Monday, October 28, 2013

Random Photos Part Four - Halloween Photos Part Three

Christian Audiger thought Julianne Hough and her blackface was so fun that he would do it too.
Naya Rivera is Carmen Sandiego
Chelsea Handler
Kristin Chenoweth and Jake Pavelka. He was talking to guys about his lightsaber.
Chris Colfer and friend.
Slash and his wife.
Julianne Hough and her blackcface.
Liev Schreiber


  1. Has anyone seen Slash's new horror movie? It's not playing near me.

  2. Looks more like 'greyface' to me. I can't even guess what he's supposed to be, however. It really shouldn't surprise anyone that Christian Audiger, the man behind all those hideous Ed Hardy shirts, would have bad taste. ;)

    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Letlove: I know, right? I have an Ed Hardy hoodie I purchased for a white trash party. Overpriced & tacky. Still no excuse for racism though...

  3. Now I know I'm a cynical and snide broad, but am I the only one that thinks Houghe did this for the press?

    There is no way she is that dumb. Or anyone on her team or circle of friends.

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking..people know that blackface is not the bizness

  4. @Kristin, I dunno. She may be that dumb.

    She wants so desperately to be famous, and with this outfit, she's completely screwed the pooch. Unlike Paula Deen, she doesn't have an established audience that will back her up in spite of (or because of?) accusations of racism.

  5. @Freya, I have not seen Slash's movie, but I follow Slash on Facebook, and he has been going on about this film absolutely forever. I hope it's successful for him.

    @LetLove, +1 on Audiger's bad taste. Really, there's no excuse for blackface - it's not cleverly rebellious or offering some great transgressive message that will make us all think.

    The only exception, I think, would be if someone wants to dress up as Barack Obama. The President of the United States, like any powerful person, should always be open for satire. I think it would be fair game to go as Obama carrying 20 telephones, listening in on all the other world leaders.

  6. @ Kristin She received more attention for this foolery than the whole time she was with Ryan Seacrest. Wouldn't surprise me if she did it for the publicity...or she could be that dumb.

  7. Hough is that dumb. And yes, Julianne- we'd have caught on without the tacky ass makeup job.

    Also, slashes wife looks like patti stranger. And is Liev supposed to be one of e characters from the royal tanenbaums?

  8. Why didn't she just dress up as Piper Kerman if she likes the show so much!?

  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Oh waaa. Audigier is a fancy hobo. The end.

  10. is she suppose to be crazy eyes??!!!!!!!

    of all the white woman on the shoes the bitch chooses a dark skin woman like crazy eyes??!!!

    yea shes reaching for attention

  11. naya is working that costume!!!

    but i cant get over her plastic face, such a young giorl and her face doesnt move

  12. I didn't think Naya could possibly look any sexier. Boy, was I wrong. Does she take sexy pills daily or something?

  13. There was a group of girls who went as the characters from OITNB. And Hough decided to black face it up. She seems to be having too much fun so I can't tell if it's just ignorance or on purpose for publicity.

  14. Hough looks like she has a bad tan. It's a little orangy or something.

  15. I think that Audiger dude is supposed to be Baron Samedi, one of the baddest ass gods in Vudu culture.
    If I'm right, good for him, that god is awesome. That unless you think it's offensive to Haitian culture, in that case he should have disguised as Hitler, stalin, mao, pol pot or assholes like them to be offensive to them.

  16. As a person of color, I think caucasians are more offended by Julianna's blackface than people of color are. In my opinion she looks more orange (no pun intended) then anything. Yes I completely understand American history and the use of blackface in movies and television but I don't think she had bad intentions (publicity yes) behind the look. I plan on dressings as khaleesi from GOT for halloween, if I put on a blonde wig and pale makeup would that be somehow offensive? If we are trying to move to a post racial society lets kill the perceived racist bs and move on America.

    1. Speak for yourself. Julianne is in bad taste and it's extremely offensive.

    2. I agree with Rafi. I'm finding a hard time being outraged over this. She's dressing up as a character and put some brown (orange) make up on. I feel like nit picking over small things like this is having the opposite effect on equality.

    3. Alexis & Rafi +1. She really didnt do it to be offensive. It's not like she decided to just go by herself as the character - she was part of a whole group.

