Michelle Rodriguez Comes Out
It took forever but Michelle Rodriguez finally admitted what the world already knew. She is bisexual. Oras she put it, "I have gone both ways." I think she has definitely gone both ways in the past but I don't think she has gone both ways in a very long time. It's a start though and Amber Heard came out as a lesbian and the next thing you know she decided she was a bisexual and that being with Johnny Depp was the right decision for her and gave up women entirely except when Johnny allows her to have a little fun which I'm told is often because Amber really misses being with women and is having a tough time with this whole pretending to just like guys thing.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Michelle says she knows fans are curious since she's never walked a red carpet with anyone. "I've never walked the carpet with anyone, so they wonder: What does she do with her vagina?" she tells EW. "Plus, I play a butchy girl all the time, so they assume I'm a lesbo and, they're not too far off," Rodriguez says. "I've gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too f**king curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks."
I don't think I've seen Michelle Rodriguez ever with a guy. The half dozen times I have run into her she was always with women and except when she has to talk to guys on set or for press I have never seen her even talk to a guy so I think that both ways stuff is from high school.