Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Six parts today.

Michelle Rodriguez shows off a great smile at the airport. She never smiles.
Not smiling was Aubrey Plaza who pointed out the paps while at the pumpkin patch.
Paul Rudd shows off the skills that made him the top bowler in his second grade instructional league.
Robin Thicke and Paula Patton head out of London after stocking up on pinkie rings and threesomes.
Rumer Willis and her friend got matching Halloween costumes.
Amanda Seyfried and her dog. That dog goes for a lot of walks.
Speaking of walking, this is Sharon Stone walking in Poland.
The great legs belong to Taylor swift who just had dinner with the guy on his phone who is Alexander Skarsgard.
Vin Diesel practices his Eiffel Tower move.


  1. WOW! I am being totally sincere when I say that is the best picture of Rumer, I have ever seen. She looks PRETTY, which I have NEVER thought ever!

    1. Haha. I was just thinking the same thing.

    2. Looks like Rumer is trying out the new duck lips pose replacement, sparrow face.

    3. My first thought too Paris. Timer looks positively pretty there.

    4. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Same! Has Rumer had her chin done? Not being nasty, but it looks it.

  2. What did aubrey plaza expect was going to happen when she went to pap infested Mr Bones

  3. I've never seen Rumer Willis looking better.

  4. Why can't Taylor Swift date some low profile guys? These kind of hookups almost never last because both people are too ego-driven.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      It's official. Any guy dating Taylor Swift must be gay. I think her singing takes a back seat career wise, compared to her boarding services

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM


  5. Rumer must have shaved her chin bone down.
    I smell a new swifty breakup song. Alexander better keep his fetishes in the closet or else the whole world will find out.

  6. Yeah I was going to say that about rumer too. Either she got a few more inches shaved off her jaw, or this is just a fluke.


  8. Amanda Seyfried look skeletal.

    Rumer looks good in that photo. Photoshop or surgery?

  9. I'm starting to wonder if Swifty is a high priced beard escort.

  10. Walks are good for dogs, I don't know about Amanda, she looks awful.

  11. Rumer looks fantastic!

  12. What a great picture of Rumer. She looks exactly like Demi.

  13. Taylor isn't dating ASkars. They're filming The Giver together.

  14. Taylor isn't dating ASkars. They're filming The Giver together.

  15. I wonder how the paparazzi found Swift and Skars all the way in South Africa.

  16. I think Askars is beyond out of swifty's league.

    1. @napassasin She'll still try to make it happen. Or get you to think it happened.

  17. Damn, E, you really hate Michelle Rodriguez.

    Rumer looks good, Swift's legs look backwards somehow.

  18. Rumer looks so pretty! Atta girl! Vin Diesel, those abs look like a lot of work. Atta boy.

  19. I thought Rumer looked really pretty too. Poor girl, it's not her fault she got dad's looks.

    I'd imagine Amanda walks her dog EVERY day, Enty. Maybe even twice a day. I don't think this Enty has ever owned a pet.

  20. Why are people letting Taylor act?

  21. What in the hell is up with Amanda's legs?

  22. Rumor must be growing into her face...man I have to say she looks pretty!

  23. Taylor just better leave Askars alone, when she starts playing with the hot grown up men I have to protest. I agree Kristin, three guesses who informed the paparazzi where they were going for dinner.

  24. In the Rumer pic I see shadowing makeup, clever lighting... & maybe pillow lips. If she has finally had surgical work done, why wait so long?

    Rumer's an aspiring actress whose mom must have one of the best cosmetic surgeons in the world. Would fixing the cruel genetic prank played on the Willis/Moore offspring involve extreme & dangerous surgery?

    This young woman has sought the spotlight for years, & borne vicious public jabs about her appearance from day 1 (can't imagine her life back in school). In her place--as a wanna-be actress--I'd count the days til my skeletal structure was fully formed. THEN, go to mom & obtain the name of her surgeon at gunpoint, if need be.

    Or has she shown potential to be brilliant in character roles?

  25. In the Rumer pic I see shadowing makeup, clever lighting... & maybe pillow lips. If she has finally had surgical work done, why wait so long?

    Rumer's an aspiring actress whose mom must have one of the best cosmetic surgeons in the world. Would fixing the cruel genetic prank played on the Willis/Moore offspring involve extreme & dangerous surgery?

    This young woman has sought the spotlight for years, & borne vicious public jabs about her appearance from day 1 (can't imagine her life back in school). In her place--as a wanna-be actress--I'd count the days til my skeletal structure was fully formed. THEN, go to mom & obtain the name of her surgeon at gunpoint, if need be.

    Or has she shown potential to be brilliant in character roles?

  26. Well, I have a dog about that size and he gets walked 2-3 times a day. I guess this "Enty" isn't the same one who criticizes others for neglecting their pets.

  27. WTG Rumer, looking good!

  28. Shocked at Rumer!

    Um dogs need to be walked 2x day wtf? And that's an Aussie, high energy.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      I feel bad! Our puppies only get walked once a day because of our work schedules.

  29. Amanda you are too gorgeous to let yourself get that underweight. Your poor legs!
    Agree Rumer looks great, so much like her mom there.

  30. holy shit look at rumer!!!!

  31. Aubrey Plaza: don't you just miss the farm on Ramsey Road? No paps there.

    Also, St. Ann's, represent!

  32. OMG My stupid phone..It's RUMER not timer you crazy piece of technology!

    I did a side by side of her picture here and others and it looks like more than shading. And yeah why didn't she do it sooner? If her nose, eyes and lips were larger she'd look balanced. That's always been the issue.
    Whatever, she looks good there I'll give her that!

  33. Hello, VIN!!

    WTF is Aubrey Plaza and why would a pap be photographing her???

  34. So ASkars is gay??

  35. Katie Holmes is also in that movie. I bet he beds them both, then flies away to Sweden just like his dad!

  36. Alexander Skars really gets around.
    Holy crap. and doesn't he have a few sexual hang ups? Hmmm. Good couple maybe then!

  37. Rumer DOES look really great in this pic, and it's the first one where i've done a double-take knowing who it was.

    Two things: It could be photoshop, plastic surgery (chin shaving).if she got chin shaving, i wouldn't blame her; i've had plastic surgery to correct an unsightly problem as well. She looks great and very animated in this pic.

    Between her mom and dad she should have some decent acting talent, and the facial features she has may have stood in the way of realizing any of those talents. i haven't seen her acting, so i don't know.

  38. Oh, and ASkar and Swifty is a total no-go. It's like the trying to cross an OC Soccer Mom with the SNL/Deiter character.

  39. Taylor will be Skars' next victim. Didn't one of the reveals say his hookup of the week was frightened because of the ambient temperature (cold) and latex gloves everywhere?

    Be careful, Tay-Tay!

  40. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Seyfried's dog always looks sad :-( I think he might be very old :-( I hope he has a happy life with her.

  41. Anonymous9:03 PM

    So you know how everyone is always saying what a bitch Julia Roberts is? I just saw her on ET ... she seemed far from it ... was really, really lovely to Nancy and Rob. I hope she is nice in 'real life' ... there are enough horrible people out there already.

    1. I live near Taos, where she has a vacation/trophy home in one if the mountain valleys. Everyone From Taos that I've spoken to who has run into her IRL, hates her because she tries the, 'Do you know who I am?' Line all over town. La Fonda in Taos is about sick of her behavior.

  42. Everyone Taylor 'dates' is gay so they're basically outing themselves anyway. Only one I'm unsure of is John Mayer....she's a professional beard

  43. Rumer Willis had to have had surgery on her jaw. I'm sorry- that is the only way she could look like this.
