Monday, October 28, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Perv

Despite being the star of one of the most famous shows of all time, this actor has never been more than B list. A mix of movies and television and other stuff, he now spends more of his time doing the other stuff. It is easier and pays a lot. If there is one thing our actor loves more than himself it is money. There is not much other than that he loves. His toupee collection maybe. He also loves being a complete jerk to women who are attracted to him because he is on television in front of their faces every day and he seems so harmless on television. Plus, he is aging so they are not expecting much in the sex department. Well, they are not going to get anything in the sex department from him. Oh yes, they will have to work on him but he is not going to do any thing that requires any kind of penetration.

His favorite thing to do is watch. He forces his girlfriend to be with other women and then orders them to do things together. His girlfriend does not make any money but the other women do because they are usually hookers. His girlfriend is hoping she gets to be a wife or remembered in the will because she doesn't even get shopping or money but is expected to be with him 24/7 except when he sees another woman he wants to be with alone and then the girlfriend is sent off some place while the actor gets his customary mouth or hand action from some woman who is going to be thrilled that she hooked up with this actor.

The guy makes women do all kinds of things before they even get to spend time alone with him and they can range from crawling around naked to barking or any thing else his perv mind can think of because he has been degrading women for almost 50 years.


  1. Didn't even read the BV yet...but the answer is Jeremy Piven.

    Now I will read the BV.

    1. @ crila16 I did the exact same thing esp because of the earlier BI reveal.

    2. Maybe someone from Law & Order?

  2. This probably isn't john stamos BUT, I've heard stories just like this about him.

  3. Alex Trebek, obviously.

    1. That should be "Who is Alex Trebek"

  4. Jason Alexander?
    Wears hair pieces from time to time. In our faces everyday with Seinfeld reruns

  5. I'm assuming if he's had 50 yrs of degrading women, he has to be at least 60. So I figure we're looking at someone in their 70's.

  6. I have to presume that if he has been degrading women for 50 years he did not start until at least his teens so this is someone who is at least in his 60s

  7. Stamos is gay. Best unkept secret in Hollywood. This sounds like Tim Allen.

    1. Uh uh, I will not have my head canon of him and aunt Becky secretly hooking up for the last 20 years sullied by such accusations.

    2. Stamos is not gay. Its not polite to spread false rumors.

    3. John stamos is for sure not gay.

  8. great minds Cleodacat

  9. The ghost of David Niven

    1. Or Peter Sellers. Lord that man had a rep in the day, as talented as he was, smdfh.

  10. 50 years? He must be a senior now.

  11. How about the Shat? That is...William...Shat...ner.
    Dont know if hes married again for the gazillionth time or not, and am too lazy to Google it.

    1. The Shatner is probably a tool but I'd say he is or at least has been A list

  12. Never mind he is married.

  13. Burt Reynolds maybe?

    That man has some of the best rugs in the business.

  14. Actors who have done both tv and movies, over 60, and not married:
    Christopher Lloyd
    Beau Bridges

    Though I'm thinking this blind may be about a soap star since it implies a really long tv career (see his face everyday on tv).

  15. It sounds like the "other stuff" he is doing now may be is there any old actor doing commercials besides Shatner?

  16. After reading the BV, I was thinking Shatner, except that he's already married.

    Also, it must be someone who is much older, because the girl is hoping to be in his Will.

  17. Has to be someone who wears a toupee in late 60s, 70s, still working at something other that television and movies, with a famous show that is still on TV.

  18. He isn't degrading these women - they're degrading themselves. They're all sick.

  19. Maybe a soap actor who was once a big movie star back in the 1950s?

  20. Guess I will go for Al Pacino.

  21. Leave Jerry Van Dyke alone!

  22. Anthony Geary, Luke Spencer on General Hospital, been on forever, one of the most famous soap actors, not married, weird hair situation. Think it's transplants.

    That's all I got: Tony Geary, Beau Bridges, Christopher Lloyd

    1. Not Geary, Stamos, or Perry. That much I do feel confident I know from back in my day. I think Trebek makes an interesting guess, I was leaning toward Alexander, he's a piece of work, but this reads 65 & up.

  23. @diana maras: +34

    don't stay with him:you became accomplice and consenting


  25. Patrick dempsey, tim allen or tom selleck.

  26. +1 @ Diana Maras & French Girl

    I wish these blinds were written more objectively because I hardly ever comment as I don't have anything positive to contribute to a one sided, subjective conversation.

    If this actor has been successfully doing this for half a century, then the women he chooses for girlfriends know what they're doing and are 'perv' enablers for their own selfish motives.

    Or else you are implying that women are too stupid to think for themselves so it's ALL HIS FAULT.

