Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Parks And Recreation Says Buh Bye November 21

With the NBC schedule already in the toilet and Rob Lowe and Rashida Jones headed out the door, the network has decided that November 21st will be the last episode of parks ever aired. They won't say that publicly of course. The only thing they will say publicly is that all the episodes will be filmed because they can sell them to syndication but the only two episodes they will show are November 14 and November 21st. Unless a meteor hits The Voice and knocks them out there will be no more Parks And Recreation. It never found an audience but it did stick around long enough to air its episodes forever. Do you think maybe Ron Swanson could get his own show?

I know many of you think it will be back in January but between now and January NBC is planning on finding anything to fill that time slot and hope they will have something in place. Anything would be better than the ratings they are getting now.


  1. I never watched it or Community.

  2. The Voice is starting to get on my nerves.

  3. Damn, I love this show.

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeee sssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Boo Wanton! I thought you were a doughy, tasty, Asian treat but you throw disrespect at a rad show! I'm complaining. To my mum.

    3. Tell mum hello!

    4. Anonymous7:17 AM

      She says hi Wanton, and why the heck didn't you call on her birthday?

    5. I had already used up my one phone call.

    6. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Say hi to Sean.

  5. I have never found this show funny or entertaining.

  6. Excuse me. I'd like to complain about this! I love this show.

  7. On no, I love the swings!

  8. Rashida Jones is one of those cool kids I'm supposed to like, but don't. She seems to be everywhere like cheap toilet paper, but nothing stands out for me.

  9. Ron Swanson did get hos own show. A cartoon called Axe Cop.

  10. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Oh I LOVE the Swanson. He gives me the HORN! That stache would tickle my lady bits. Be right back. In about, ten mins?

  11. The saddest of faces.

    Love this show like Leslie loves waffles.

  12. That NBC Thursday night line up sure has gone right down the shitter.

  13. they always try to make things last longer than they should

    ruins a good thing

  14. This article is completely stupid. NBC has benched many shows. Community was shelved repeatedly for months but the episodes still aired. Actually, Community has shot most of the fifth season before they even got a date at which the episodes would air.

    In this case, the show has a full season order and it was quite obvious it would be the final season. Canceling abruptly the show and leaving the main stories without closure for a show that got many fans among the critics would damage their image.

  15. The Blacklist on Monday nights is the biggest hit new show & it's on NBC.
    Almost all of the new comedies are flopping except for the Robin Williams & Michael J Fox shows.

    1. Brooklyn 99 was given a full season order.

  16. Are the Robin Williams and MJFox shows doing well? I gave them both a try, but they were bad -- especially the MJFox show, which was painful to watch.

  17. NBC is trying broad comedy with known names (Mike O'Malley, Mary McCormick, Michael J. Fox, Sean Hayes, Linda Lavin, Megan Hilty) and it's not working. Welcome to the Family was canceled, and Sean and Michael's shows have been consistently reviewed as "things I'd watch to kill time". NBC needs to stop trying to be CBS because it and no one else ever will be, and significantly cut down on their business, and then produce more quality comedy shows. They have the Voice nd this blacklist show and a few other hits, so try to drum up more big star shows for drama and reality.

  18. Parks was a week Office replacement and just never caught on despite the hype. Community was good for a year or so but jumped the shark and has become unwatchable.

  19. fuck!!!!!!! what am i going to watch while i eat my steak?

  20. I would love to know who that Mike O'Malley has video of blowing goats, because the dude has been on more failed sitcoms than anyone I can recall.

    Does anyone know of a site that lists people with the greatest # of failed pilots/quickly canceled shows? That would be a great list to see.

    I like it when they have 3-4 people signed to developmental deals, and after a few failures each, they throw em into a show together and cross their fingers. Literally throwing shit at a wall and hoping it will stick.

    1. @Count I would love to see a website dedicated to that. The closest thing I can think of is The Jump The Shark website, but that website just isn't the same after TV Guide absorbed it.

