Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Random Photos Part Six

I had to wait a day to put Johnny Depp in blonde hair on top. Worth it.
Ashley Benson spends another night out partying.
Alec Baldwin calls some paps up to join him at fight club.
Britney Spears after rehearsing her Vegas show.
Chloe Moretz has landed in Japan with her family.
Dakota Fanning at a party in NYC.
Denise Richards takes two of her three daughters out.
Farrah Abraham is dating a guy who didn't have to pay in advance.
Gisele Bundchen never looks bad. Ever. It is disheartening.


  1. OMG, did you SERIOUSLY not acknowledge the legendary Christopher Lee in the Johnny Depp photo? WHAT THE FUCK???!!!! Are you TWELVE?

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      @loopy, could not agree more. I grew up on the Hammer films.

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      EXACTLY!! Living legend, lurve the Hammer films.

  2. I take that back. Most 12-year olds would have probably seen any of the last three Star Wars films, or any of the Lord of the Rings films, or even Willie Fucking Wonka. Are you FOUR?????


  4. Dakota looks like a ghost. Says a fellow pale lady.

  5. I'm starting to think Dakota Fanning dresses that way on purpose. Been a few photos now...And why would it be disheartening to a dude that Giselle Bunchawhatsername is always flawess?

  6. I feel like I SHOULD BE ANGRY

  7. That dress makes Dakota look like one of the brides of Dracula in the old Hammer films.

  8. Loopy, I might forgive the Enty for that. I didn't recognise Mr. Lee either.

    Butt-boinked Farrah has a boyfriend?

  9. Does Farrah's boyfriend have lady hips?

  10. I can't, Harry. I just can't. If they didn't appear together in Willie Wonka, then maybe. But a supposed Hollywood entertainment attorney not recognizing Mr. Lee, especially after 276 film and TV credits and appearing in some of the highest-grossing films of all time? No excuse. They really need a proofreader before uploading.

    You are a compassionate soul, though.

  11. Oh, Britney. For Christ's sake.

  12. Has Britney always had that hairline or is that from the extensions?

  13. No way did a guy write the Gisele comment. LOL

    Pale chicky here...leave Dakota alone!!!

  14. Dakpta's dress is beautiful.

  15. I'm with loopymommy on this. It's Christopher FREAKING Lee. Recognize greatness! *waves hands wildly*

  16. Britney used to really irritate me. Now she just makes me very sad.

  17. The hand holding of Chloe and what I assume is her brother is fing creepy! It's not a lead the way kind of hand holding...it's more of a lovers stroll. Does no one else see that? IS that her boyfriend?

  18. Loopy, you make a good point. An entertainment lawyer should indeed know Christopher Lee by sight..That is just futher confirmation, to me at least, that this Enty isn't who he/she pretends to be. You're also right about me being a compassionate soul. And I'll just add good looking and exceedingly well hung too.

  19. Britney wow! Isn't it amazing the magic hair and makeup people can do?

  20. Exactly!

    and: Haven't we met somewhere before?

  21. I recognized Christopher Lee right off and honestly I was surprised he was still alive. I'm not sure who the blonde guy next to him is though. :)

  22. But on the other hand, maybe he didn't know if anyone would recognise Mr. Lee. Since he usually posts tweeners and Alba and the like, maybe he just referenced the sure thing, aka Mr. Depp.

  23. Christopher Lee deserves the top spot any day, whether it is acknowledged or not!

    And hello tall blonde dude with Chloe Moretz.

  24. TTM, if CDAN didn't get such an overwhelming response to the Old Hollywood blinds, I'd agree with you. My 16-year old recognized him as both Count Dooku and Sauroman. I think maybe the person posting as Enty today is closer in age to a tweener and one with a very cursory knowledge of Hollywood at that.

  25. Giselle is one thousand times better looking than me, but she still looks like a tranny IMHO. And not the top-of-the-line kind, neither.

  26. I'd much prefer a pic of Lee than anyone here. Greatness is what I want to read. Ah well.

  27. Sir Christopher deserves top spot every day, not even for his vast acting career, but his service as a commando with the SOE and SAS in WWII. (Ian Fleming was his cousin).

