Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Your Turn

Scarlett Johansson says she got a 1080/1600 on her SAT. What did you get?


Gertie Raus said...

1340/1600. ScarJo can suck it.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I got 4 hours.

Leah said...


rajahcat said...


Murphy said...


Vikingwench said...

Never took the SAT. Joined the Navy instead of college right out of high school. Went JUCO and transferred to University, after 20 years in the Navy. I did, however, test into Mensa, so I'm sure I would have scored pretty high. I DID take the GRE, and scored greater than 1100 first time up. But, REALLY, what adult gives a fuck? It's one thing if you're 18 and trying to get into a quality post-secondary or graduate school, but once you've passed that stage, who cares?

Gayeld said...


Anonymous said...

I didn't... took the ACT and got a 32.

Max score back then I think was 36.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

She made it a point of saying she didn't do half the math questions. Not sure if she was trying to excuse herself or simply stating the fact that she sucks at math. I liked a lot of the interview...she's pretty funny when she mentions retreating into a shell as a teen and how her low husky voice at the age of 9 was not going to sell any jello. Oh, and I got an 1190/1600 on my SAT...I also suck at math...

PamMo said...

When I took the SATs, you could max out at 1600 -- the scoring was 800/800. My scores were still pretty meh, at 710/540 (I really don't have the aptitude for math. At all.)

Wendy said...


8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Is that some American tax ? Not something used around here anyway, therefore I didn't get anything at it.

Kels said...

Half of you are lying through your keyboards. So everybody just did well on the SAT now? Yeah sure.

Beetlejuice said...

Not lying here Kels. I got a 1000.

JisforMe said...

I BOMBED them. I'm terrible at tests and am half dummy in math. I think I got like a 710...LMFAO. That means nothing in the grand scheme of things. If I could have stood up and talked the SAT's out, I know I would have had a higher score. lol.

WareCat said...

Kels makes me wanna punch bunnies.

MISCH said...

Didn't take them did 2 years art school and then finished 2 years at NYU for my B.A.

Beetlejuice said...

Take a Xanax boo

WareCat said...

lol MerryB!
hearts ur face betch.

Leah said...

I would admit it if my score sucked. I had to really work for my score; it did not come easily to me. For my older son, it came too easily; he rolled out of bed, barely made it to the test, and forgot a pencil. And he did much better than I did (plus, he did that 3rd section they added).

auntliddy said...

Also max was 1600. I think i got in neighborhood of 1200. Nbd then, the way it is now. I couldnt have cared less.

Kelly said...

Didn't take them.

Leah said...

FYI - my son with the super high score has little, if any, common sense. And no matter what I've done, he still has the manners of a baboon.

JSierra said...


But who knows, I am probably lying.

Snapdragon said...

I don't effing remember. It was a long time ago. :-)

Sugar said...

I'm the only test dummy here? I don't even remember what I made on the SAT but I got into college anyways. No, it wasn't an Ivy League school or anything even remotely close but I did get in, had a kick ass time, and graduated so who cares, right?

disenchanted said...

1050. I suuuuuck at multiple choice tests.

__-__=__ said...

For many people there is no life after high school. Al Bundy Syndrome.

Meg said...

1350, old school.

WareCat said...

Kels, dude, hows that job coming along for u?

Count Jerkula said...

670math/520verbal. I didn't study the vocabulary.

califblondy said...

Why is that? I've got a highly intelligent, mature, well-mannered grandchild who probably couldn't answer the question paper or plastic?

Kloie said...

1200s, don't remember exact score. 31 on ACT.

Anonymous said...

Well, since you asked, 1320 way back in the day, before it became a joke. And I still had trouble getting into college because I may have missed 142 days between my Jr and St year, and that doesn't count classes cut on the days I was there. Still got a 4 out of 5 on the AP calculus test, which was a far better achievement

amused bush said...

760 verbal/670 math. I took a lot of practice tests. I was under the delusion I could get a perfect score.

Leah said...

I also have a very well-mannered son, who has intellectual disabilities. He is smart in ways his older brother is not. I can only think that my older son's brain is busy doing other things, and can't process the social niceties. Or he's lazy. Who knows?

Paint Chips said...

I really don't remember. I was out drinking til 4am at the Howard Johnson's the night before and taking the test a few hours later was a completle train wreck.

Tru Leigh said...

I took the SAT a year out of High School. Most take it their sophomore or senior year. I knew I wouldn't have a problem with the English, but was shocked when I passed the math portion.

CanadianMiss said...

I honestly don't even know what SAT is

caydian said...

Careful...bunnies have sharp, pointy teeeeeeethhhh!

Gayeld said...

No lie. I also scored 142 on the I.Q. test they gave me in first grade. None of which means Jack. I'm not a rocket scientist or brain surgeon. I don't make six figures a year. I do well, very well, on standardized tests. Whoop-ie! All it got me was lots of one-on-one time with the school psychologist because I "wasn't living up to my potential" and Ritalin prescription.

Gayeld said...

Oh, and I suck at oral exams. If it had been verbal or a speech, I would have gone down in flames.

lsbd4 said...

I actually got my name right on the SATs. I got a whopping 800 out of 1600 possible points. My friend got 840.

Sean said...

1400ish. I don't really remember. I am very good at tests.

Bally said...

750 Math, 720 Verbal, so 1470 total, out of 1600.

I'd barely break 1000 now.

OKay said...

No SATs here in Canada, or at least I've never been given one. But I know for a fact I would kick ass. :)

evie2345 said...

1260/1600. I took it again and got the same score!

PS said...

Well, sh*t, Cdanners are SMART! Everyone is over 1k... Only 15% of my prep HS class did that, but, then again, I knew I was in better company here. Besides, who is but geniuses can cruise websites so much and still hold down a job?!? :) love this site and it's smart ass friends...

HolidayinCambodia said...

There were only two parts when I took it, and I got a 680 Math/680 Verbal, for a 1360 total.

My kids each got over 2000 on the new version.

HolidayinCambodia said...

Oh, and I didn't study shit. Did people do that in the '70's?

car54 said...

It's so long ago I don't remember my scores but I didn't really do any prep--but for some reason those kinds of tests were easy to me---I remember doing much better than I expected --I too could not do much of the math--but I had the time--and I could kind of reason through the algebra part and guess the likeliest answers--so I did ok --couldn't do the geometry at all--I could not remember the terms so there was no guessing my way through.

A lot of that kind of test taking is being able to reason through enough to take an informed guess at the answer.

Tango16 said...

Almost perfect on the Verbal, super bad on the Math. I didn't know any of the Algebra. It was all those "If Train A is coming from the north at 80 mph and Train is coming from the south at 73 mph..." questions and I had NO idea how to do them whatsoever. Very sad.

Tango16 said...

Oops there should be a "B" after the second Train.

Reese said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NaughtyNurse said...

Back in the late 80s. No studying or review courses like there are now. I got a 1260 on the SAT and a 28 on the ACT.

The Flower Girl said...


Henriette said...

I never took it! I went to a jr college and transferred to a four year. It so much easier to do that and save money too.

Celimene said...

1430. More proud of the 790 I got on the U.S. History subject test and my 3 5s on AP exams. I'm in Mensa and I'm good at taking tests, but am under no delusions that that makes me a speshul snowflake. It means I'm book-smart but flaky as hell, and prone to depressive episodes. Yeehaw!

Gayeld said...

LOL! I took it and still did that.

LTG said...

1480/1600 on SAT

34/36 on ACT

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! You said "oral exams".

lazyday603 said...

I would love to take it now after adding vocabulary from a thousand or more books in the intervening years. On the other hand my math score will drop like a rock.


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