The Goopster Is Scrambling For Good Publicity
If you can count on People magazine for one thing it is that they are willing to do or say anything a celebrity wants. What Gwyneth Paltrow wants is a cover. Specifically she wants a cover the same week that Vanity Fair has their issue out slamming her and she is also going on jay Leno who will bow down to Gwyneth and let her say or do whatever she wants and won't question her or ask any type of sensible followup.
It must kill the Goopster that she sent out that e-mail and asked all of her friends to never appear in the magazine and then have Jay-Z schedule himself for the cover and blow off a lunch with the Goopster but hang out with Chris Martin all the time. I guess Jay has taken sides hasn't he? Did you notice the hit piece is not about Gwyneth and Chris? Just Gwyneth.