Friday, October 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Ben Affleck shows off his recent workouts.
Britney Spears and her coffee photo of the day.
I kind of feel like Diane Kruger is dressed like a nurse here and is about to give a sponge bath.
Demi Lovato and that hair of hers. I really don't like it. It's old Katy Perry.
Fran Drescher in a rare pap photo.
George Clooney found someone to take home.
Hello Gabrielle Union.
Long time no see in the photos for Alyson Hannigan.
Kirsten Dunst mangled her hand. Probably bit by a lion. Or she fell down.


  1. Demi's hair has got to be a dollar tree wig.
    Damn, Gabrielle is divine!

  2. Damn you and your money Dywane Wade!

  3. I just came here to say something similar, Sandy. That Union broad is some HOT chocolate. Too bad being with Wade ruins it. Didn't Gabby wreck his marriage?

  4. Gabrielle does look good and so does Affleck for that matter. France, honey, bra, sweetie darling.

    1. Fran not France. My phone wouldn't let me write bra either.

  5. Someone get the Nanny a bra!

  6. Gabrielle is perfection. She is in her 40's!

    I will never understand why Demi Lovato is as famous as she is.

  7. Gabrielle is so beautiful.

    I can't unsee that photo of Drescher.

  8. Fran needs a bra stat!!!

    Diane looks super tiny in that outfit.

  9. I have always thought Gabrielle is one of the most beautiful actresses working today, and she's just magnetic onscreen. Not sure why she isn't a bigger star.

  10. Yes, Fran needs a bra. She also needs to wear t-shirts, cammies etc. that are made of thicker material. I can practically see the outline of lint in her belly button. Not flattering either...

  11. whoah!
    i thought that was AnnE w/ Clooney.

  12. If anyone frequents lipstick alley, there is some interesting commentary on Gabby and her "stank box." True or not, it certainly gave me some good laughs!

  13. Gabby looks gorg!

    @count, while I'm not one for home wreckers, siovaughn wade is a ratchet mess. Dwayne was bound to leave her.

  14. @melpomene25 - I know exactly what you speak of, so funny! It's like the Eva Mendes commentary x1000.

    Always a goldmine reading about Gabby and Sanaa.

  15. I see Ben is getting buff. Me likie

  16. Oh Fran, there's really no excuse for that. Yikes.

  17. Diane K. Is way to thin. Franny on the other hand, I hope I can let it all hang out at her age.

  18. Hey I was gonna say at least Fran is comfortable! Except for boobs which must hurt.

  19. @Count Dwyanes wife is trouble so I don't really know if Gabrielle broke up the marriage or he left her. The ex keeps suing him for various reasons and honestly even though I hate the Heat Dwyane seems like a decent guy.

  20. Gabrielle must have made a hell of a deal with the devil himself, she looks hot damn good.

  21. Oh Ben. That's a nice look. Even if, for me, you are dangerously underweight.

    Gabrielle Union looks fantastic, the only thing that could be better would be if there was a picture of D Wade in a speedo next to her. Word.

    Ohhhhh Clooney.

  22. Hey, where's DocP? She used to drink wine with me on the weekend

  23. That sure sounds likes a reveal about Kirsten Dunst.

  24. Yay, Surfer, you're up!

  25. Omfg. Literally 5 minutes ago I bought a j. crew shirt off ebay. Then I come to cdan and britney spears, the world's worst dresser, is wearing the exact same shirt. Fml.

  26. I thought there was a new law that paps couldn't photograph celebrities kids?

  27. I want Demi Lovato to stop looking so fake and forced and desperate. I want it now.

  28. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Krueger is such a flawless classy bitch. And i mean that in the nicest sense. Flawless.

  29. I guess it's awards season because Affleck is out with his kids.

  30. I cannot deal with Gabrielle Union, she is too lovely. She looks like a doll. Very beautiful
