Monday, October 21, 2013

Tennessee Couple Rented Out Four Kids For Child Porn

A Tennessee couple addicted to bath salts and with no income coming in decided to rent out their four daughters aged 5-17 for child porn. The couple lost their kids back in 2012 after CPS raided the house and found the kids with rotting teeth and covered in bug bites and sores with animal waste all over the house. To give you an idea, if you have seen the Breaking Bad episode where Jesse waits for the meth parents to come home, that kid was living in luxury compared to what police found at the home of these people.

When police started talking to the girls the girls told them about all the men they had been rented to who took photos of them performing sex acts on adults which were filmed and sold. One of the men who rented the girls out and filmed them has killed himself according to police.

The children are all in foster care and the state hopes someone will adopt them as a group. Both parents are expected to plead not guilty. The crazy thing is they only face 30 years in jail if convicted. That's it. They ruin the lives of four kids forever and they only face a max of 30 years. You know they will get less.


  1. Moments like this is when I hate people

  2. I can't even express how this makes me feel.

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I'll adopt these kids. Seriously. There's still hope with some stability, love and safety. Poor little things. I'm an atheist, but it's times like this I wish there were a hell. I'd hope they rott and burn for eternity.

  4. Living proof that evil does indeed walk this earth.

  5. There isn't a punishment allowed on this planet that is good enough for what they have done. I consider myself a pretty peaceful person and waiver on the death penalty, but this kind of mess makes me wish we could go all medieval on people like this. True torture.

  6. 2 horses,a rope,shoot a gun in the air.

    1. 4 horses (each.) Otherwise, I'm good with this.

  7. "... with no income coming in..."

    I would guess the Enty de jour is not Attorney Enty, based on that fine writing. I guess this would be the opposite of incoming going out?

  8. Didn't TN use death penalty? Why doesn't apply to this?

  9. @8====, except in very rare circumstances (primarily for military/federal government use), only murders are eligible for the death penalty.

  10. My heart is breaking. Those poor kids get their lives ruined and the parents get 3 hots and a cot, medical care and all kinds of rehabilitation and educational opportunities. Paid for by the state. Because anything less would be 'inhumane'. Pffft...
    I would like to see them be treated to a Papillon style prison. Forever. They should suffer every day. No reprieve. No hope.

  11. The should be scalped and left on the plains tied to a rock for the vultures to take care of.

  12. How do you get so out of your head, that you think it's okay to do that? That is so disturbing, on so many levels :(

  13. First of all, the adults should be locked away for life. I'd like to actually shoot them, but whatever.

    Second, don't say the lives of these children are ruined forever. You don't give predators that much power. They have a long hard road ahead of them, but it can be traveled well with the right help and outlook. It just depends on many factors.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Agree Unknown. There's always hope, even if the scars are always there, they can heal.

  14. The parents should be rented out in jail.

    Pedo suicide is a kinda common thing. I recall a story a few years ago near me of 2 dudes who were getting coked up and banging 14-15y/o boys. One did the sealed off garage and running car suicide, the other ran his car into a tree, fucked himself up, but lived.

  15. Both these POS should be treated equally. The only positive from this story is that one of the losers has already killed themselves- too bad the rest won't all follow suit. Next story will be the wife claiming her husband abused her and forced her to do this and she will probably get a reduced sentence - which is an affront to all mothers and women.

  16. Those poor girls! I hope the "parents" experience horrible pain for the rest of their existences.

  17. So, let's just be clear here. "I hate pedos" Enty is using this story on his celebrity gossip blog to - what exactly? Oh, right. Drive traffic and comments and make money. So it's okay if you exploit them after the fact?

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I haven't forgotten that convo you shared with Anna Nonymous, Lucas. Interesting.

  18. Dear Lord Mithras;
    One day, soon, each of the fail safe systems at the prisons that respectively house this pair must suddenly collapse, whilst the guards outside can't get back in. Before this, all prisoners need to know the location of the segregated area; and the machine shop.
    I'm thinking like the New Mexico prison situation years ago.
    Many thanks for considering my prayer.

  19. They want bath salts? Okay lock them in a room together and give them some. They'll take care of each other and hopefully we won't have to pay for taking care of them.

  20. I wish the parents would kill themselves too. Poor girls, I hope they can find some kine of healing from this, they have a long road ahead of them.

  21. There is always hope that those parents will be murdered in prison.

  22. They will each get 30 years but will probably serve only 10-12 because this is a "non-violent" crime and, well, prisons are kind of full these days.

    Anyway, hopefully there is someone out there who can afford to adopt four girls with a lot of abuse issues to deal with. The 17 year old is probably too far gone but there might be hope for the others. I say this because my sister fosters teens and she tells me if the kid is over 14 it's really, really difficult to get them to trust anyone enough to help them. The worse thing is, they tend to run away, a lot because they can't believe anyone really wants them.

  23. So disgusting, those poor children.

  24. I was expecting a photo of Kris Jenner...
