Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today's Blind Items- Kindness

This actor is B- list. Honestly that is probably his peak for now until he shows he can do some other role. Two months ago he would have been B list. That is how fast you drop in this town. In the eyes of this home owner though he will always be A list. The very good looking actor lives next door to a home that caught on fire while the owners were at work. The fire was in the kitchen of the other house and the actor knew that is where the owner of the home kept her dogs crated during the day. The actor called 911 but went over to the house and broke through a french door cutting himself in the process before carrying the two dog crates out to the back yard. It took another five or six minutes for the fire department to arrive and by the time they got there most of the kitchen was destroyed so chances are good the dogs would have died too.


  1. love this person whoever it is.

  2. Daniel Radcliffe

  3. Axel Rose did the same brave thing some ago

  4. Don't care who it is. Love him already.

  5. That's a good neighbor….and a good guy

  6. Replies
    1. Well, his serial cheating ass sure could use the Karma.

  7. There really aren't too many people in the world that wouldn't have done the same thing.

    1. Harry. There are a shit ton of people who wouldn't give a fuck. I wish I knew more of your friends.

  8. aww - what a nice guy! Why can't it be revealed?

  9. Or did he start the fire to cover up his break in?

  10. @ FrenchGirl: Really? Axl Rose did something nice? I always here about him being a total shit. Oh, except for the time he appeared on one of the late night shows and bought everyone burgers. Anywho, that was very nice of him. Huh. Slightly less of a shit in my eyes now.

  11. I love these kindness blinds! What a sweet guy. I find it hard to believe Axl Rose would do something like this, unless it was to rescue a huge stash of drugs or his plastic surgeon.

  12. Kyle Chandler..Have no idea but that is wonderful. And he's obviously nice enough to be on speaking terms with his neighbor. Also most people have fences between houses in LA don't they? Especially if they are rich and famous so makes you wonder if it's LA or not.

  13. LOL @ di butler!

    @Sherry, I love me some Coach Taylor. :)

  14. Armie Hammer (since his movie was a bomb)?

  15. Axl probably set the fire he put out while lighting up his crack pipe :(

  16. Actors actors with one major role who have dropped in the last 2 months:
    Liam: paranoia bombed; Hunger Games is his only major role
    Charlie Hunnam: Sons of Anarchy; maybe dropped bc of 50 Shades of Panty Pudding controversy?
    Benedict Cumberbatch: Sherlock; biggest bomb of the year; and bc everyone gets so defensive of the English Otter :)

  17. @ Kristin, I'm assuming you meant BC's role as Khan in Star Trek and not Sherlock? Also, he probably lives in England.

    Not enough info in the blind to hazard a guess, really.

    1. @Momster Not sure where Cumberbatch lives but I hear they have homes in England, too.

    2. @momster I think she was referring to his latest movie out sometime in the last couple of weeks. I forget the name but its about the wiki leaks guy. It was the biggest bomb of the year.

  18. Good for him.

    Side Note: I hate when people crate their dogs.

    1. There's nothing wrong with crating a dog. A dog won't shit or piss where it lives, so when you let it out of the crate, & take it outside, it goes. Do this for a short time & the dog learns this behavior & you don't have to crate it anymore & the dog doesn't go inside.
      Leave the crate up, but with the door open all the time with a nice dog bed inside & the dog will return to its house to rest without anyone telling it to.
      Easily the most humane way to house train a dog.

    2. You know your stuff @Becca. My dog is crate trained, his door is always open.

  19. Why does everyone always see Axl Rose as a druggie? The guy has been a total health enthusiast for years. And he was the only one in the original GN'R to keep out of addictions, too.

  20. God Bless him and I hope he climbs back up the success ladder.

  21. I like to think Aaron Paul for any kindness blinds.

    1. Aaron Paul is a really good guess actually!

  22. And by B- actor does enty mean....this lady? http://m.ocregister.com/articles/jenkins-525844-house-fire.html

  23. @hanwi - gunners played Perth,Aus in March this year and Axel had four very healthy lines of coke before he went on stage. And that is just what I saw.
    The healthiest part of the tour were the oxygen tanks he insisted on.

  24. @f00bby - I guess his health craze didn't last, then. Too bad, he's so insane he shouldn't make it even worse with coke.

  25. Happy Ending for the Dogs

  26. Axl has been a huge drinker and cokehead for DECADES now. If he ever went "healthy" for any period of time, it was because his delivery was late.

  27. @Momster I think she means The Fifth Estate. It bombed bad.

  28. Gerard Butler saved a young boy from drowning by diving into a flooded river. You guys always bad-mouth one of the lusts of my life, so I'm nominating Gerry!!!

  29. Whoever this guy is, will be forever A plus in my heart. This is amazing I love him. REVEAL the shit out of this please.



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