Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Proposal Planned By Kim Kardashian And Kanye- She Picked Out Ring

There was no huge surprise that Kim Kardashian got proposed to by Kanye West. There was also no surprise about which venue where it would take place or the date. There was no surprise about the ring. Everything about the proposal was planned in advance and Kim picked out the ring just like she picked out the last ring from her last engagement before she planned out that proposal. Apparently there are no surprises in Kim's life other than probably the fact that Kanye might have had sex with her once. That probably came as a shocker.

Once again the media has fallen prey to the Kardashian media train and a version of events that differs from reality. Of course if Kanye had tried to surprise Kim with a ring and proposal Kim and Kris would have made him do it again anyway just so they could have press there and sell the photos and also to inquire whether it would be appropriate to film it for television like they did the last one.

I do love how Kim picked out a much bigger ring last engagement.


  1. who cares what they do.I guess to them, this is normal behavior.

  2. I still don't understand why Yeesus chose AT&T park to rent. What was wrong with Dodger's Stadium? Was it too expensive?

  3. See, the Gays are ruining marriage.

  4. So silly. On another note, does anyone else think her blonde hair is just making her look sickly?

  5. Kanye does look genuinely happy though.

  6. Aside from the other 1947328 reasons she's an idiot, she should have let him pick out the ring.
    He is way more fancypants than she is.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      ^true Bacon Ranch!

  7. The "Meeee" in the sign says everything we need to know about Kanye West. And Kim.

  8. This is one of the gaudiest couples ever.

  9. I just have no patience at all with people who think this guy is a genius. He will be forgotten within a decade, maybe quicker. He is this generation's Lauren Hill. Or maybe the two of them are the modern-day version of Burt Reynolds and Loni Andersen.

    1. Woah bite your tongue. .no need to bring Ms. Hill into this fiasco

  10. henriette, Im sure att cut him abetter deal, ie, he didnt pay or paid much less. Its always an angle with these peeps. And no ring can make her short fat fingers look nice!

  11. And who was there to help celebrate? None other than Joe Douchenozzle Francis, keeping it klassy.

  12. Her face is looking stiffer than usual.

  13. Yeezy and Sleezy

  14. Kanye really does looks genuinely happy these days. This might be why: Kanye is a closeted gay. What has been unfolding with Kanye and KPig over the last year, ie the pregnancy, the birth of Compass Direction, now the engagement and the pending marraige, all make Kanye look straight. Stupid, but straight. It doesn't matter if the marraige takes place or not because in Kanye's tiny little mind he thinks that he has now accomplished the only thing that really matters to him: fooling the world into thinking that he is straight.

    1) Marries KPig and stays married. Live seperate lives. Looks straight.
    2) Marries KPig and divorces. Gets to play the "burned out on marraige" card. Never has to get married again. Looks straight.
    3) Doesn't marry KPig. Gets to play the "heart forever broken" card. Doesn't ever have to touch an icky girl again. Looks straight.

    Bottom line, Kanye gets to look straight by "fathering" a child and being engaged, maybe even married, and he gets a ton of song material. Swift is probably watching alll of this very closely.

  15. I dont like any pics of Kim and Kanye smiling like that. They do not deserve that sort of happiness by being delinquent braggarts celebrating how rich and famous they flash no one cares except ghetto ass women with NO self respect

  16. everyone deserves happiness
    wtf is wrong with you

    people are weird

  17. Who's the giddy fella next to Kanye? He sure looks thrilled.

  18. I meant to ask if it was Ricardo? If so, I can now see why Yeezy has such a genuine smile. Maybe the proposal was between those two.

  19. @Henriette, all of my fellow Giants fans are saying they chose AT&T because no one at Dodger Stadium has gotten a ring since '88. ;)

    Though I'm pissed they rented out AT&T, I did find out it only costs $35K to rent out, so he clearly broke the bank. I just hope they didn't curse the Giants.

    1. He's a Barry Bonds fan. He also has a couple of concerts here in the Bay Area. Loves SF and want to move here. Ugh!

  20. nurysp- does Sandusky deserve happiness? Does Joe Francis?

    I understand your point, but NOT everyone deserves happiness.

    These two make me sick. her and her fat ass, him and his inability to shut up.

    They will NOT get married. He has been engaged TWICE before, and did not marry either woman.

  21. I think Kanye genuinely cares for her, either romantically or platonically, and he does favors for Kris because of how he cares for Kim. They've known each other for nine years and were photographed together as friends before they started dating. So if she's bearding I don't think it's an out-of-nowhere Hough/Seacrest deal but it's a way for Kim to have a kid and a happy marriage for a while and a favor to Kanye out of friendship.

    There's no doubt that that kid is theirs, though. AI or not, she looks just like them both. Some parts of this relationship are real.

  22. Nutty flavor, really Lauren Hill? She legitimately has mental difficulties, Kanye just has a narcissistic addiction to attention that is a self inflicted condition. He's a skilled producer but she's an outstanding artist who still is capable of creating music far ahead of her time. Please don't compare the two.

  23. My husband & I picked my engagement ring together; then he waited 21 months before he proposed.

  24. I was intrigued by the sign itself as well. The word "you" doesn't appear as in a traditional proposal, just the drawn out "meee!!!, with exclamation points. He did say please which is nice.

  25. I hope Kanye lets Kim finish her vows.

  26. I hope Kanye lets Kim finish her vows.

  27. I hope Kanye lets Kim finish her vows.

  28. as for baseball venue, it's the only sport from which Kim hasn't banged a dude. I am in noooo way a fan of k or k. I see Kim bagging the "huge" star. But I don't get what is in it for him. He is so arrogant I don't see him caring who thinks he's gay or not. If he is he's fine keeping it on DL I would imagine. I'm confused. He really does look happy in pic. Maybe it is real for him.

  29. Ring wise, this one is a lot better. It might one karat size smaller, but it's worth is 4 million smackeroos more than her engagement ring from the last one. Girl is smart and knows her diamonds. Always digging.

  30. This is crazy, I picked out my engagement ring, who cares? And isn't he supposed to have been in love with her for years but is also gay? All I know is girl does NOT look happy since having a baby, never smiles. I like the blonde hair though.

  31. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Absolutely everything about this hideous family is fake and staged. I don't think Kanye realises what he's getting into ...

    And on another note, why has KPimp started dressing like a man?

    Kim looks very 'different' of late ... there's something dead about her eyes.

  32. I was rooting for Kanye and AmberRose... those two crazy kids knew how to throw down on the brandy.

  33. I so do not want Yeesus and that piss slut to move to my hometown. SF has enough problems.

  34. By the time this bitch on her sixth marriage, she'll need a ring bigger than a baby. And you KNOW there's gonna be a sixth.

  35. Maybe he loves her in a Liza, Cher, Judy Garland way?

  36. CeeKay yes there will be a 6th marriage of the rumors are true and she wants to be married more that Liz. Liz got the money when she left though. Kim will be paying for them all(except for maybe Kanye).

    And S.Joy-Jeebus girl..Can't you throw up a bad picture to make some of us feel better? God you're just gorgeous!

  37. S. Joy IS a stunner! Good catch Sherry.
