Friday, October 25, 2013

Tom Hanks Is A Very Nice Guy


  1. He is definitely one of the great ones! He's one of the only ones to stay so humble after all these years and all his success. I still love the pics of him joking around with some college students at a bar since they were ecstatic to meet him.

  2. He is up there with Dustin Hoffman as one of the kindest celebs. There are tons of stories about how genuinely kind Hanks is.

  3. My favourite video of him is still the Toddlers and Tiaras spoof - Sexy FEET! I said sexy FEET!

  4. Hang on, I thought it was implied in previous blinds that the 'nice guy' act is fake?

  5. Anonymous4:17 AM

    If he is faking it, he deserves the Oscars. I hope not. he is my fav

  6. I love him. Love. Him.

  7. Some years ago a movie was being made in my little beach town, and I was working a temp job at the city planning office. One of the grunts who was helping build the sets came in for permits, and while the computer churned them out, we chatted. He said at that time that Tom Hanks was the nicest guy in Hollywood, treated everyone the same, whether a star or a set builder.

  8. That's the only thing I find sad about it, that it is such a huge deal when someone is NOT a jerk.
