Friday, October 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Apparently Lifetime is not punking us and Gina Gershon really is going to play Donatella Versace.

They also managed to get The Edge and Michael Stipe there with Helena Christensen.
The Goopster is still filming for Hugo Boss who obviously think she can help sell product. Snooki would probably sell as much.
Helena Bonham Carter dodges traffic to get away from paps asking her about Tim Burton sucking face with someone else.
Angelina Jolie spends another day looking for places to film her latest movie.
Josh Duhamel looks guilty here.
Hey it's American Idol.
George Clooney just always has to be a clown. Here he is trying to photobomb the Seinfelds with Steven Spielberg.
He then gets to have his photo taken with Jon Stewart and Sandra Bullock.


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