Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nicole Kidman And Fame

If you were going to come up with two female celebrities who can manipulate the media the most who would those two people be? For me it would be Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer gets to use it more often because she is photographed more frequently but Nicole is so good when she gets those chances and her manipulation is done on the biggest red carpets on the planet so she has to make hers count.

In the December issues of Vanity Fair Nicole talks about her marriage to Tom Cruise but only spews out a few half-truths about her marriage which she called amazing and wonderful and romantic and they were crazy in love. OK, so maybe more than a few. She then veers off and compares herself and Tom to Brangelina when it comes to the level of fame she had with Tom.

Tom was a huge movie star when they were married but I think Brangelina is at a higher level of fame. I think there are lots of people in the world who are at a higher level than Nicole and Tom were. Nicole says that amount of fame is intoxicating. I'm sure that combined with the money they had makes her wish every day that Tom had not divorced her.

Nicole then takes her car off the side of the road with this next quote. “Having experienced extreme fame and now getting to a place where it’s not so dominating in my life, I’m always surprised when I go somewhere and people know who I am,”

Nicole Kidman would scream and die if you did not recognize her instantly. She would wither away for the rest of the day and shed real tears if she went out in public and no one did a double take or try and speak with her or photograph her.


  1. Whatever. #teamnicole

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I'm with you Renoblondee: Enty has some weird grudge against Nicole. I'm hardly a fan of the Narnia white witch, but really? Give it a break, get yourself a hot water bottle, some timtams & ponstan Enty.

  2. This was actually a well done write-up.
    Pretty clever, even. Is there a new Entern?

    I'm just waiting for her death bed tell-all book. That woman knows some pretty intere$ting $h*t.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      @Bacon Ranch : clever : "Entern".

  3. Whatever. .

    When are we getting the scoop on Goop? I thought that was supposed to be the next Vanity Fair. That is the one I'm buying.

  4. Nicole doesn't bother me as much as JA.

    1. @a non a miss What do you have against Julie Andrews?

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Julie Andrews always makes me think of Bedazzled (the good one, with Cook and Moore)

  5. Agree a non, at least Nicole doesn't try to play the victim all the time.

  6. @Bacon Ranch, the jealous Entern is the literate one!

  7. @a non a miss, yeah, JAS bothers me a lot too.

    @Bacon, I think they're gathering up for the big finale.

  8. LOL good writing enty

  9. nicole = yawn.
    I'm more interested in reading whatever article that "the wife that outfoxed Kristen Stewart..." line at the top is about.

  10. Anonymous7:02 AM

    It was half true : they weren't in love, but there was a lot of crazy floating around that (and any Tom/female union) "relationship".

  11. Next week, we'll go back to the Goopy hater.

  12. Goop hater is on Thursdays.

  13. As a plebian who has met Nicole, I can testify she is endearing and kind. Twice - once during the Tommy years and once right before Keith, I have had a chance run in. Smiling, cherry and nice is what I remember on both occasions.

  14. What else can she do, IMO. She has to hang on to the hope her children will blow, and not be declared. I like her a lot.
    Oh, Isabella, call your Mother.

  15. The more hate spewed, the more I like her.

  16. Here in Nashville, the other day I seen her fart butterflies as her and Keith urinated into the mouth of a thirsty homeless man. Wonderful people.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Count: pure poetry. I'd let them cupcake & golden shower me any day.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm kind of impressed. I think that Nicole talking about her former level of fame being "intoxicating" is probably the most honest thing she has ever said.

  19. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Nicole's prime was BMX bandits with that awesome ranga fro.

  20. Did Tom divorce her? I thought she got off the $cientology train and that's why they divorced and why she doesn't see her kids anymore.

    1. @Victoria I think he's the one that pushed for it. Wasn't their some phone call released between the two where she was begging for him not to do it? Anyone remember this?

  21. Um, kiddos, yep, Tom and Nicole were THE power couple in Hollywood.

    Nicole wasn't too shabby of a star then, either, what with her Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations for "Moulin Rouge." Of course, she shortly thereafter got an Academy Award for "The Hours"--an award which Tom STILL hasn't gotten, but hey, it's all about the guys, isn't it?

    (Yes, I'm still pissed about Enty labeling Kate Winslet as B-list...)

  22. Im gonna go with JLO as master manipulator, not aniston. Maybe that is how she really feels about everything. Why you gotta hate? What did she ever do to you, Enty?

  23. Actually they were as famous as Brad & Angie…they certainly looked better on the red carpet…
    And since Tom bathes I'll go with Nicole on this

  24. I agree I wouldnt lable Nicole or Jen as master manipulators. JLo, and Julia maybe.

  25. Yep, they were right up there with Brangelina. As for master manipulators, Ktrash gets the gold coated plastic cup for that. Beyonce isn't far behind.

  26. So tired of all the Jennifer Aniston hate...get over it!

  27. Does Tom coach all his wives to use the term "Amazing?" He must really love that word.

  28. Kristin, thanks for the intel, I'll look into it!

  29. The Enty that wrote this must be young if they don't get that Tom and Nicole were just as famous as Brangelina. The difference is that there wasn't the level of internet gossip and media coverage then. But they were on the cover of People about every 3rd week.
    I think Nicole gets a bum rap and I think it was all started and perpetuated by the Scientology peeps. I bet she was pressured to say great things about Tom by her kids with him in order to help his rep and maintain her relationship with them.

  30. @MISCH Exactly! They were MOVIE STARS--not celebrities. We only saw them in public when they were cleaned up and publicist-primed, and quite frankly, I liked that about them a lot. Nicole still has some of that mystic about her. However, Tom jumped on a couch and became human and I'll never forgive him for that.

  31. Agree that Tom and Nicole were A++++. I would argue that Tom started to lose his star power after the Oprah couch incident.

  32. *cough* I meant "mystique." Um, Damn you auto-correct??

    (Kidding. I'm a crappy speller.)

  33. Wow...she's become so humble now.

    Oh...and she and Tom were never as big as Ang and Brad. Brad and Ang were A+ when they met. They made a name for themselves. Nicole only became famous because of Tom...then she was able to hold her own.

  34. Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise were as equal, or more, famous than Brangelina. Simply because Cruise was the biggest star in the world back then, Pitt or Jolie have never had Cruise's level of fame. Cruise is on a whole different level for stars.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. If Nicole Kidman is as bad and evil as Enty always says, why is it that she and Cate Blanchett are the only serious female actors that are always working with credible directors? Despite usual bad box office? :S

    Julia Roberts rep has killed her career, but Kidman is supposed to be worse (acorrding to this site) and she's still working? :S

  37. That last paragraph just kills me. Really, why the hate? Eat another bag of chocolate covered pretzels and get over it.

  38. Tom and Nicole were the golden couple back in the day, but it was very different then because there was no Internet. If they were a couple today everyone would be laughing at them and saying Tom was religious nut and Nicole was Tom's beard. Back in the early 1990s the public didn't know so much dirt.

  39. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Does she have children? You never see her with any. Shit's gonna blow up in Smashville when she gets embarassed about who Keith Druggie Urban is screwing now...

  40. ill take jennifer crynston over this crazy ass lady anyday

  41. Did anyone ask her about her botox addiction? This woman has seriously over injected her face.

  42. I don't like em, but her & Tom WERE huge.
    She alwasy seemed shy about it I thought.



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