  28. Britney looks batshit crazy.

    Was there a rumor that Denise's last daughter is really Charlie's. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of her.

  29. Poor Britney.

    Does anyone else think that Starbucks is the only joy in her life? I imagine her handlers using the promise of an iced mocha as positive reinforcement to get her what they need her to do each day. In this picture, she was promised one if she completed a hard workout.

  30. What's up with Hilaria always wearing heels when she goes for walks with the baby? I find it odd.

  31. Is that Chloe's brother she is holding hands with?!

  32. at first glance i didnt know who it was either all i could see is that god awful dye job

    relax it isnt that serious

    look at baby brady, im not worthy

  33. @Tammy That's what I was going to say about Gisele.

  34. Cradling a newborn while sporting fame heels is just stupid. So Farrah had a nose job? Cause that's some beak.

  35. Add me to the praisefest to Sir Christopher Lee. A dude who speaks seven (7) languages, is 2 metres tall, has been Dracula, Dooku, Saruman, Scaramanga, has sung metal... is a fucking legend.
    The only bad thing about seing him here is that he is in bad shape, not so bad for a 91 y/o semigod, but he should always be young.

  36. Britney looks more bloated that Vince Vaughn after a three-day bender.

  37. I see we have female tweener Enty posting today. I think we have a staff of people writing, one of whom is the original Enty. OE (original Enty) posts only on weekends these days, and only occasionally. What other enty writers are there?

  38. Britney seems to be a shell of her former self. Sad.

    I have never gotten the appeal of Gisele. She has a nice body but her face leaves a lot to be desired. Just my humble opinion.

  39. Add me to the Giselle tranny club. I think her twin is much prettier.

    Poor Britney. Let's kidnap her and send her to some hidden Louisiana town where she can hide forever.

  40. Shouting out for Christopher lee too!! He can act circles around Johnny drop!

  41. I would say that Sir Christopher Lee wasn't recognized by the female Enty because the pic wasn't in the DM but I cant because it was, so there is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for this stupidity. He gets the top spot never Depp!

  42. Jax hates Christopher Lee! Damn you!

    Depp is a tool. There. I said it. Throw things if you want, but he seems like such a fucking douchebag.

  43. May I just send out a huge wave of love to all of those who posted about their Lee love? Yes, I'm talking to you, Christina, Harry, Merry, Layna, Califblondy, Alexa, msgirl, Mari, Kermit, Amy, Sandy, and Pip. I just hope he knows how much his work is appreciated.

    1. He is the coolest. Just watched the 3 LOTR movies the other day. And he was in Frankenweenie!

  44. Looks like Depp's heavy drinking is catching up to him. He looks terrible.

  45. That's the first pic - and there haven't been many - that i thought Ashley Benson actually looked good.

  46. There is a girl behind one of Denise's dsughters but I don't know if it's the other daughter or a friend.
    And I don't find Gisele attractive. I get her appeal as far as being a great model but I think there are many many women that are more breathtaking than she is.

  47. I have never heard of Christopher Lee. Sorry.

    And no way would a male find Gisele's appearance to be "disheartening."

  48. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I love the Fanning sisters' 'pale and interesting' look.

    I think Gisele is over-rated - those jeans look awful (too tight around the crotch area - ick!) and her face is not pretty.

  49. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Britney looks traumatised ... :-(

  50. @loopymommy - Thank you for acknowledging Christopher Lee, but apparently I outdate you by a couple of decades. He was in some of the most amazing horror flicks in the '60's and '70's, and for that alone he deserves a genuflect.

    1. You're sweet, but I'm an old lady. ;) He scared the crap out of me when I was young, though, especially when he played The Mummy. I was just trying to place him in a current context for those who weren't aware of the Hammer films and his extremely creepy, yet testosterone-filled, Dracula.

  51. I really did love Johnny Depp for several years before and after "Ed Wood". His resemblance to my brother, who was blonde, in both looks and personality in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" was uncanny, but this new blonde look makes him look old and desperate.

  52. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Was Britney coming from the studio, or a sweat lodge? Jesus.

  53. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Oh, and Depp's hair looks like shite.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.
