Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Suzanne Somers Says She Has Sex At Least Twice A Day

Suzanne Somers is 66 years old. She looks amazing for 66. Heck she looks amazing for 36. Yesterday on The Talk she said that she and her husband of 36 years still have sex at least twice a day every day. She adds that they would have it more if they had the time. Her husband is 77 years old and she says both couples are on hormones. I guess that means hormone therapy? They generally have sex at 4 am when her her husband is ready to have his lunch and then again about 8am when Suzanne wakes up.

"We have really busy mornings."


  1. Never liked her husband after reading her autobiography where he forced her to have an abortion in the early 70s, before they were legal.

    1. I think he sounds like kind of a narcissistic jerk, too. He also cheated on his first wife with her, IIRC. Suzanne had really low self-esteem then, and I think they're really equal partners now, though. And they DO seem to be crazy about each other and best friends. Guess it all works for them?

  2. Uhm her husband has lunch at 4am? That's a typo right?

    Well Joan Crawford was a huge advocate of sex keeping your skin looking youthful and I can see a huge difference in my skin after a great lay so there's some validity to that IMO

  3. Oh man, I remember those days. Only because I have a good memory, though

  4. It's funny how she is into hormones now, but was very antihormones when she was under the special diet for cancer.

  5. Some 77 year old guy is getting more tail in a week then I get in a year? There's no justice.

  6. She's into natural hormone replacement, not synthetic, which is what your gyno would prescribe.

  7. do they have sex with each other.

    Plastic surgery is her friend.

  8. @Charlie: we should start a club! Who wants to join?

  9. Lucky lady! Three's Company wasn't the same without her.

  10. She's got so weird.

  11. She seems like a nice woman, but pls, stfu about you, cancer, how to eat, and her life! And she had a facelift, boob sugery and she takes hormones, yet she claims its all natural! And she doesnt look THAT great, what with her lumpy face, dyed hair with bangs hanging in her eyes, and her giant head.

  12. Does anyone remember when all her crazy stuff was on HSN? She had exercise equipment, fake sugar, clothes, everything! It all looked like fake stuff from China, which it was.

  13. @auntliddy
    That's what I remember! Do remember when she said she got thin from her thighmaster, but was really lypo? That cracked me up.

  14. Not buying it.......

  15. Her first biography was really wonderful though.

  16. When do I have time? Twice a day...the life of a celeb.

  17. Not denying that SS looks fabulous, but yeah, every time she opens her mouth I feel like she's just trying to make us regular people feel bad about ourselves. That's like her whole schtick now. Yeah. If I had a team of staffers to do my day-to-day bullshit, I would be rolling in the hay all the time and in Aruba and drunk and in fabulous sparkly shoes.

    Not for nothin', but I don't believe it when these famewhores spout off about their daily sexy times: Looking at you Suzanne Somers, Melissa Gorga, Hugh Heffner. It's just a part of your whole persona. You can't tell me that there are some days that you feel like shit and are not into it.

  18. damn Renoblondee!
    u got the Enties talking about ur sex life! get it Chrissy Snow!

  19. A friend of mine was on the same horomone therapy that SS is, and got me to try it. I've been on it a year now. I feel a lot better. I went on just as my OBG said I was starting menopause. I don't use the same amount that SS does, because I don't want to feel 21, I just want to feel better than I did. It cost about $70 a month, not covered by insurance. my MD will only perscribe 1 month at a time, and there is only 1 compounding pharmacy in San Diego county that does this, so it's a little inconvient. But it's worth it because I feel better. I was SO tired all the time, and now I'm not. Side benefit; my hair looks fabulous! Had gotten to where it looked more like cotton candy rather than hair, and didn't seem to be growing ( could have just been breaking off). Anyway, if you are feeling less like yourself as a result of menopause it might be worth looking into.

  20. She looks amazing? Really? My husband was flipping through channels the other night & she was on one of the news shows ... maybe CNN or Fox. Anyway, she looked like absolute shit. Her face was so plumped up with fillers it looked like she was having an allergic reaction. It frightened me.

  21. I think she looks too pulled and tightned and plumped, myself. Her cookbooks are great, though. If you're on any kind of eating plan that embraces fats and proteins, check them out. Her beef Stroganoff (with a secret weird ingredient) and Swedish meatballs are among my faves.

  22. I love this lady. I ready her book AFTER THE FALL two times while cleaning up my life, and it had a big impact on me. She basically takes the attitude that being fired from her show was the greatest thing that happened to her ever because it forced her to grow up and become human instead of going into the "star" lifestyle of being driven by limousine from bed to work to druggy parties.

  23. She's a salesperson who makes a ton of money off all kinds of crap. Good for the old broad and her game show host hubby.

