personally I think adults should go trick or treating. Hand out jello shots or shooters and off you go to the next place.

  26. I've always wanted to go trick or treating but since it's not a tradition where I'm from it's tough luck for me. We do have a day which could be translated as Ash Day but I don't think it's similar to Ash Wednesday. Kids dress up and go to companies and sing and get candy. And then they rally round at a public place and ''beat the cat out of the barrel'' so to speak. Fun day.

  27. I went for the last time when I was 10. Mom said I was too old. I remember my friends would all go together and be like, " come out with us!" Mom would not allow this. Writing this, it occurs to me that she was worried about our group being boy/girl. When parties went coed in jr high my mom blew a gasket.

    My kids can go through 8th grade. But my youngest told me this year she's over it. She wants to have friends over and watch Halloween movies and pass out candy. And yes, I always feel a little tug at my heart when I know a part of their childhood is over. They were super adorable in their costumes, so excited to go trick or treating.

  28. I had kids to trick or treat! I didn't get to trick or treat much. My mom was afraid of everything during the 70s, so my cousins only got to take me out for a few years. I think I stopped at 14, but was really sad about it.
