Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Off Topic

I want you to know it is possible to eat two pounds of chocolate covered pretzels before work in the morning.


  1. Its also possible to have to sit on the toilet for a 1/2 hour before lunchtime because you did that :)

    1. @sandybrook, would explain the Chris Brown posts. :b

  2. That would set in motion a complete and total barf-o-rama...

  3. If this is an attempt to convince us that you really are a fat lawyer living in his parents basement... lmao

    You are undoubtedly female for starters because the writing isn't masculine. Give it up!

  4. Dark chocolate ?

  5. I once ate a 5 lbs bag on pistachio nuts in one sitting. Mind you due to high iron content in pistachios, I was unable to have a bowel movement for 4 days. I am normally very regular so this was a shock to my system.

    1. @borg queen - are pistachios really that high in iron? I'm super super below where I'm supposed to be on my iron levels and an excuse to eat pistachios would be awesome.

  6. Chocolate covered pretzels?
    Try raspberry drizzled snail and get back to me.

    1. I prefer blackberry drizzled snail.

  7. That is "yum" and "ew" all rolled into one.

  8. Try eating too many sugar free gummy bears. Then you'll know something.

  9. Did anyone else see Enty on E!? It was a speacial on secret soceities????

    1. @Alist. I did, and wonder if the Enty on the show is really just one of his minions posing as him to protect his identity. If not, shit is going to hit the fan because they didn't do a very good job concealing his identity.
      Also, it'd be nice if Enty would mention his appearance!

    2. @melpomene25
      OMG thank you! This whole Enty/E thing has me completely stumped. NO mention of this on his blog, yet he shamelessly asks for twitter followers? Explain yourself, Lawyer Man

  10. So, I'm going to off topic on our off topic thread. Did anyone else see Lainey's post about RDJ and her need to throw shade at CDAN? She's probably pissed because Enty (or someone posing as the OG Enty) got a spot on the E show and she didn't.

  11. Enty apparently isn't overweight. At all. He's balding, and has acne scars. Weird he never mentioned that he would be on the show.

    1. Pip, going off the E special I think Enty is David Caruso.

    2. @ethorne, whaaaaa? David Caruso the actor from CSI? I must see this and google is not helping. :/

  12. Well no wonder Gisele pics are so disheartening to Enty.

  13. @Melpomene25 Lainey is pathetic and annoying LOL. She's definitely super jelly that she was passed over for the E! special. Sorry Lainey, your blinds suck.

    1. Lol @Om. I like the format Lainey uses for her site and a lot of her commentary. However, it seems that as her posts become less and less, her negativity increases. She needs to chill out and smoke a bowl or something

    2. Her sources have definitely cut her off...that's what she gets for being so public. She does need to chill lol

  14. or a bag of caramel apple candy corn

  15. I ate 3 jars of green olives in one sitting and it was a bad idea.

  16. Melpomene25 I thought Lainey had a spot on E!? At least a few years ago, maybe as a guest commenter or something? She yapped about some tv appearances a lot. Then again, it was a few years ago and I don't follow her.

    1. @ Bacon, I think I remember her mentioning something about E!, but don't recall what came of it. Maybe it was a webshow? Anyways, I just find it a little funny that Enty happened to get an appearance on the show and, by Tuesday, she found a way to work in the whole himmmm debacle.

  17. Is this a Howard Stern reference from this morning...because if enty listens, it will make me love him more.

  18. This is proof positive that Enty is a woman, because only a woman having PMS could eat two pounds of chocolate covered pretzels before work in the morning.

  19. Lainey is an idiot. She is now on a talk show on a Canadian channel (CTV) that is styled on the lines of The View or The Talk. I saw it for the first time today. She is annoying, and brings nothing to the show.

  20. j-Jessie, do yuo crave salt? i was very anemic for years, not realizing it, and would eat pounds of corn nuts. Once I found out about the anemia I googled symptoms and salt cravings came up.

  21. oops, should not be typing with my left hand while watching tv. Sorry.



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