    And IMO, nobody can force a grown woman to have an abortion. She could have dumped him and gone on and have the baby. I think even the one child she did have was an accident when she was very young.

  24. Like her or not, she does make you stop and think and perhaps research on a few things.

    If you are a foodie, look through one of her cookbooks. The food really is fantastic.

    I have bought a few kitchen items from her and been very happy with them. And I do have a few pieces from her jewlery line that I still love. But years later, the quality on other pieces went down hill.

    And her new skincare line is getting a lot of really good word from beauty blogs and beauty forums.

  25. She was claiming she takes human growth hormone for which you need a doctor's prescription if you are taking it legally.

    Legal medical uses for HGH according to one site"

    Even though we mostly hear about human growth hormone (HGH) treatment in the context of controversy, it does have legitimate medical uses. Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a disorder that can occur in both children and adults.

    Children with GHD may grow less than 2 inches (5 centimeters) per year, an indication that there is something amiss with their levels of HGH. The child's blood sugar may be lower than normal, and sexual maturity is delayed. An endocrinologist usually makes a final diagnosis. Some adults can develop GHD after reaching physical maturity, or if their pituitary gland is damaged by something like trauma or radiation treatment. Symptoms include increased body fat, decreased muscle and bone mass, low energy levels and poor sleep. It's important to note that these symptoms must come from a true hormone deficiency and not simply the natural loss of HGH that goes with the aging process. Again, an endocrinologist can run tests to determine if a deficiency is, in fact, the problem.

    HGH is a valuable treatment for growth hormone deficiency. Daily injections improve symptoms in both children and adults with GHD. It's important to note that HGH is only effective if delivered via injection. Stomach acids will break it down if ingested, so an injection delivers it directly to the bloodstream. The injection also allows the greatest concentration of HGH to enter the body. Pills, sprays or powders have little or no effect on the body.

    Human growth hormone is also effective in treating muscle weakness related to HIV or AIDS. Its success with healing muscle damage is one of the reasons athletes tend to take injections of HGH, even though it's a banned substance in sports. Many trainers believe it greatly speeds up the healing process for torn muscles and surgery [source: Reynolds].

  26. @me I'm interested to know what it is that you take? I've read most of SS's books and I do like her eating plans. I'm in Canada not sure if we can get natural replacement hormones here but will look into it. My hair seems to be falling out and breaking off by the handful, but I'm otherwise very healthy at 54.

  27. @Ware- I was wondering when someone would say that! Haha

  28. @GrayHare: There is a clinic is the Edmonton, AB area that has that, it is at the Synergy Wellness Centre. Called something to do with Women's Health. It is crazy expensive, but they do their own compounding, the works.

  29. @TTM thanks. I'm in Toronto but will see if they can recommend anyone here.

  30. I live in Edmonton, and I think I'm gonna ask my doctor for a referral to the Synergy Wellness Centre...

  31. @ CeeKay, you don't actually need a referral, as absolutely none of it is covered. You just call them and they will email you an info package.

  32. Suzanne was on Watch What Happens Live about a week ago and her face is all puffed up or something--she looked really different.

    She spent the whole time hawking her products--Andy Cohen didn't know what to do with her.

  33. @anothergrayhair
    Progesterone and estrogen. In different amounts each day (you get a calendar to keep track). It mimicks what you would have had naturally back in the day. Requires a Rx, as I said. But you can buy DHEA at any drug store, and that will also help hair. It's called "the mother of all horomones". Easy to read about online. I find myself noticing fabulous hair on women over 50 now, and figuring they must be on homomone replacement thrapy. Once you get the Rx yOu should be able to get a compounding pharmacy to mail it yo you. isn't getting old fun?????

  34. Read the "what your dr didn't tell you about pre-menopause" or any of his other books and they talk about progesterone.

    It is amazing how many women go through early menopause theses days.

    That book helped a friend get pregnant and led me to y drs to treat my various issues.

  35. SS takes "Bio Identicals"... they help replace the hormones that decrease or disappear with age. Agreed she needs to lay off the fillers and surgeries. Hopefully when I need this therapy it will be perfected. I am on board for aging gracefully, but with some assistance.

  36. No, you can't force a woman to have an abortion, but you can manipulate a woman at low point in her life, as Sommers current husband did. She had to get the abortion by lying and saying she was mentally unbalanced because her dickwad boyfriend at the time(now husband) didn't want any more kids. Sorry, but Sommers did not paint Alan in a great light in that book.

    HGH is the hormone women are taking for more muscle mass I thought, and it's becoming a problem.

  37. @me thanks for all the info. And yes, I found a long chin hair last week. I'm blonde and have never had facial hair -- getting old sucks but I agree, gracefully with a little assistance is the way to do it. I realize this will give the Count more ammo against me next time he wants to call me an old witch...... lol.
