Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Michelle Rodriguez Comes Out

It took forever but Michelle Rodriguez finally admitted what the world already knew. She is bisexual. Oras she put it, "I have gone both ways." I think she has definitely gone both ways in the past but I don't think she has gone both ways in a very long time. It's a start though and Amber Heard came out as a lesbian and the next thing you know she decided she was a bisexual and that being with Johnny Depp was the right decision for her and gave up women entirely except when Johnny allows her to have a little fun which I'm told is often because Amber really misses being with women and is having a tough time with this whole pretending to just like guys thing.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Michelle says she knows fans are curious since she's never walked a red carpet with anyone. "I've never walked the carpet with anyone, so they wonder: What does she do with her vagina?" she tells EW. "Plus, I play a butchy girl all the time, so they assume I'm a lesbo and, they're not too far off," Rodriguez says. "I've gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too f**king curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks."

I don't think I've seen Michelle Rodriguez ever with a guy. The half dozen times I have run into her she was always with women and except when she has to talk to guys on set or for press I have never seen her even talk to a guy so I think that both ways stuff is from high school.


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