  21. parks is hilarious. at first i was like, nope to nope. i skipped to the second season and became addicted.

    never could get into community.i never liked the office. ugh, it just bored me to shit...guess i need that rashida jones toilet paper.

    1. Orvilla, I never liked the Office either (well the US version) and also skipped to the 2nd season P&R! I thought I was the only one :)

    2. +1 om that skipping. I am now in love w/ Parcs n rec !

  22. I hope to Christ you are wrong about this.

  23. This post is incorrect. The NBC release says that Parks & Rec will be back with its 100th ep on January 9th. You might want to actually read what's sent out.

  24. Yeah I thought Parks and Rec was a good show with decent market share? I didn't watch it religiously but liked it when I did. Syndication isn't a bad half life for actors or shows. It usually makes them more than the original run.

  25. It's weird how things are cyclical. Obviously this is forever in entertainment years, but go back to the late 90's with Must-See TV. Thursday night was:

    7:30 - WINGS
    8 - SEINFELD
    8:30 - FRASIER
    9 - LA LAW

    They'd eventually get FRIENDS and ER and move FRASIER & MAD ABOUT YOU to anchor other nights.

    Not their Thursday night lineup is in the crapper, and CBS has BBT & NCIS, the two most-watched shows. Everything changes.

    This year it's unbelievable how blah all the new shows are. They could cancel every new show and I wouldn't care. I dvr a few of them, but I watch them for lack of something to do, not because I like them.

  26. Alan Sepinwall just called you out on Twitter:

    "Nonsense from someone who can't read a press release."


  27. Oh no!! I had a feeling. This season just hasn't been up to par. I love Parks and Rec. But, I live in a small town and was a small town news gal so all of the town hall meetings and small town politics and such are hysterical to me. I can see all of that being lost on people who just can not relate.

    The side characters make the show: Donna, Ron, Tom and the Chris Pratt dude. And I thought Rob Lowe was great.

  28. And I must admit I loved the recent epi when Ron Swanson wanted to get off the grid. That was awesome.

    And when Donna and Tom treat yoself. Oh, yeah.

  29. @DJ/Rapper: That is a second tier line up. Back when they had Cosby/Family Ties/Cheers/Night Court, I think they were the top 4 rated shows on TV.

  30. Poehler and Fay are extremely overrated. They just aren't funny

  31. More clarification, from Adam Scott, who's on the show, via Twitter:

    "Parks & Rec fans don't worry, that Vulture article is misleading--we are not on "hiatus" at all...and Parks will be back with Community in a regular time slot at the beginning of Jan. Nothing to see here. All is well."

    Soooo... will there be any correction on this? Or is this blog one of those "post a lie, enjoy the traffic and never correct the record" deals?

  32. let's be real here, the reason nbc's thursday night lineup always fails is because nothing can beat the big bang theory. that show will always win the ratings that night.

  33. Count, I miss that old original Thursday night lineup. I still consider Night Court to be the best sitcom ever made. Dan Fielding is my hero and Christine Sullivan my TV crush.

  34. @Rowdy: Yes. I was pissed when Night Court was moved to Wednesdays.

    If I had to pick an old school NBC TV crush, it would have been Crystal Bernard, but I was into her more when she was on that Ann Jillian cocktail waitress show than Wings.

  35. I love Parks & Rec. Never got into it originally, then started a marathon viewing on NetFlix. And now I love it and everyone on it.

    Even Ron Swanson's 70's porn mustache, which could have its own show.

  36. @ Count - It's a Living

    I watched A LOT of TV as a kid.

  37. That was it. I think it was on a UHF station with Too Close For Comfort (them daughters was HOT!) and Busom Buddies.

  38. Never watched it and won't miss it.

  39. I love Parks & Rec. I was surprised by how attached I would get to the character's relationships.

  40. Funny, no meteor hit the Voice, and yet it sure seems like Parks and Recreation aired an episode last night. On the same day NBC said they would air it.

    You should read press releases more closely and stop making stuff up.
