Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Your Turn

Since it is October I wanted to let anyone who has a story to share about breast cancer or to talk about organizations that are doing good work to speak up here and share your stories or your news.


Count Jerkula said...

I never had breast cancer, but my left nipple was kinda swollen and ultra sensitive for about 2 weeks a couple months ago. I was worried cause my left nipple is always the go to one when I need something extra to put me over the top.

Claudea said...

Btw there's no "I" in team, time to retire that letter. I'm feeling particuraly bitchy . The faux honesty of these open posts is taking its toll...

Meanie Rhysie said...

Now, now, Claudea...you don't want people to complain about you complaining, do you?

Meanie Rhysie said...

Check your boobies! Fuck cancer!!

Threat Level Midnight said...

While donating money and supporting any cancer research is awesome (breast cancer or otherwise), try finding nonprofits that have a high percentage of their funds going to research and treatments and avoiding those that are just after money (like Susan G. Komen):

"Susan G. Komen for the Cure is a multimillion-dollar company with assets totaling over $390 million. Only 20.9% of these funds were reportedly used in the 2009-2010 fiscal year for research 'for the cure.' Where does the rest of the money go? Let’s have a look. Health screening is 13.0%. Treatment is 5.6%. Fundraising is 10.0%. The largest chunk of the pie is going toward 'public health education,' 39.1%."

Claudea said...


Claudea said...

Good point! I also would recommend watching a related interesting documentary The Pink Ribon Inc.

Pip said...

Cool, cool, cool! I was going to write the same thing!

Research before donating! Fuck you, Susan G. Komen for a Cure. I still have not forgotten about the whole Planned Parenthood bullshit that they pulled.

Pip said...

I love that gif, Claudea!

Claudea said...


Btw speaking of complaining: @VIP I found a great gif you could use the next time Enty have a go at ALMC ! :)

Claudea said...

Thanks! to u but especially dear insomnia for keeping me up at this ungodly hour! (It's 2am in my part of the world)

auntliddy said...

My husband and my cousin is undergoing treatment for recurrance of breast cancer. I cannot even convey how much I hate cancer. Like most of us, I've lost my mother, uncles. grandparents and friends to this bastard of a disease, and the sooner its irradicated the better.

Count Jerkula said...

I hope Iceberg is cancer free. Being born with a peanut in her head, like Mr. Hanky's youngest, is burden enough for the poor twunce.

Sugar said...

Count and Iceberg, y'all need to hug this shit out.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Pass. You don't get a piece of me with Your Turd. But everyone else affected can have a piece of my heart: Fuck cancer!

Del Riser said...

Cancer is insidious. Avoid Susan G. Komen, it's a racket. Work with those in your local community, donate directly, visit a hospice. Help those who are primary caregivers
by giving them a day or afternoon off.

FlirtyChick74 said...

Check Give Well. They are a non profit organization dedicated to researching non profit organizations. You can find alternatives to the Kommen Fund there.

Sherry said...

Count men can get breast cancer too although I'm sure you're aware of that. You should seriously have it looked at.

Count Jerkula said...

My lungs, liver or heart will give out before my breasts. It is fine now.

Sherry said...

Count- Mine as well! Get that prostate checked. Although I have heard that frequent ejaculation can hold off on that probability. I'm helping keep the Opster alive as long as I possibly can.

Lost a friend to breast cancer and she was told the lump she had wasn't anything to worry about. She didn't even question the doctor enough and her parting message was fight for answers. Always.

She was 38, a triple engineer and spoke 4 languages. She was an athlete and ate organic. She was a lovely human being and it's true: The good die young. Sadly her mother lost her only other daughter and child about 2 years later from an infection she got at the hospital, IIRC.

My heart goes out to everyone who has had to fight the battle or go through it with a loved one. You have my most sincere condolences.

CherryGirlMandy said...

This past June my husband was diagnosed with cancer in his parotid gland. Very rare and he didn't fit any of the criteria. He was 46. He had to undergo two separate surgeries, the first one to remove the parotid gland and an infected lymph node and 4 weeks later they removed the entire chain of lymph nodes in his neck, of which 8 were infected, and the entire neck muscle. He just finished 8 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy on the 10th of Oct. We have to wait 6-8 more weeks for a new PET scan to make sure everything is gone.
I hate cancer.

Count Jerkula said...

I ejaculate 1.5x per day to keep the works flowing properly and to maintain semblance of sanity.

I'll probably have a Dr finger my butthole when I turn 40. Hopefully by then I can find a chick willing to get me prepared for such an event.

Count Jerkula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kloie said...

I'm getting a mammogram tomorrow because of pain (no lumps). I'm only 32. Not looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

Ladies, make sure you do your monthly self exams...I found a lump in my breast while I was breastfeeding at the age of 33 and it turns out it was cancerous:( I waited a couple of months to get it checked out and it moved from stage 1 to stage 2 rather quickly since it's more aggressive in women under 35. I cannot stress enough how importatnt it is to get "acquainted" with them so you know if anything is ever off. If I wouldn't have found that lump I probably wouldn't be here 2 years later.

Anonymous said...

That's horrid AuntyLiddy: I wish all the best to you and your family, and a full recovery.

Eros said...

Great cause and it was a good idea posting this.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Cherry! Wishing your husband health and complete recovery.

Anonymous said...

It's too late to ask you all now, but I did Ocsober - which is going booze free for a month and I've raised $380 for cancer research.
I've lost family to cancer
I've been touched with it myself
I worked previously as a trauma counselor for people with cancer and their families.
It bites arse, and we need to throw as much money and support to further research, as well as advocate for more treatment facilities.

lutefisk said...

My sister in law is stage 4 now. Started out with breast cancer. It went into her bones and liver, and she has a separate thyroid cancer.

This is why I hate any time someone says karma will get someone. She is the meanest person, and has pulled so much shit with everyone over the years, just being horribly mean, nasty, and insulting. My heart is breaking for her, my brother in law who I know since I am 18, and her two children. It is a very sad situation for all of them.


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