Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Harrison Ford signing Star Wars stuff in London.
Heidi Klum and her daughter in matching black.
Hilary Swank got papped. She looks pretty excited about it.
Hailee Steinfeld at the premiere if her new movie with
Ben Kingsley.
Jennifer Connelly does her own kissing stunts on the set of her movie.
Fergie and Josh Duhamel look dazed and they even have a team of nannies to help them.
James Franco shows off his love of Happy Days.
Jennifer Love Hewitt looks good here. Must have found a new guy. You really think the father is going to stick around?


  1. Yay Ben Kingsley! He is the man. All four feet of him.

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I wonder if I pulled up my skirt if Harrison would sign my Chewbacca?

    1. Awwwww. THAT is a cute visual. Just dirty enough. Yay Rach!! good one!!!!

  3. Oh wait, he's actually 5'8'', I thought he was much shorter. Go on with your bad self, BK!

  4. I love Hailee's look there. She looks great.

  5. JLH almost always looks good. She doesn't need a new guy, she is naturally good looking.

    Sir Ben Kingsley is great.

    That Hailee gives me contrarian feelings, on one part I feel ashamed that I would bone her on the spot because she is too young; on the other part, knowing that she has already had (voluntarely) some singer's baby batter inside her, her youth dilutes in my mind.

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Kermit, responding to your comments is like shooting fish in a barrel.

  7. JLH's guy will sick around just like Jessica Simpson' s did. It's all about the $.

  8. WTH is on that guys back?

  9. I would so wear Hailee's outfit!

  10. Why is it that GOSSIPERS say that MEN RUN from JLW? Maybe it is the OTHER way around? Maybe she just gets SICK of THEM after a few weeks/months.. AFTERALL.. they all seem to be from whatever work project she is on.. so, it is probably a PHYSICAL attraction.. and you fall OUT OF IT..

  11. @luna - can you speak up? I can't hear you.

  12. Franco and kingsley look great here

  13. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I agree Enty, Hillary Swank looks SUPER EXCITED at being papped.


  14. Hilary Swank resembles a horse excited to see a super big carrot; James Franco somehow always manages to look cool. Welcome to parenthood Josh and Fergie!

  15. haha! josh and fergie. its always fun to see the look of "what the f have I done" in the eyes of celebs after a baby. to me, that means they are with the baby. its such a special time for new parents. but maybe something you enjoy more in retrospect, when you aren't terrified, and everything turned out okay.

  16. What a shame that JLH got pregnant. I love her body but she will use motherhood as an excuse to never get her body back in shape.