  17. What is Chelsea supposed to be? I saw a side shot of it on Instagram and she was wearing a baby bump.

  18. I love Slash. He and his wife look great in their costumes. So sick of all the slutty costumes.

    Kristen Chenoweth's lips scare me.

    Julianne just looks freaky, I don't know what she was trying to pull. I really don't, she looks like she got a really bad fake tan.

  19. I think J is just dumb and also to give her credit(ugh) she probably didn't think it was offensive since she loves that character so was paying homage.

  20. Sorry but you have to be mentally stunted to think blackface, no matter how dark or not it is, is okay. As a black person I am offended. It isn't just white people, you don't speak for an entire race Rafi.

    1. And neither do you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even people of the same color.

  21. @Rafi, I like the way you think. I'm hoping one day that skin color is...just a color....and that's all it is.

    1. The world isn't colorblind and it never will be and it shouldn't be. Your color means a lot in this world, whether you like it or not and it's not going away unless we're all suddenly the same color. Wake up and learn your history!

    2. @Kels Re: 'learn your history'. Protestants and Catholics used to slaughter each other - they don't any more. So-called Christians used to burn Jews and witches at the stake - they don't any more. Europe used to be involved in constant internal wars, England vs France vs Germany vs Spain. It isn't any more. Women used to lose nearly half their offspring to childhood illnesses - they don't any more. If history teaches us anything, it's that we can solve what seem like intractable problems.

      Of course, some people always have an interest - financial or emotional - in those problems *not* being solved.

  22. Is that blackface that Audigier has on? I assumed he was supposed to be a ghost or something.

  23. J's make up looks awful and not dark at all, but if her id tag shows a black woman then is she trying to be a black woman prisoner????

  24. Julianne just looks like over tanning, her hair is still blonde too. I honestly don't think she meant to offend at all.

  25. Megan,
    I think Chelsea is supposed to be Rosemary (Mia Farrow) in Rosemary's Baby.
    Unless she cut her hair?

  26. I don't know who Chris Colfer is and i don't know which man he is in the photo, but I love that pissed off cat even if i don't get the costume references.

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  29. Okay I totally do not think JuHo is wearing blackface but darker makeup to look like the character on "Orange is the new Black". I can see the Al Jolson rude version as being offensive but this I do not. Apologies if others are offended by my perspective. I truly do "get" it. I do suppose she could have chosen another character from the show but maybe this one is her favorite?

    So onto Christian..Now he's a character from the 20's Al Jolson? Where do we draw the line?

    Urban Chaos: That's who Liev is..Now I get it.

    Rafi..No if you dressed like Khaleesi it would not be offensive to me. So that begs the question why, if a white person dresses as a black character without it being a caricature, why it becomes offensive.

    Like if I dressed like Erykah Badu with the scarves she wears on her head would some consider that offensive? Now if I dressed like Aunt Jemima with black face like Christian Adiger I think there really would be no question if it was offensive.

    I'm not trying to start an argument, just genuinely curious. Can white people EVER portray a person of color without it being considered offensive?

  30. I loathe Julianne, but I'm inclined to give her a pass on this one. The girl has her head stuck up her ass and didn't think of how it could be offensive.

    I *love* Crazy Eyes. She's one of the most interesting characters on the show. The actress who plays her (too lazy to look it up at the moment) is definitely going on to bigger and better things. She is so freaking talented.

    I do consider black face to be different than what Julianne did. Still, I certainly understand why people are offended, and it made me do a double take with a WTF for good measure.

    The commenters who suggested she should have dressed up as Piper. Who wants to be Piper? She's b o r i n g .

  31. NO! Christian Audiger is NOT wearing blackface. Please stop repeating this.

    KnobJockey is right, he is portraying a voodoo character, probably Baron Samedi, but I wouldn't swear to it. I knew it was something I recognized from New Orleans, and his date is costumed in a similar vein even if she is not wearing the makeup. It's a look similar to the death parades (argh the correct term has escaped me), the ones with jazz music and such. That is the look that Audiger is going for, not blackface. (But yeah, the Ed Hardy stuff is still shit).

  32. Yep, I think Audiger is supposed to be Baron Samedi and the woman Maman Brigitte..

  33. Anonymous8:25 AM

    No one ever talks about yellow face. I need an excuse to be outraged so someone caucasian dress up like Charlie Chan. Please.
