Friday, October 18, 2013

Your Turn

Gordon Ramsay admitted he installed a camera into the bedroom of his 15 year old daughter. I think it's creepy and an invasion of her privacy. What do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Way too invasive. The girl will be legal in less than three years. She will surely be up to no good elsewhere because of this too.

  3. This is one of the most disgusting things that I have ever heard of.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Yup. That's major creepy. Seriously.

  4. I think every show biz related kid needs a guardian appointed by the court. Depending on what he's filming it could actually be illegal.

  5. What a control freak. Glad I've always hated his guts- I feel vindicated now!!

  6. Since the girl presumably dresses and gets undressed in her bedroom, I wounder if Ramsay couldn't be nailed on a charge of child porn.

  7. Terrible invasion of privacy!

  8. What happens when she masturbates? Does he fast forward? This doesn't mean she won't have sex, it means she won't have sex in her bedroom.

  9. Oh, yeah, it's way creepy. If his daughter were of a different age, and a younger kid, I could see it. But 15 is too close to adulthood, and her privacy should be respected.
    I haven't read anything else about this, does anyone know if his daughter is aware of it? I mean, is it a camera in plain site, or a type of nanny-cam that's hidden out of the way somewhere?

  10. Completely inappropriate.

  11. Pretty sure Gordon was joking, even his spokeswoman said so. He was joking about having a teenage daughter who has a boyfriend over and bribing his 13yo son to put a camera in her room to make sure they're not fooling around. But hey, let's make is incestuous, why not?

    1. Thank you 7! I knew there was more to the story, as always.

  12. work it 7/11.
    it was a bad joke that was taken out of context.

    if this was a real story, yes, that's fucked up.

  13. I put a camera in the bathroom to watch our guests use it. It's for research purposes.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Ha ha Pip! That sounds legit, but why the glass toilet bowl?

  14. I think I might be on the internet somewhere using the bathroom but I can't be sure. I was at a friend of a friend's house once and noticed a red light looking back at me when I was doing my business. I got so freaked out and I was not in my right frame of mind to be dealing with such things so I booked it out of there, never knowing what that light actually was. Does anyone watch peepee porn on their computer? Count, I'm looking your way. Maybe you've seen my work.

  15. @Seven of Eleven
    thank you! it's out of context (like Enty often reports) and more it's a joke

  16. ugh! god dammit Sugar.
    u just brought up memories of me & my bff, pranking chat lines in the late '90s, while in high school.

    dude was a fan of "Twinkle Twins".
    man, do i have stories on that freak.

  17. Seven of Eleven: Thanks for giving us the full story!! I was ready to rip this guy to shreds.

  18. Thats not cool parenting and in the end will backfire.

    Says the girl with no kids of her own...

  19. shes probably been caught lying or with a boy
    or he believes her daughter is loose and doesnt trust her

  20. @nurysp: it's a joke out of the context

  21. yes it's creepy. When I was having trouble with my daughter I told her that she had to fall in line or she would lose her bedroom door. But I wouldn't have put a camera in there. Privacy is what kids that age crave... so it was a bargaining chip. Does he have a camera in the bathroom, too??

  22. Nice play MsWool. I like your style!

  23. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Fucking CREEPY! I am all for controlling parents that check everything, I am not one, but DO YOU! BUT....

    CAMERAS in their bedroom? That's a bit much. Just MT opinion.

  24. Anonymous7:04 PM

    The only way I would even consider putting cameras/listening devices in my kids room is if I seriously felt they were plotting to murder me. It's happened. Kids DO murder their parents. If it came to that my kid would have to GTFO.

    if I EVER got that vibe from kids/husband/family member.....U HAVE TO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO.

  25. I've heard of the removing the bedroom door deal. Whatever your kids are doing before that ends incredibly quick after that one.

    Says another person who has never bred.

  26. ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!

    Way to ruin a potentially well rounded young woman'd formative years, Gordon!!!
