Monday, October 21, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Carol Burnett gets the top spot for her Mark Twain award.
Benedict Cumberbatch making another box office bomb, this time bringing Keira Knightley down with him.
This is Beyonce after bungee jumping. I will give her some respect for doing this and she actually did it, unlike her pregnancy.
Ross Lynch and Bella Thorne pretend to like each other while filming a yogurt commercial.
David Beckham leaves a Hobbit's house. OK, could be someone who likes small doors.
Denise Richards takes her kids and Charlie's kids horseback riding. Charlie probably filmed it for gambling purposes.
Eva Mendes at the airport. Has a bag!!
The woman in the background is a teacher in Florida in class and in labor. Perfect time for a selfie.
Gwyneth Paltrow tries to get out a tear. Ends up sharting.


  1. Gwinnie Poops not happy about something?

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Ha ha ha! Enty! Lol@ Goopy sharting. I'm sure if she did draw mud, it would be in the finest spun unicorn hair knickers.

  3. BC another box office bomb? Only the Fifth Estate, and by all accounts both he and the other guy are excellent, so I don't think it's going to harm him.

  4. Lol Enty...good one on the gwynnie sharting thing

  5. Why the hate on BC? The guy is amazing in everything he does. And has plenty of credit after Star Trek and Hobbit.

  6. LOL @ the teacher in labor while the student takes a selfie. Ah, the perks of teaching.

  7. They couldn't get a sub for the teacher in labor or send an administrator in to take over? Side note, the lack of substitute teachers in all our local districts lately make me wonder if people aren't as interested in becoming teachers as they used to be?

  8. Alexa: Hell NO people don't want to be teachers anymore. It's not worth it. Which is tragic on every single level. Why we care so little about education here in the US I will never understand.

    Goop looks like she's laughing, not crying

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Don't get me started on teachers. Shitty pay, expecting them to be surrogate parents, educators (their job) + counsellors, and just about everything else under the sun....

    2. @Rach

      Shitty pay? NSW teachers draw a really decent salary. Maybe there are state differences, or maybe you and I have different benchmarks!

      Ps: no pay on this gorgeous earth is enough for going into labour in front of high school students. They aren't known as the most sympathetic of groups (packs?).

    3. A lot of school districts in Tx require a minimum of an Associates, some even a bachelor's degree. Just to sub!! And Rick Perry laid off 5000 teachers, who are subbing for an income. It's a tough market!

  9. I don't know who Benedict is. Well, now I know he did Star Trek and The Hobbit.

  10. Reno - he is Sherlock in the BBC series Sherlock and he is WONDERFUL.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      msgirl : I was always a fan of the old basil rathbone & Jeremy Brett incarnations, but BC was born to play him. Best. Version. Ever.
      Also huge Mark Gatiss (league of gentlemen) and Steven Moffit fan. I'm a nerd.

    2. Benny can do no wrong in my book. Fabulous actor and gracious to fans.

  11. Whatever happened to that adopted daughter Denise Richards has?

  12. Yeah! No Alba or Frankel today! However, I do see Jennifer Garner called the paps again.

  13. Benedict is one weird looking guy. And that student taking a giggly selfie while his teacher is in labor is an asshole.

  14. Benedict Cumberbatch was also great in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - a GREAT movie.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Agree discoflux!

    2. One of my favorite films and an excellent book!

  15. what is with the Benedict hate? i might start complaining about Fugazi Enty for the first time in my [Blogger] life!!!!!
    he might not be a classic beauty a-la Brad Pitt but the guy can act and he has shown as much on multiple occasions!
    Suck it Jax!!!

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      L: and yet there's only love for him in the comments! Interesting...

  16. Anonymous2:30 PM

    @KP - you mean Daisy, the love child of Charlie and a one-night-stand? She's probably at home with Irv, or the nanny ... she's been in lots of photos in other publications of late.

  17. @Blake Dreary thanks. I felt like I hadn't seen or heard mention of her in a while.

  18. I didn't realize we hated Ben C now. Not getting on that bandwagon, Enty.

    The Gwynnie line made me laugh.

  19. Oh no you didn't!! This BC hate is unfounded, he is a great actor and as they mentioned, he was born to play Sherlock.

  20. @Rach.. i did not understand your comment.. please forgive me: late night and high fever - help please?

  21. @ Naughty Nurse, I think the kids must have been very excited about her going into labor. Kids are kids. I don't think the selfie was that bad. He was capturing the moment. The teacher probably just started labor - you can see she's on the phone.

    Benedict Cumberbatch - I didn't get the appeal either until I saw him in Sherlock. The man is a freaking brilliant actor. It was my first time seeing him in action, and oh my god, I am now a fan for life.

  22. @Sherry and Rach, totally agree 100% and I am a teacher. I would tell anyone considering going into the teaching field not to do it unless the want to teach at the college level.

  23. 'pretend to like each other' -- is that a blind clue?

  24. Carol Burnet looks great! What a career she has!!

    I applaud Bey. I would have passed right out from fright.

    Denise is a saint.

    Beckham and child must be having fun.

    Totally agree Goop sharted!

  25. Lots of great acting in movies that "bomb" at the box office. Americans love to watch predictable crap that coincides with their own biases.

    1. @Higgs, I hate to get into a quibble with a noted intellectual like yourself, but at least 50% of the box office for U.S. blockbusters is international, not domestic. Lots of Chinese, Indian and (gasp!) European moviegoers watching those blow-em-up epics.

  26. I never realized that Gwynneth has such noticeable hair plug extensions. They look almost Bertney-like from this angle. I guess her bff Bey Bey told her where to buy good blond hair.

  27. I never really got the BC love all this time, until he did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit recently. He was so hilarious I'm a convert fan. Love him now!

  28. BC was in The Hobbit? His Sherlock co-star was in The Hobbit, not BC...

    1. Martin Freeman is the guy. You're right. Not the wonderful BC

    2. Nope he was in the Hobbit. he voiced a character in the first film and will be the voice of Smaug in the next two films.