    Either way, at times I can't help thinking that the biggest perv here is you Enty. If it's wrong for one, it's wrong for BOTH. Enough with the self-serving double standard bull crap.

  27. It does read like Shatner, but I guess it's not if he's married.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Ted Danson was my guess but he's been with Mary Steenburgen for 15+ years

  30. I think Tony Geary is gay, isn't he?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Gave Lapland Welcome Back Kotter and full time poker champion. Born in the 40s going bald.

  32. The guy who plays Victor on the Young and the Restless? He always creeped me out.

  33. *Kaplan * fuck off spelchek troll

  34. Anthony Geary is thought to be gay, just not out there announcing it. He's not a movie guy. Bad hair though!

  35. Gary Burghoff, lol. Shatner seems a good guess but he'd have A-list recognition surely. Is Walter Koenig married?

  36. So he was on one of the biggest shows of all time, does movies, but does other stuff now. Yet it says that he is in on TV in front of their faces every day. Does that mean soap or talk show? I'm stumped

  37. I too thought "The Great Victor Newman" dude.. Eric Braeden..but he's married.

  38. Tony Geary is gay. Doing other things that are easier? Game show host?
    I got nuthin.

  39. I know the BI states he's not married but everything else points to Shatner. I still remember the rumor from back in the day he killed his first wife but the story was he found her dead.

  40. Ted Danson is a great guess. but he has been married to Mary Stemburger (sp?) forever..

    He has been sporting fantastic wigs since Cheers.

  41. Shatner? Really?

    Between the combination of him being foreign born and a multiple emmy winner, I would think it would have been mentioned.

    I can't think he was only a B during the Boston Legal days, and that is not even considering being Captain Kirk.

  42. OK, maybe I'm seeing things from a single-eyed perspective, but having a willing, naked woman crawling around on the floor before engaging in hot,sweaty monkey love doesn't sound like the epitome of perv-ishness. This sounds like something I'd like to experience. Ohhhh Enty, is there something wrong with me?

  43. John Stamos is gay?? Noooo. don't tell me that. I do not believe it.

  44. the privs stuck out immediately with his bald headed ass

  45. Tony Geary is gay and lives in Amsterdam with his partner, Ron Glass, when he's not working.

    1. @Little Miss What the What? Really?

    2. @ Little Miss For some reason, I love this tidbit!

  46. How about Jeff Goldblum?

  47. Ron Glass as in Barney Miller Ron Glass? Talk about a seriously cool super couple.

  48. I could believe Burt Reynolds. My appliance repair guy grew up in Florida in that town Burt took over with his shitty dinner theater. Story was pretty terrible. Burt chased down the guy (he was 10 or 12 at the time) with a machine gun mounted on a jeep or whatnot. He treated the kid like a piece of shit, spat at him, and roughed him up. All the kid was doing was fishing on unmarked land.

    Voting Burt.

  49. Henry Winkler. J/K.

  50. Almost 50 years implies someone in their 60's or 70's at least. The crack about the toupe and one of the most famous shows of all time screams William Shatner to me.

    The age is right. Toupes are right. Star Trek is right. The "other stuff" he does are those Priceline commercials.

  51. I know he's married, but this does read like Shatner - a legendarily unpleasant character. I like the Burt Reynolds guess (horrible to some of his exes), but he's not really known for telly. Ted Danson on the other hand...

  52. Where's VIP? Even if not to solve it, but there are some really great potential butt and ball shots she's missing out on: Tony Geary, Ted Danson, Stamos, Shatner, Burt Reynolds, Barney Miller, Christopher Lloyd... We ALL win.

  53. Bob Saget. Wouldn't that be awful?

    I do like the Burt Reynolds guess, he is a very well known jerk.

  54. Yep. Burt Reynolds. He was on Gunsmoke back in the day, one of the most famous shows of all time. Ask Loni how he treated her!

  55. @hollywooddime
    There are stories about John Stamos being a dick to women, and it really shows up when he's on Howard Stern.

    I thought Tony Geary was gay too, but he came out with this weird thing about having an affair with Liz Taylor when she guest stared on GH back in the 80s. I thought it was so bizarre.

    I like either Burt Reynolds or William Shatner for this guess.

  56. When I was a kid, I found a stray copy of a David Niven biography. I had no idea who he was but I read it anyway and it was hilarious!

  57. I was going to smart-off something about Radar from MASH but someone beat me to the punch!

  58. I thought everybody knew Tony Geary was gay and living in Amsterdam with his SO.

  59. Don't want it to be, but my first thought was Matthew Perry...


  61. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Handy hint #69: toupes can double as merkins (please SOMEONE tell me you watched the Inbetweeners)

  62. Trebek is married.
