Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Naomi Watts is in the most boring photo shoot ever. "Throw some sand on her and we'll call it art."
Orlando Bloom goes hiking with his son.
Also with their son is Amy Poehler who forgot the backpack and just carries him around the old fashioned way.
Patrick Dempsey is all smiles as he arrives at LAX.
Ryan Gosling back in 1997 doing his Zoolander impression.
Sylvester Stallone and Ahnold are now wearing matching leather. Off to register for gifts now.
Sofia Vergara seems like she doesn't have a care in the world. All a facade.
Woody Allen and his wife/daughter.
Zendaya Coleman looks really good. Too bad she had to ruin it by going to Planet Hollywood.


  1. I remember all those cheesy and possibly Canadian TV shows you did in 90s Gosling!!

  2. Yum! Patrick Dempsey!!

  3. Both Ginger Poehler and Mini Bloom are adorable.

  4. Sand, no sand. Boring, not boring. Naomi is still smoking. In my Top 25 for sure.
    What a tool Liev is.

  5. Whenever I hear this Zendaya chick's name, I think of Sanjaya.

  6. OMJesus I just realized that was Ryan Gosling in Xena the warrior princess. That was my favorite show, I've watched every episode on netflix like 3 times. Love him even more now.

    Also maybe it's just me but something seems a bit off about the relationship between Zendaya and her father....I hope we don't have another Lindsey and Michael Lohan in the making

  7. I have never understood why women think Dempsey is hot. Really don't see it...

    Sofia looks like a barracuda lol. Have never liked her.

    Can't stand Woody and his wife looks old.

    Who is Coleman??

  8. Sofia's eyes never smile.

  9. Who is Amy Poehlers' baby daddy, and why is he never with those kids?

  10. ^Will Arnett. Because he's an orange spray tanned tool.

  11. Anonymous1:42 PM

    hhahahahhaa @renoblondee

  12. I thought that was Lil Kim in the last picture.

  13. LOL @ Reno! He is!

    Bloom's gear looks to be almost as big as he is! <3 Amy's adorable ginger

    I think Robin Sparkles is the male version of Ryan Gosling.

  14. Umm, female version of Ryan Gosling, that is.

  15. I saw Orlando in the Romeo and Juliet on braodway. Front seats too so I go to see him Shirtless. Oh yeah.

  16. Woody and is daughter wife are revolting and morally repugnant but they've certainly stood the test of time. They've been together since 1992, or before, who knows how long they were together before they went public. With the recent news that Ronan might not even be Woodys son, Mia isnt looking too angelic herself.

  17. Where did Amy get those lilac pants?!?! Are they cords? Gah I totally want them!

  18. I guess I have totally missed the Naomi Watts train. I know I've seen her in movies, but I'll be darned if I can remember one of them off the top of my head. She may be a great actress, but she has zero "it" factor to me. She's just blah.

  19. Oh, Patrick Dempsey!! Whoa! Come to mama...

  20. Wait. How old is that Zendaya girl? I know I'm a mom and all, but seriously...isn't she too young to be wearing stilettos??? No way would I have been allowed to wear shoes like that as a teenager.
