No One Knows How Finn Dies
Glee missed an opportunity last night to talk to people about drugs. Glee, with it's memorable songs did what it does best in their tribute to the life of Cory Monteith who played Finn on the show. What they failed to do is give the audience a reason for the death of Finn. Nothing. Nada. He died but no one knows why. To me you don't have to talk about drugs if you don't want to but I don't think it's very realistic at a school to have someone die and not talk about how they died. Did anyone ever die at your high school or college? I bet people talked about how that person died. I personally think they should have said that Finn died of drugs. Why not? Don't you think Cory would want people to not get involved with what he was involved with? The whole if it helps one person then it is worth it mantra I think applies here. They missed their chance and they missed reality when they just ignored the how completely.